An EWO is authorized at corps and divisions. The G-1/AG (S-1) has coordinating staff responsibility for the following special and personal staff officers: Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2 (S-2), Intelligence. Developing policies, procedures, and techniques to govern the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the command's budget accounting system. Developing and maintaining effective financial and management controls, procedures, and systems for the best use of resources. Coordinating with other members of the IO cell to ensure OPSEC coverage and dissemination of OPSEC measures. Supervising the implementation of RM policies. Planning the simultaneous employment of air and surface fires. Coordinating with the PAO and G-5 to ensure disseminated messages are consistent. The SOCOORD is responsible for coordinating and integrating special operations forces (SOF) activities. Coordinating with the support unit commander on the current and future support capability of that unit. Providing technical advice and assistance on using Army aviation for evacuation (medical or other). Contacts are for the purpose of exchanging information, coordination, and resolving work-related problems, providing technical advice and assistance, directing logistical support activities, and presenting/explaining recommendations.FACTOR 8 - Physical Demands (Level 8-1, 5 Points) The work is typically performed while the employee is comfortably seated in an office. Capabilities, limitations, requirements, availability, and employment of resources. D-43. D-44. The BSB SPO manages munitions for the brigade, provides staff supervision to the distribution company's ATHP . The G-2 collection manager integrates EW support targets into the collection plan and the intelligence synchronization plan. The SPO transportation section provided integrated support and management for the movement of personnel, equipment, and retrograde materiel around the battlefield. Providing financial planning and assistance during the transition to war and throughout the conflict, including mobilization, redeployment, and demobilization. D-24. Coordinating for all logistic requirements relative to EPW and civilian internees, US military prisoners, and dislocated civilians (with the G-4). Directing and supervising staff planning. Thats what the Soldiers care about. Supervising other personal staff members (secretaries, assistant aides, enlisted aides, and drivers). If this employee does not analyze or evaluate effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity then it should not be given a 1-7. Recommending and implementing the commander's counterfire (including radar zones) and other target engagement priorities. Coordinating transportation assets for other Services. D-87. The Army has a waiver process that you can take advantage of to prove you overcame a disqualifying issue that would otherwise prevent you from joining the Army. Chemical Officer. Active-duty Soldiers and Officers also have ongoing training to keep their skills sharp, so they stay ready for anything. D-23. Determining and planning training requirements for the entire force. Monitoring the sanitation of food storage facilities and equipment. Providing legal advice and assistance concerning contracts, health care, environmental matters, and compensation matters. Planning and supervising construction, maintenance, and repair of camps and facilities for friendly forces, EPWs, and civilian internees. Logistic Operations and Plans (General). Briefing adversary and friendly EW vulnerabilities for each COA. D-119. Transportation Officer (88A) The Transportation Corps is responsible for moving supplies, troops and equipment anywhere on the globe. If youve spent time as an Army Support Operations Officer in the past, or currently serve in that duty position, I would love to hear from you. Informing the commander, deputy or assistant commanders, other primary staff officers, and subordinate unit COSs about new missions, instructions, and developments. D-100. They also list special staff officers over which each coordinating staff officer exercises coordinating staff responsibility. Staffs use this RI to maintain running estimates and produce progress reports for their commanders. Combat health logistics, including blood management. They use reports and summaries extensively to provide information to higher, subordinate, supporting, supported, and adjacent commands. Staff members prepare a variety of written communications-particularly at division level and above, where operations rely primarily on written directives, reports, orders, and studies. Advising the commander on the effect of civilian populations on military operations. The following paragraphs discuss activities, responsibilities, and duties common to all staff members. Participating, when appropriate, in negotiations with HNs on labor agreements. I agree with Justin and Chuck. Supervising the command and personnel security programs. Transportation. Intelligence synchronization includes-, D-53. D-89. The COS monitors their combat readiness status and directs actions to posture subordinate units. Finance Officer. All staff members assess training requirements within their fields of interest across the command. Advising and informing the commander of the public affairs impact and implications of planned or current operations. Maintaining knowledge of all directives, orders, and instructions the commander issues to the staff, subordinate commanders, and subordinate units, and verifying their execution. Helping implement training programs for reserve component legal personnel and units. The IG is a confidential adviser to the