Next, the train heads past Rainforest District and she marvels at the sight of the raindrops. Just don't care. Judy Hopps: [she looks at Gideon, stunned] I'm sorry, what did you say? Judy Hopps: CLAWHAUSER! [Bellwether gives a stunned look] Besides, I think we got it. Okay, Officer Hopps. Judy is taken aback; to Finnick] You want the red or the blue, pal? [Judy glares at Nick, who just grins. However, Nick never did turn savage, as the serum pellet Bellwether fired was actually a blueberry. Is that what this is? [The bunny children run elsewhere]. Leodore Lionheart: Chief Bogo doesn't know. Duke Weaselton: What's it to you, Wilde? Bellwether is arrested by the ZPD However, it is revealed that Judy and Nick switched the serum pellets in the gun with blueberries. [Judy fights a rhino, but gets knocked back.] Chief Bogo: One second. Benjamin Clawhauser: Okay. Judy Hopps: Great! Thanks to her occupation and access to city resources, she was able to create the predator panic without any attention drawn to herself, as well as orchestrating Judy's entire investigation on the mammal cases behind the scenes, leading to Lionheart getting arrested instead; due to her harmless appearance and seemingly friendly demeanor, Bellwether was less likely to be suspected for her crimes. Polar bear fur. You can't speak if you're a mime! Stu Hopps: [takes out a fox taser] Check this out! Yax: Huh? He pats her head and pulls her closer] Okay, oh, you bunnies, you're so emotional. Nick Wilde: Ah, boy, I tell him that all the time. Judy Hopps: Oh, sweet cheese and crackers. Nick Wilde: Oh, so, you know about the Night howlers, too. Carrot farming is a noble profession. Judy Hopps: Oh no, my treat. Judy Hopps: Oh, this - [tries hurriedly to cover her vest] No! Judy Hopps: [agitated, stops banging her head] Sir, if you have a grievance, you may contest your citation in traffic court. When Judy was assigned to the case to find Emmitt Otterton, Bellwether was. Mother rabbit: Thanks. We have bears to fear too, say nothing of lions and wolves-. Chief Bogo: They appear to be in good health, physically, if not emotionally. Polar bear fur, rat-pack music, fancy cup? Chief Bogo: HOPPS! [Judy enters the train, other siblings are heard saying, "Bye, Judy!" Judy Hopps: [enthusiasm drops] Oh. Nick looks at them, dumbfounded, as his jaw drops a little. Judy Hopps: Down here! Nick Wilde: [uses the mouse and goes through another footage] You know, if I wanted to avoid surveillance because I was doing something illegal, which I never have, [Judy smiles slightly] I would use the maintenance tunnel 6B, which would put them out right there. [The window rolls down revealing Flash, looking at them nervously. Yes! Stu Hopps: Sure, yeah, we all do, absolutely. Thousands of years ago, these were the forces that ruled our world. [They both turn to look at her, but then realize that Judy is no longer present. They hear Bellwether's voice suddenly calls out. Are you- are you just trying to steal the pen? Freeze! Chief Bogo dances, like he owns the dance floor. Dawn Bellwether: [frantically looks for the badge] Oh, yes, right! Judy! Judy Hopps: When I was a kid, I thought Zootopia was this perfect place, where everyone got along and anyone could be anything. [Judy looks at Nick, crossing her fingers and walks up to the podium.]. Judy Hopps: Thank you for the opportunity. But over time, we evolved and looked beyond our primitive savage ways. Nick feels a bump on the door. That's my job! Judy Hopps: Parking duty? Judy Hopps: I just stated the facts of the case. The scene shows an overshot of Savanna Central. He tries to ram his way to the front, but Nick closes the steel door and locks him out. [Otterton jumps up and attacks Manchas with a snarl, making the car spin out of control. Which is kind of a big deal. Touched, Nick takes the pen and smiles. Coco: Miguel Rivera No, please! On the outside, Bellwether doesn't seem to mind Lionheart; she talks about his treatment of her lightly, treats him with respect and puts a hefty amount of work into assisting him. What do you call a Judy Hopps: [losing her patience, trying to move the joke along] Three-humped camel. Judy Hopps: It's called a hustle, sweetheart. [Judy enters the room and sees a bunch of officers, most of the predator kind, conversing. [Stu fumbles, tosses the keys to Judy, who grabs them and gets in the truck] Thank you! Bellwether was the assistant mayor to the mighty Mayor Lionheart, whose impatience and intolerance toward even the slightest amount of incompetence often resulted in the former's humiliation. ], [Woolter screams as the two trains come closer to colliding.]