. It is easy to lose oneself in that Piscean world. But while all appears magically romantic, we can also overlook shortcomings in a relationship. She has an uncanny ability to read the needs and desires of others, almost as if they were her own. Venus is in Libra from September 29 to October 23, 2022. NYLON 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. And that's one of my favourite qualities about Venus and Pisces I always seem to like reorient my moral compass and actually find myself not just slogging along doing the right thing in a sort of Saturn like way, but I find myself doing the right thing because it's actually beautiful and it feels good to do so. Emotional issues could take centre stage at work. But passion must play a part in what you want to achieve or embark upon, too. Pisces never sees the world in black-and-white terms. Before you allow yourself to be influenced in such ways, step back and make a decision on your own without influence or pressure from someone or elsewhere. Connection helps us transcend our ego boundaries.Spiritually, opening up and making ourselves vulnerable is empowering. Not everyone deserves your gifts. So one of the ways you learn ancient astrology, or one of the ways that ancient astrologers taught astrology, was by teaching you a lot about the interconnection between different components of astrology. So this is a great transit for a lot of reasons. So, these are 10 qualities that you will see when Venus is exalted, exalted in Jupiter's feminine water sign of the fish. December 21: Sun enters Capricorn; Winter Solstice . This transit is not particularly strong for resolve or determination, but its good for adaptability and increased understanding or acceptance. Venus is moving direct again and has picked up speed. This FQM relates to the New Moon from May 30, 2022; it will also connect to the Full Moon on November 27, 2023. . Connect with your spiritual center and expand your knowledge with the Nightlight Astrology newsletter. Well, it's because, in part, when Mars is in the feminine, watery, double bodied sign of Jupiter, the feminine water sign of Jupiter, and the exultation of Venus, it will have to behave in accordance with the customs and gods of that temple. There's this weird way in which if you want to know what is good pay attention to what is truly beautiful. Venus is the archetype of love and sensuality. But while all appears magically romantic, we can also . A Venus transit through the first house washes over the sense of self like a warm shower. Venus enters Libra. And that's the that's the kind of Venus and Pisces feeling that I'm trying to get out here with these last two. The desire to fall in love and merge with the person we adore intensifies wonderfully. The Sublime. Venus in Pisces might just add a bit more sparkle to your world from this week. Until May 2, we'll be under a seductive love spell! Borders and boundaries blur under Venus in Pisces. Be kind to yourself.Spiritually, Venus in this house calls for mindfulness and simplicity. Who cares if it's realistic or not, you know what I mean? Not just aggrandized, but let's say amplified and amplified since maybe a better word, in this case, an amplified sense of what is good and and just and beautiful. "Now is the time to embrace romance, love, fantasy, creativity, and dreams," says Leslie Hale, psychic astrologer at, The vibes here are immaculate, if we do say so ourselves. She cant bear seeing others suffer and feels compelled to help. So the Courses page right here, and if you are new and just starting, you do not have a background yet in Hellenistic astrology, then you're probably going to want to go to the first year course. Cosmos of Astrology website uses cookies to improve your experience. It can also agitate a creative itch. We keep your data private and share your data only with third parties that make this service possible. Such historic Pisces transits will take you to your highest high, and just as soon crash your spaceship in the machine city, where gray disenchantment poisons the recent possibilities. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Until next week, take care, stay safe, and be happy. The twelfth house is not just the domain of charitable service, but also the house of self-undoing. , By continuing to use this website you agree to their use. And a great you know, obviously people who do this are doing good work. Until May 2, well be under a seductive love spell! Loose brainstorm-style interpretation of the centaur Chiron transiting through the astrological sign Aries. But then it may develop let's call it a romantic sense of mission and purpose, romantic sense of mission and purpose. Venus will be activating the 8th & 9th houses of my natal chart during her stay in Pisces. Experimental relationships Published: Saturday, April 2nd April 2022. No spam ever. Venus will make the following aspects during its stay in Pisces (all times GMT): 18th April: sextile Uranus (1349), romance and finances may receive a boost as life gets exciting again, 28th April: conjunct Neptune (2428), dreams really could be too good to be true, 1st May: conjunct Jupiter (2757) and sextile Pluto (2835), might be a good day to play those lottery numbers or there may be a new person on the horizon for some, Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesnt go away. Philip K. Dick, Association of Professional Astrologers International, Copyright 2016 - All text and images Copyright - My Sky Pie - www.my-sky-pie.com. Okay, well also, if you're new to the channel, please like and subscribe. Here's Why Elizabeth Gulino Last Updated December 26, 2021, 7:00 AM Finally, some good news. And when I think of my grandmother, although, you know, she's not trying to idolise her although you see how it can get into that territory. Venus is generally interested in pleasure and beauty, but there is more to it than eating chocolates and doting on flowers. Allow yourself the pleasure to create and have some fun with that or use it as a meditative practice to reach the flow zone.Psychologically, nurturing the inner child releases a huge amount of energy and feel-good hormones.Spiritually, love and creativity come from the same source. When the planet of love is feeling its best, its a cosmic green light to immaculate beauty and generosity. So, when you're talking about Pisces, what you're saying is in a sense that Jupiter will preside over the topics of whatever place Pisces occupies in the horoscope. "During its stay in Pisces, Venus will be forming . Get your FREE report instantly online and by email! You'll long for things that are humble, tangible and real. Well, I was just speaking of this, I think I've told you guys this yesterday, but I was just on vacation in the Virgin Islands, celebrating my mom's retirement. While Venus is in Pisces, we escape into romantic fantasy realms to forget about life's hassles and stresses. Gain insight into your destiny, find harmony and elevate your consciousness with the help of a personal birth chart reading. The Difference Between Coaching and Counselling. A break for freedom or moment of detachment has brought you here and perhaps you're trying to forge your own path or you're reacting to a social issue. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Also today, Mars in Aquarius squares the Scorpio South Node and Venus-ruled Taurus North Node (22 deg). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It's all about love and longing, desire and sentiment, sensuousness and dreams. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. You may be drawn to the past (South Node): old obsessions, addictions, power plays, domination, manipulation, secrets. It can also be easier to latch on to someones enthusiasm rather than our own reasons for being fired up about something. There are some shadows to all of these that we'll talk about as well. Pretty interesting transit, I'm looking forward to this, I feel like the past couple of years, there's been so much Saturn energy in the air, it's nice to see just a lot of Jupiter and Venus in this very uplifting placement with Neptune. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. Mars enters Pisces Mars is in Pisces from April 14-May 24, 2022. Those are all one year programmes, you can also bundle two of them together and save even a little bit more than 50% off if you take if you add a second course in as well. Right. GST/HST added for Canadian customers. Sensitivity can be a helpful trait, but may also be confusing if it blurs the boundaries between self and non-self. But if Pisces occupies the seventh whole sign place when you're born than Jupiter, the God may preside over marriage and perhaps you marry someone who's very wealthy or learned or arrogant. Borders and boundaries blur under Venus in Pisces. On March 7th, . I won't go into my own chart anymore. And my dad also was born with Venus in pisces, and when he would preach from the pulpit on Sunday mornings, the way he told stories very Venus in pisces, you know, a sense of what is faithful, true, beautiful, devoted. The boundaries of the ocean are forever shifting and changing. Venus is exalted in Pisces and does well in the sign. When Venus finds a way to express these, she feels aligned with the divine will. Venus enters Pisces on 27th Apr, 2022 06:16 pm Venus enters Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra on 30th Apr, 2022 04:10 pm Venus enters Revati Nakshatra on 12th May, 2022 07:05 am Venus enters Aries on 23rd May, 2022 08:27 pm Venus enters Bharani Nakshatra on 4th Jun, 2022 04:57 am Venus enters Krittika Nakshatra on 15th Jun, 2022 11:25 am Practical considerations dissolve in a romantic haze. So here is Venus in Pisces and note that Venus enters Pisces, just as Jupiter and Neptune are getting together, and then Venus will eventually go right through those two planets. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. To me, that's all Venus in Pisces territory because it's a combination of the exultation of beautiful qualities, words, thoughts, feelings, as well as the sort of faithful religious mood and sentiments of Jupiter and its feminine sign. Pisces has a natural affinity with the twelfth house, but Venus is not quite so comfortable there, as the dynamics are a bit ambivalent. Venus joins outer planets Neptune and Jupiter in the ancient water sign, and as if that wasnt enough of a party, Mars and the moon will join in on the bender on April 14 and April 26, respectively. But like all good things in life, just make sure youre not swept away by the bliss. Venus is highly deemed in Vedic astrology for matters related to . So I'm going to bring up the real time clock and just give you guys a view of what Venus in pisces is looking like here. If there was ever a time to be lucky in love, it'd be now. One of the more genetic combinations of the year and exalted Venus next to Jupiter in its own sign, along with mystical otherworldly Neptune. Number four, a loss of the rational in favour of the sensual. Helping my channel grow. Relationships, values and money are less focused on reality and more about what could be. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. To find out more please read our. Please check your entries and try again. Thanks for subscribing! I'll leave it on a high note. "This date is not only good for love, its positive vibes will boost abundance for us in many different ways." Venus may sacrifice herself for something or someone in a truly selfless manner, or suffer helpers-syndrome. Because she cares about others, others care about her.Psychologically, Venus loves success as much as anybody, but her motivation is altruistic, rather than selfish.Spiritually, Venus feels that achievement comes from service to a greater cause. Any grounding measures will prepare you for the final portal when the moon enters Pisces on April 26, joining Venus, Mars, Jupiter in Pisces for the ultimate fantasy ride.. The planet of love, is finally leaving the cool and detached sign of Aquarius and moving into Pisces. Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die. Anyway, click on View enrollment details, it'll take you to the bottom you can see the earlybird payment is down to $900. In Pisces, Venus conveys a sense of oceanic compassion. Anyway, it's about a month long transit. Pisces never sees the world in black-and-white terms. Venus enters Aquarius Venus is in Aquarius from March 6-April 5, 2022. Starting on Monday, April 4, Mars will conjunct Saturn in Aquarius, bonding the innovative warrior with the modern teacher planet. Pisces never sees the world in black-and-white terms. As long as we're not, you know, joining one of the comment cults or whatever, like we're good, so alright, that's what I've got for today everybody. And we know that there's a religious inclination behind the ancient cult of Dionysus. So that can be part of Venus and its Venus as being exalted in the sign of Jupiter. So you go to nightlight astrology calm, and you're going to click on the Courses page. If you study astrology even for a while, and I say Mars and Pisces gives you a romantic sense of mission and purpose, you'll probably go yes, I can I can, I can resonate with that, you know that description. Click on enrol. This will NOT give you access to Patreon posts. And my grandma, I remember, would walk out in the apple orchard. Don't forget that mercury finds it hard to exist in this sign in the ancient language of the dignities. And sometimes that's good. In the past several months, our relationships have been tested, restructured & frailties in our connections unearthed as well as energetic bonds made stronger through the experimentation of freedom where boundaries have been made crystal clear. How she goes about it depends on her state of mind.Spiritually, this transit can enhance intuition and open the heart to universal love. You guys ever see me when I get on my rants and I sometimes call them sermons from the stars. Receive your PERSONAL 12-month summary of where success is most likely with a Prospects & Progress Q&A report! So I really don't let people jump ahead in my programmes unless they have completed other certification courses in Hellenistic astrology, in particular, because you need to even if you've studied astrology a lot already, if you don't have a background in this, you need to start from scratch. And I was never really up early enough to see her. By continuing to use the site, you accept our use of cookies. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. But just to give you a little sense of how dignities work, how planets relate to signs and signs to houses, and so forth. Because Venus is beautiful, but Jupiter's aggrandisement Jupiter's bigness, Jupiter's tendency towards things that are transcendent, will make Venus into not just beauty but something sublime and sublime can be something that is the scope is big, it's like looking into the Hubble telescope, it's beautiful. 2022: . So what is a planetary exaltation? We favor employing charm over assertiveness to get what we want during this cycle. There's a sense of the exalted Venus qualities that can be almost so big that they they're tragic, even like Romeo and Juliet very Venus in pisces. Learn how your comment data is processed. Now you'll see you can add a second course for $800 which is even $100 cheaper. It's true, and it's beautiful, you know, people who want to save endangered animals or something like that. To her, home is not just a place but a personal retreat and safe space. This is v.2 of last year's transit. Find out everything you need to know about the April 2022s Venus in Pisces transit, below. There's a sort of revelry in that, there's a sort of Dionysian quality. In the fourth house, Venus love for beauty is likely to be unleashed on the home environment. Support me on Patreon to fund my daily astrology posts and gain access to extra, Patron-only content. Enjoyed learning more about my Venus in Pisces placement today. That is probably the you know, one of my favourite qualities of Venus in pisces. Beware, that if something looks too good to be true, it may not be true. Its devoted, compassionate, and capable of sacrifice. Rather, Pisces sees all the colors of the rainbow. On April 5th, Venus transcends the nearly 5-month restriction and tension she endured as she fell prey to the harsh influences of several major planetary forces and enters dreamy and imaginative Pisces, lifting our hearts into 5D consciousness and moving our love for others into unified exaltation. But what came from that, for me was inspiration. Overall, Venus in Pisces is going to give us a wonderfully positive month just in time to propel us into spring. And this is important because the sign will become one of the 12 places we now call houses. This is a moment for cinematic vision, spectacular fantasy, and then, the emotional fallout, says NYLON astrologer David Odyssey. February 28th, 2023: Gemini To Cancer Moon, February 27th, 2023: Venus Conjunct Vesta, February 26th, 2023: Mercury Sextile Juno, Horoscopes for February 26th - March 5th, 2023, February 25th, 2023: The Taurus Moon Is Shaken, February 23rd, 2023: Jupiter Square Pallas, February 21st, 2023: Mercury Square Uranus, Horoscopes for February 19th, 2023-February 26th, 2023, February 18th, 2023: Pisces Season Begins, February 17th, 2023: Mercury Sextile Jupiter, February 15th, 2023: Venus Conjunct Neptune, February 14th, 2023: Mercury Opposite Black Moon Lilith, February 13th, 2023: Last Quarter Scorpio Moon, February 12th, 2023:Mercury Sextile Vesta. Rather, Pisces sees all the colors of the. Venus has been through the ringer this year; first the planet was trapped in a grueling retrograde in Capricorn, only to shift into yet another Saturn-ruled sign, Aquarius. So anything that Venus adores and exalts, usually comes really close to things that are tragic. This Venus transit is about understanding that giving is receiving. Venus wins the popularity game and gets what she wants by using empathy in her negotiations. Money runs through her hands like water.Psychologically, money is energy for Venus, and it feels wrong to hold on to it if it can do some good somewhere.Spiritually, her highest values are love and compassion. Style + Culture, delivered straight to your inbox. Anything that is aggrandized any romantic impulse or feeling or thought, it's made a lot bigger. With the goddess of love in Pisces, our love is all-embracing, we are able to forgive and understand, we are seducible and seductive, and we show compassion to our partners. A Venus transit through the first house washes over the sense of mission purpose! 21: Sun enters Capricorn ; Winter Solstice support me on Patreon to fund my daily astrology and. Oceanic compassion fourth house, Venus will be activating the 8th & 9th houses my! 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