commander. Collect, process, disseminate, display, and store RI from their individual fields of interest for others' use. POSITION CLASSIFICATION STANDARDS USED IN CLASSIFYING/GRADING POSITION: Citation 1: OPM PCS LOGISTICS MGMT SERIES, GS-346, JAN 87, Citation 2: OPM GENERAL SCHEDULE HRCD-5 JUNE 1998, APRIL 98. Performing nuclear target analysis (corps and above). It was really an eye opening experience as I had no idea what logistics was all about. Developing the ISR annex to plans and orders (with the rest of the staff). D-120. Completed work is reviewed for accomplishment of objectives; soundness of recommendations, conclusions and decisions made; and compliance with policies and regulations.FACTOR 3 - Guidelines (Level 3-3, 275 Points)Guidelines include DoD, DA, FORSCOM and NTC regulations, policies, precedents and procedures concerning logistics. I invite the BDE S4, BN S4s, BDE Maint Officer, BDE Mobility Warrant, BDE PBO, Protection and Area Ops reps. Examples include training requirements for-, D-19. Determining EEFI and OPSEC vulnerabilities and recommending EEFI to the commander. The 3 then sends it to A Co. as a mission, who returns a convoy manifest that includes not only who is with which truck by bumper number, but what commodities are loaded on that truck as well. ; non-manual work directly related to the management or general business operations of the employer or its customers), AND job duties require exercise of discretion & independent judgment. Factor 6 and 7 Agree: Level given was a 3B. AOC/BR - 19A00/AR . At battalion and company level, the FSO serves as the FSCOORD for the maneuver commander. The G-5 (S-5) advises the commander on the military's effect on civilians in the AO, relative to the complex relationship of these people with the terrain and institutions over time. Integrating space support, IO (with the G-7), and fire support into all operations. Trust me, this will stick with them much better and the TACSOP will be great because it is in writing and backs up what you told them. Every staff member integrates risk management into the conduct (planning, preparing, executing, and assessing) of training and operations. Plan, coordinate, and enable the external support provided by the battalions subordinate units. Requesting support for higher and adjacent command intelligence collection, processing, and production. Historian. It looked like a tough, but fun job. Supervising forward air controllers and the tactical air control party. Coordinating with the surgeon on the military use of civilian medical facilities, materials, and supplies. Coordination may include arranging for administrative and logistic support for subordinate EOD units. We have just validated our TACSOP during annual training by having it open all day, and flipping to the right place/battle drill, and using it as a check list. I Command, plan, procure, direct, control, coordinate, or manage transportation organizations and related equipment, as well as organizations engaged in transportation-related services. Preparing, coordinating, authenticating, publishing, and distributing the command SOP, plans, orders (including fragmentary orders [FRAGOs] and warning orders [WARNOs]), and terrain requirements and products involving contributions from other staff sections. The chaplain is responsible for religious support operations. Determining the adequacy of priorities for employing units. By law or regulation, personal staff officers have a unique relationship with the commander. Coordinating with the G-6 to deconflict EW targets with frequencies and the joint restricted frequency list. Logistics Management SpecialistGS-0346-111. Coordinating staff officers frequently designate members of their sections as action officers. D-1. Coordinating with the SJA about advice to the commander on rules of engagement (ROE) when dealing with civilians in the AO. Now, as to the TACSOP: WRITE ONE!!! The SGS is the special staff officer who acts as XO for the COS. Estimating the effect of a unit's radiation exposure state on mission assignments. Responsibility is the duty to safeguard government property within one's control. Staff sections manage information related to their individual fields of interest. Take a few minutes to create or upgrade your resume. Identifying requirements for additional units, personnel, equipment, or support. Advising the command and coordinating with the G-5 (S-5) on public health issues involving military operations. Coordinating staff officers coordinate actions for the commander and for special staff sections over which they are assigned coordinating staff responsibility. The AVCOORD is responsible for coordinating Army aviation assets and operations. Here are the most common duties and responsibilities of the Support Operations Officer: Additionally, there is normally a Support Operations Officer at the Division Level. I am also working on our Company TACSOP. Your email address will not be published. Motor transportation organic to or allocated for headquarters use. Assisting soldiers, Army civilians, family members, retirees, and other members of the force who seek help with Army-related problems. Assessing and reporting military occupational specialty (MOS) shortfalls and personnel readiness issues to the G-1/AG (S-1). Recommending and coordinating assignments and personnel issues. Requests for transfer of internees, detainees, and prisoners. Special Operations Coordinator. Examples include-. G-7 (S-7) responsibilities related to current operations include-, D-82. Provides planning, preparation, and MC of the execution of all BSB sustainment operations in the brigade's AO. Planning and coordinating airspace use with the AVCOORD, ALO, FSCOORD, assistant G-3 (S-3) (air), and other airspace users. Preparing risk assessments and recommending risk-reduction control measures for all operations. Planning and recommending the use of flame field expedients to supplement unit defense and existing minefields and barriers. IM representatives within the CP are positioned to best support the commander's intent, with priority normally to the G-3 (S-3) operations cell and other critical cells within the CP. Availability Pay Exemption - (e.g., Criminal Investigators, U.S. Customs and Border Protection pilots who are also Law Enforcement Officers). Thanks so much! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Preparing EW estimates and the EW appendix to the IO annex to orders and plans. Safety Officer. Jobs View All Jobs. Recognizing and assessing indicators of institutional and individual discrimination and sexual harassment. d. Computer Employee, (See 5 CFR, 551.210 ) ( must meet salary test and perform such duties as system analysis, program/system design, or program/system testing, documentation, and modification). Coordinating field artillery survey and meteorological support. Monitoring commercial accounts, including paying for supplies, equipment, and services procured to support the CSS BOS. D-102. (See FM 5-0.) You could also receive money for education, student loan repayment assistance, training and certifications, housing, living expenses, and more. There are requirements if you join through ROTC or another Officer pathyour recruiter will provide the details. Coordinating HN support with the G-5 (S-5). Maintaining a command historical research collection adequate to support the historical mission. D-72. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. (Separating "Support" Operations From Operations Causes More Harm Than Good) We're All Thinking It. Managing IPB, to include integrating the IPB efforts of the rest of the staff and other echelons, and supporting parallel planning during dynamic situations. EOA responsibilities include-, (AR 600-20 discusses the responsibilities and duties of the EOA. Before reactivating PD, please correct the following:FLSAFunctional CodeCompetitive Level CodeWorks under the general supervision of the 1916th Support Battalion, Support Operations (SPO) Officer (O-4/MAJOR), who outlines work and provides broad general policies, objectives, and priorities; and is available to discuss problems and/or new policies, long range plans and special projects. Developing, with the commander and G-3 (S-3), a concept of fires to support the operation. AVCOORD responsibilities include-, D-106. Providing a terrain visualization mission folder to determine the effects of terrain on friendly and enemy operations. You won't need to meet any physical fitness requirements before joining the Army as an enlisted Soldier. Repeated or continuous absence in this position could result in mission shortfalls.FACTOR 9 - Work Environment (Level 9-1, 5 Points) Work is generally performed in a well-lit, heated and ventilated office setting. Ed Jimenez serves as the Director of the State Procurement Office for the Arizona Department of Administration. G-6 (S-6) responsibilities related to IM include-. It then becomes a tool to be used and not just a bullet on your OER. No officer exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the aide-de-camp. Studies requirements for logistical support and as required briefs other senior level managers, committees, and Brigade Level Commanders deployed to the NTC on the impact that continuance of such trends will have on the installation and NTC logistics support mission. ), D-132. The historian, normally an Army civilian, is authorized at corps and divisions. Processing requests for naval air or gunfire. Before the inspection, inspectors inform the subordinate commander of the inspection's purpose. Fire Support Coordinator. Coordinating and synchronizing ARFOR AMD with joint force AMD. Helping the G-6 determine electronic protection requirements. Coordinating OPSEC measures to shield the MD plan with the OPSEC officer. Prepares, consolidate, and reviews administrative, personnel, and technical reports covering unit activities. The G-5 (S-5) is responsible for coordinating with the J-5 and the J-3. Logistic operations and plans (general) includes-, D-67. 1. During preparation and execution, commanders use recommendations from running estimates in decisionmaking. Resource Manager or Comptroller. Performing situation development, to include updating the enemy/threat, terrain and weather, and civil considerations portions of the COP. The G-4 (S-4) has coordinating staff responsibility for the transportation officer. Monitors the brigades operational readiness with equipment (026 Report). Preparing and executing trip itineraries. Integrating intelligence from the G-2 (S-2) +into IO. Coordinating specific requirements for and conducting liaison with the theater special operations command, Army special operations task force, and the joint special operations task force. Providing information on the status of engineer assets on hand. As a SPO, my CO expects me to write an OPORD for every drill. D-9. Coordinating with the commander, COS (XO), and G-6 (S-6) to establish, oversee, and supervise battle staff IM activities of the CP. Organizations from battalion through corps are authorized a surgeon. Records management, including finance, legal services, and command information. Coordinating, planning, and directing all command IA activities. Headquarters management includes-. Analyzing personnel strength data to determine current capabilities and project future requirements. The G-5 (S-5) is responsible for enhancing the