. I welcomed you into my home. Judy trips on a tusk display, cutting her leg badly. Nick hesitates, unsure what to do, and the Sky Tram slips away. Source. She turns back and sees that Nick disappeared. [The alarm goes off at 5:30; Judy turns it off, gets in her uniform, polishes her badge, unlocks her door and grabs her key. What are you doing? The big ram quickly catches up to Judy and Nick, and headbutts them into one of the museum's exhibit pits, making them lose their hold on the gun case. In prison, Lionheart reads Fancy Cat Magazine. [Judy walks up to Nick], Judy Hopps: [relieved] Oh, that went so fast. [Judy turns on the truck and drives back to Zootopia, leaving her parents and Gideon bewildered.]. Dance and Play It! Nick Wilde: [smirking] Okay, you're the boss. [Judy lets go and they're sent flying off and land on vines. Everyone's so nice, and I feel like I'm really making a difference. Major Friedkin: [from the stall right next to Judy's] Filthy toilet! Then in the ring, she dodges the rhino's punches, pulls back against the ropes and kicks the rhino's hand, making him punch himself, knocking his mouth guard and falls down. [Judy drives up to Zootopia, drives through Sahara Square, looking for Nick until she sees Nick's van. Judy uses her phone light to search. Emmitt feels his neck with a look of fear before lunging and snarling. All the missing mammals are right here! They both get tangled up in vines a few feet off the ground. No kiss bye-bye for daddy? Sir, if I can just! Mr. Big: No. She emerges, freezing.] [Judy and Nick look at the chief, shocked. But just in case, [holds up a bag] we made a little care package to take with you. The imprisonment was at the hands of Mayor Lionheart, who was desperately searching for the cause behind the mysterious outbreak, but to no avail; keeping it confidential to prevent a citywide panic, and by extension, the loss of his position. Security, sweep the area! The Incredibles: Mr. She looks at the fox repellent. ], Dharma Armadillo: And welcome to the Grand Pangolin Arms, luxury apartments with charm. Nick Wilde: [grabs Judy and starts to head out] Well, it's gonna be an even bigger crime scene if Mr. Big finds me here, so we're leaving, right now! Also, at the end of the movie, Officer Wolford, a wolf, is shown to have a sheep disguise, which may be a reference to the same idiom. Yes, I can swim. But she managed to escape from prision and her main goal is get revenge on Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde. [After looking euphorically at his complete application, Nick takes notice in confusion]. Status You ready to make the world a better place? [Judy sighs in exhaustion, goes up to a large toilet stall, hops up on the toilet seat, slips, and falls in, making water spill.]. Lady and the Tramp: Lady Tramp Si and Am Jock Trusty Peg [punches him in the arm]. Moana: Moana Maui Pua Heihei Tamatoa Kakamora And the limo's in Tundratown! [Priscilla turns to him, slowly]. The controls die and Judy bangs it, starting it up again] Great, you're a conductor now, huh? Books: Zootopia Junior Novelization The Art of Zootopia Zootopia: Friends to the Rescue, Entertainment: "A Whole New World" A Magical Disney Songbook Follow Your Dreams Max LIVE: Gettin Goofy with It Mickey's Magical Music World Mickeys Storybook Adventure [takes out the Otterton picture and shows it to Yax. Nick goes up to save Judy. Dawn Bellwether: I just heard Officer Hopps is taking the case! Yax: Yeah, some mammals say the naturalist life is weird, but you know what I say is weird? [shows the bag, revealing plant bulbs], Judy Hopps: Mmm, hate to disagree with you, sir, but those aren't onions. ], Judy Hopps: Sir, you were going 115 miles per hour, I hope you have a good explanation. Oh! Judy Hopps: When I was nine. [The Ottertons hug very deeply in relief. I called him Lionfart once, he did not care for that, let me tell you, it was not a good day for me [answers it] Yes, sir? [the cadets make their way across through the Sahara Square section; Judy struggles, and the sand covers her completely; her tail sticks out.] ], Dawn Bellwether: Judy! They walk up to a yak named Yax meditating behind his desk. Mrs. Otterton: Chief Bogo, please! Jesse: [on the phone] We kinda got a situation at the lab [notices the train is rolling away] Oh! Meanwhile, Judy is hailed a hero, and a press conference on the savage predators is held at the ZPD. Judy winces and groans.] Gazelle: Good evening, Zootopia! [Judy loses her grip and falls face flat in the mud.]