relationship between Army forces and the civil authorities and people in the AO. As a Transportation Officer, you'll manage all elements of distribution related to the planning, operation, coordination and evaluation of all modes of transportation (air, sea, rail, & ground), in order to move units, personnel, equipment, and supplies. Within each maneuver brigade there is one Brigade Support Battalion (formerly called a Forward Support Battalion) that provides logistics to the brigade. Exceptions to 22-4504. Preparing the command intelligence training plan and integrating intelligence, counterintelligence, and enemy/threat considerations (organization, equipment, operations, and EPW handling) into other training plans. - Must be able to legally work in the US. A G-3 (S-3) is authorized at every echelon from battalion through corps. Search 83 Part Time Registration Officer jobs now available in Langley, BC on, the world's largest job site. This SPO coordinates between the divisions units and support units. Managing veterinary equipment and facilities. Providing safety training to the local civilian labor force. Whether procedures are formal or informal, staff members carefully analyze and compare all feasible COAs, using the best information available. If you're actively serving, a veteran, or select military spouse, you could qualify for the VA Loan and put $0 down on a mortgage. Air and missile defense coordinator (AMDCOORD). Establishing and operating an EOD incident reporting system. Predicting fallout from friendly use of nuclear weapons and disseminating nuclear strike warning messages when required. As an Adult Probation Officer, you are responsible for a broad range of duties that include working with diverse community partners delivering numerous services within the community, ensuring that a multi-disciplinary approach is applied in complex cases and balanced with the maintenance of community safety. Command safety and occupational health program. Coordinating Staff Responsibility. Additionally, the G-2 (S-2) supports security programs. Coordinating actions and taskings of special staff officers across the entire staff. The plan must be thorough, but easy to understand, so the Soldier . Or. PURPOSE 1. I think that you can assume that the employee would need to analyze but it should be written out.b. Force development and modernization includes-. At maneuver brigade through corps, the FSCOORD is also the commander of the field artillery unit supporting the force. Commanders may delegate authority to certain staff officers to issue plans and orders without their personal approval. Administrative movements, including onward movement from ports of debarkation, CSS movements, and other movements the G-3 directs. Job Description Summary:As part of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the Transportation Research Board (TRB) provides leadership in transportation improvements and innovat. Coordinating with interagency department engineers, such as the FBI engineer. Reviewing plans and orders for synchronization and completeness. Recommending to the commander and G-3 (S-3) adjustments to the ISR plan to facilitate ISR integration. See FM 4-02.21 for definitive information on duties of the brigade . Advise the commander on the effectiveness of the organizational inspection program. Job Description Determining supply requirements, except medical (with the support unit commander and the G-3 [S-3]). D-58. Planning and initiating procedures to verify and report enemy first use of NBC agents (with the surgeon). Managing ammunition requirements, resupply, and reallocation. Secretary of the General Staff. The shabu was public property for which petitioner was accountable. Most staff actions require coordination that extends beyond the immediate command to higher, subordinate, supporting, supported, and adjacent commands. Planning administrative troop movements (with the G-3 [S-3]). Intelligence Readiness. Directs policy, program planning, and program execution for a wide range of Battalion, Brigade, and installation level logistical support functions which include sustainment operations (supply/warehouse/convoy), maintenance, ammunition, logistics planning and coordination for Fort Irwin. They seek to identify problems affecting their fields of interest or the entire command. Servicemember's Group Life Insurance (SGLI). Writing the PSYOP appendix to the IO annex to plans and orders. AMDCOORD responsibilities include-, D-104. ; non-manual work directly related to the management or general business operations of the employer or its customers), AND job duties require exercise of discretion & independent judgment. The MLT commander, a Navy or Marine officer, operates at division level and below. The TALO is a rated Air Force officer. A SOCOORD is normally authorized only on corps staffs. During planning, commanders use these recommendations to select feasible courses of action (COAs) for further analysis. Writing the MD appendix to the IO annex to orders and plans. Afterward, inspectors provide an informal report to the subordinate commander before they leave. Abolish the SPO. Based on the units Ive served with, the SPO has a staff consisting of: Most Support Operations sections have somewhere between 10 and 15 Soldiers in them (at the brigade level). Requesting support for higher and adjacent unit intelligence collection, processing, and production. This includes any command technical training within a staff member's field of interest. Factorsa. Coordinating weather support procedures (both for garrison and during deployments) before deployment with the supported Army command. 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