. She asks for the evidence, presenting herself as being proud of Judy's success, but when Judy questions how Bellwether knew of their whereabouts, the ploy is broken, and Bellwether reveals her true colors by ordering her rams to capture the pair. Judy sighs in shame] Yeah, don't think I didn't notice that little item the first time we met. Bonnie Hopps: Mm-mm. [annoyed, Judy turns off her light, opens the door and looks around. He then turns the dial, liquefying the flowers and subsequently guides the liquids through test tubes and a chemistry set, a small machine injects blue serum into a paintball-like pellet. Gideon feels his lip.] Chief Bogo: Come on, Hopps. So no matter what type of animal you are; from the biggest elephant, to our first fox, [We see Nick in full police uniform, holding a beverage, lifts up his shades, and winks at Judy, inspired by her words] I implore you - try. This is a simple misunderstanding. Although, her ulterior motives might shed a different light on this eagerness to have a small prey mammal on the case. [Judy gives Nick her carrot pen. Does this make you uncomfortable? Bellwether is present, and to her advantage, Judy accidentally calls out predators as naturally savage, with the potential to revert to their original, bloodthirsty natures, disturbing the press and causing a citywide panic. [Woodchuck bully straps a muzzle on Young Nick] What did I do?! Later when Nick and Judy are being pursued by Bellwether and her dirty cops. Doug: Alright, Woolter and Jesse are back so I'm leaving now. Later, Judy looks at the clock which points to 12:00 and looks at the ticket pad which shows 200.]. He looks at it, inhales, and sneezes, making the flies surrounding him buzz loudly], Yax: Yeah, old Emmitt! Keep watching. Nick Wilde: It does, 100%. I'm not saying nothing! ], Judy Hopps: Look, there it is! When Bellwether became mayor after Lionheart's arrest, her coat was deep blue with red markings on the edges and the coat's pockets, purple glasses, an indigo shirt, and a dark red skirt with twinkling red stars on it. Gazelle App: Wow, you are one hot dancer, Benjamin Clawhauser. The others laugh cruelly.]. [Jerry notices an employee holding ice cream with his trunk. [runs up to the family pickup truck] Oh, keys, keys, keys, keys, hurry, come on! She snaps her fingers to one of the rams and points to where she thinks Judy is.] [Judy falls on her back, making choking noises. It's by the boiler. [Mayor Lionheart and Dr. Madge leave the room as the alarm sounds. Chief Bogo calls to her by the door], [the scene changes to the mayor's office where Judy is holding a ZPD poster displaying her smiling face. Judy pauses for a second, then runs back and hugs her parents] I love you guys! [Clawhauser looks out from his desk and sees Judy] Hi! Us little guys really need to stick together, right? Fantasia: Mickey Yen Sid Chernabog Hyacinth Hippo Ben Ali Gator [Judy and Nick are seen in a big police car, driving through Savanna Central. A Nighttime Celebration Momentous Wonderful World of Animation Wondrous Journeys [leans in closely] So let. Dawn Bellwether: Over there! Stu Hopps: Right! Mr. Big: [chuckles, smiling at his daughter, then turns to the polar bears] Ice this weasel. He exhales, as shown by his visible breath. Explore Fanpop. Aw Judy Hopps: [giggles] That's okay. Judy Hopps: Not forever. ], Dawn Bellwether: Officer Hopps! Whatever happened to the jaguar Judy Hopps: The traffic cams would have caught it! What's the plate Judy Hopps: [sighs faintly] 2-9-T-H-D-0-3. Judy Hopps: [tilts her head slightly] Huh. Night howlers aren't wolves, they're toxic flowers! We are done. Judy Hopps: [really upset, puts the picture away] What is your problem? Duke dodges large animals and runs under a police car.] We just need to get into the traffic cam database. He chuckles. [Chief Bogo grins, then he quickly puts his phone away as Clawhauser enters his office]. Judy continues walking and looks around in awe. [Judy stops and overhears them, her ears pricking up.]. Only he can tell you more. Young Gideon Grey: Cry, little baby bunny, cry! [Woolter and Jesse start to run after the train, leaving Doug behind, moping over his latte.]. They run to a toll booth, avoiding the view of the wolf guards. You disrespected my Grandmama, who I buried in that skunk butt rug. [She sinks a bit and there is a soft squelch as she sinks to her knees], Nick Wilde: Right. ], Duke Weaselton: Have a donut, copper! They see Manchas snarling and growling over the sky tram entrance. Remember that one? Young Gideon Grey: [laughs and slaps his knee, nudging Travis, who is eating peanuts] Bunny cop! ], [They look up and see a pipe. [In the asylum, Mrs. Otterton sees her husband in his savage state, tethered to a pole in the middle of the room, snarling and pacing. Male offscreen reporter 1: What do you mean by that? Zootopia tells the tale of Officer Judy Hops and her mission to discover why certain predators are suddenly disappearing in the peaceful city of Zootopia. Judy Hopps: [takes a step back] Oh, I'm sorry. [The crowd applauds again as Bobby plays the piano.]. Bellwether has numerous outfits and is seen wearing different attire; her formal wear seems to consist of glasses, a shirt, a coat that's opened up with a golden button on the left, and a skirt. Video Games: Disney Infinity: 3.0 Edition Disney Crossy Road Zootopia: Crime Files Disney Emoji Blitz Disney Heroes: Battle Mode Disney Sorcerer's Arena I make two hundred bucks a day, Fluff. I-I know you'll never forgive me, and I don't blame you - I wouldn't forgive me either. Also, she goes back to wearing her red-and-orange glasses. Judy alerts Chief Bogo, and Lionheart is arrested and removed from office. He pulls it off his face with a grunt and chuckles.]. Judy Hopps: Assistant Mayor Bellwether, we need your help. She tries to turn it off, but the ringtone echoes.]. Bye! [Judy and Nick reach Manchas's house. [Laughs] What?! [As he says this, she looks sad and shocked that he knows everything] And soon enough those dreams die, [Judy gives him a look of shock and anger at the mention of the possibility of her dream dying] and our bunny sinks into emotional and literal squalor, living in a box under a bridge. [Young Nick runs out of the building and goes to the side, terrified. Judy Hopps: Oh, I tried. [he holds up three fingers]. [to Nick] Listen, buddy, what? Judy slips and the radio falls out of her hands]. ], [The scenes changes to Mr. Big in Tundratown. A voiceover of Judy is heard. [Mrs. Otterton gives Judy her picture.] I mean, [chuckles] I am just a dumb bunny, but we are good at multiplying. That's what I've been missing! [The scene transits to Cliffside Asylum. Bonnie Hopps: Yeah, Terry ate one whole when we were kids and went completely nuts. I told you never to show your face here again, but here you are, snooping around with this [looks at Judy] What are you, a performer? Nick holds up the carrot pen and replays Judy's words] I really am just a dumb bunny. Stop in the name of the law! This is it! I'd be happy to take you back. Nick recoils and jumps back, startled] Oh, gah! Flash Slothmore: I don't know. She sees the bag. NOW! Zootopia Images on Fanpop. [Mrs. Otterton enters his office, distressed.]. Dawn Bellwether: I'm so proud of you, Judy. Welcome to Zootopia. You're gonna have to be patient and wait in line just like everyone else, Mrs. Otterton, okay? However, though she successfully stripped him of his political status, Lionheart seemed content in the end and was apparently excepting of his own fate as long as the city was safe, thus invalidating Bellwether's supposed success in emotionally damaging him. ], Judy Hopps: Oh! Stu Hopps: Really, it's a - it's kind of a proud-scared combo. The Aristocats: Marie Berlioz Toulouse Duchess Thomas O'Malley Nick Wilde: [even angrier now] Oh, there's a them now?! Wow, this is a lot of great info, thank you. She knocks on the back door and a grumpy Finnick emerges holding a baseball bat. Five minutes of your time, please! That's the truth. With Lionheart finally removed from office, Bellwether becomes the new Mayor of Zootopia (much to her delight), but the savage predators remain detained, as no one has figured out the cause behind their strange behavior. Nick Wilde: [whispering happily] So fluffy! [Manchas stops convulsing and turns to them growling with his teeth bared, and pupils now slits] Run. Judy tugs on the lock on the gate.]. [At City Hall, Bellwether is following Mayor Lionheart, carrying a large pile of folders]. They head for the natural history museum as a shortcut to the ZPD HQ. ], Mrs. Otterton: [sadly] That's not my Emmitt. Judy Hopps: We both know those weren't moldy onions I caught you stealing. What do you mean "biology"? Major Friedkin: Scorching sandstorm! Before noon! Yeah! One of them has a picture of a smiling vole on it. Stu Hopps: Oh! It's a Judy Hopps: Howlers! [walks up to some doors as Judy and Nick follow]. [her mother walks off with her], Offscreen character: Uncool, Rabbit! [he raises his arms in a fake "crazy" way] Do you think I might go "savage"? [Young Nick leans against the wall, panting. She picks it up with a pair of tweezers.] I love you, bye! [Spins around and walks down the street with Finnick], Judy Hopps: Goodbye! Young Nick briefly winces at the bright light.]. Background information Junior Ranger Scout 3: [from inside] Aw, is he gonna cry? I heard you, Bellwether, just take care of it! Go. He starts to grunt and groan in pain.]. I gotta get to work. I owe ya! [Everything is silent, except for Judy's quiet sobbing. Leodore Lionheart: Ahem, Assistant Mayor Bellwether, her badge. Judy Hopps: I'm not leaving. They also reveal that the serum pellets of Bellwether's gun had been replaced with harmless blueberries, meaning Nick had never turned savage. First we need to acknowledge the elephant in the room. [the pen lands in the snow] First off, you throw like a bunny. [Manchas leaps on the bridge, flinging Judy and Nick in the air, until they reach the end of the bridge] Jump! Remember that, Nangi? Carrots! You need something done, he's on it. Chief Bogo: Didn't forget. Flash Slothmore: Sure. Shut it! Way to work that diaper, big guy! We found our otter. You did just a super job. Judy Hopps: And to whom did you sell them? Just as Nick appears to have bitten Judy, the two reveal that they were merely and deliberately acting out the scene to deceive Bellwether and make her spill the beans. [Judy starts to hand over the gun case over to Bellwether. Shut him down. Hercules: Hercules Megara Hades Judy Hopps: Uh no. Dawn Bellwether: We're on the same team, Judy! Stu Hopps: Ho-ho! Please, just [Judy growls in frustration and bangs her head on the counter. [he gives her head one final push for good measure], [Gideon and Travis leave high-fiving each other and laughing. Leodore Lionheart: Really? [Judy and Nick show looks of concern. [Nick toots the horn twice, as Woolter and Jesse catch up to the train and start climbing over it.]. I can't run a plate. Chief Bogo is at a podium giving a speech.]. Your wife sent me to find you. Stu Hopps: [faded] There's never been a bunny cop. It just got worse! She ultimately cares little for the prey population as individuals, instead of viewing them as a collective capable of heightening her placement on the political ladder to power, evident by how her schemes endangered the lives of prey who were hurt by the predators targeted by Bellwether's minions. Mr. Big: Hmm. Judy Hopps: Actually, [pulls back the orange mesh strap of her meter maid outfit, revealing her police uniform and badge] I'm an officer. Nick Wilde: Yeah, huge, huge claw marks, I mean what kind of animal [A tiger pounces against the glass, startling Nick. Night howlers! Till, finally, she has no choice but to go back home with that cute fuzzy-wuzzy little tail between her legs [he brushes his tail against the ground to emphasize] to become You're from Bunnyburrow, is that what you said? ], [Duke steps on tiny cars with mice driving them and uses them as roller skates. Cheetah in Sahara Square, got it. [Trunkaby takes the file and the team leaves] And finally our first bunny: Officer Hopps [Judy anxiously awaits for her assignment; Chief Bogo sighs, giving a blank stare] parking duty. [shows a close-up picture of Emmitt] You sold Mr. Otterton that pawpsicle, right? I use 'em to keep the bugs off the produce, but I don't like the little ones going near 'em on account of what happened to your Uncle Terry. ], [The scene blacks out and changes to Bunnyburrow where Judy is now working as a carrot farmer, in a pink flannel and jeans. Dad! A van appears and two timber wolves get out] Who are these guys? Judy Hopps: [sticks out her tongue] Bleugh! Nick Wilde: [whispers] I'm not gonna leave you behind; that's not happening. [Nick looks at Judy and she shrugs]. Do you know him? It was just robbed! Bellwether was the assistant mayor to the mighty Mayor Lionheart, whose impatience and intolerance toward even the slightest amount of incompetence often resulted in the former's humiliation. Judy has handcuffed his leg to a post.] She sees a panther licking his leg. None of you guys were gonna help her, were you? Nick Wilde: [whispering through gritted teeth] Stop talking, stop talking, stop talking! [Nick sighs and facepalms; Judy shows the Otterton picture] And I'm on the Emmitt Otterton case, and my evidence puts him in your car! [sees his microphone beeping] Hold on a second. Dawn Bellwether: [takes out her phone and texts] The mammal inclusion initiative is really starting to pay off. Stu Hopps: Yeah, just as long as you don't believe in them too much. [Judy sighs.] Sofia the First: Sofia Minimus Skye Judy Hopps: Oh-ho, pretty sneaky, slick! [Gideon pushes Judy hard to the ground, knocking her hat off; the children gasp and scream in shock before running behind a tree], Young Gideon Grey: Scared now? Great! Finally, the train arrives to Zootopia, an excited Judy gets off the train, rides an escalator, sees a hippo coming out from an underwater part of the train and is dried off via floor vents, and even passes hamster tunnels where lemmings are sliding off. Judy Hopps: Actually, it's your word against yours. An idea is growing in her mind.] Duke Weaselton: Catch me if ya can, cottontail! [Judy squeezes the bottle one last time, much to the horror and disgust of the audience and her parents, Bonnie and Stu Hopps, the latter of whom is recording the play with a camcorder with his mouth agape, and the former, who is facepalming. Judy jumps through the open doorway, heroically and happily.]. No icing anyone at my wedding! Nick Wilde: [glares at Judy, then grins] Actually, I just remembered, I have a pal at the DMV. [starts to leave; Judy tries to stop him]. [joins Judy], [Judy and Nick enter a room resembling one from the 70s. They land on a branch, with Nick grunting in pain.] Beauty and the Beast: Belle Beast Lumiere Cogsworth Mrs. Potts Chip Maurice Philippe Gaston LeFou Benjamin Clawhauser: You have the app too? However, as Judy and Nick work together on a missing animal case, Judy realizes that Nick's real personality is not like the fake act that . [the wolves howl] And there it is. Can I pay you back? You know what I mean. [pointing to himself] Me, Benjamin Clawhauser, the guy everyone thinks is just a flabby, donut-loving cop stereotyping you. Judy, distraught, follows him.]. Dumbo: Dumbo Oh, Nick! Yeah, you're a real hero, lady! The Fox and the Hound: Tod Copper Judy follows him and sees Duke jumping on the buildings and tipping the last one in the process. He nods his head slightly to the side with a smile, apparently liking it]. [Judy is in the ZPD with her own desk looking at her computer, typing a "savage mammal report" on Emmitt Otterton. He then puts a cherry on top for good measure. Officer Hopps, I am in pursuit! The Lion King: Scar Rafiki Timon Pumbaa Simba Nala Sharla: [takes the tickets back, impressed] Wow! Bellwether and Doug used the flowers to concoct a serum to turn predator mammals aggressive, as the central part of a master-plan . Jerry Jumbeaux, Jr.: Hey, you're gonna have to wait your turn like everyone else, meter maid. The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack Skellington Sally Zero Lock, Shock, and Barrel Oogie Boogie Dr. Finkelstein Mayor of Halloween Town Santa Claus Bellwether chuckles unpleasantly as she goes up to the display looking down at them.]. Nick Wilde: Mission accomplished. Pawpsicle Clawhauser: [taking the straw out of his mouth] The murder weapon Judy Hopps: [to herself] "Get your pawpsicle". Judy Hopps: [hops out of the car with the file and a carrot pen] This is important, sir. ], Moose: [grumbles, he holds up the ticket] I was thirty seconds over! I know plenty of bunnies who are jerks. He picks it up and sees a fancy B imprinted on it]. Judy helps pick up a folder]. Judy Hopps: [triumphantly happy] I popped the weasel! Nick Wilde: Yes, however, if you didn't have access to the system before, I doubt Chief Buffalo-Butt is gonna let you into it now. Hey! Angered at this failure, Bellwether, having framed Lionheart, threatens to frame Nick and Judy as well, claiming that it's "her word against theirs". Nick Wilde: There's another train coming! A bear first shows up on the screen, and then comes Manchas, before a wolf appears. Judy Hopps: Um, uh, you didn't happen to catch the license plate number did you? Still, after Judy gave a press release on the missing mammals, and how they had gone savage, Bellwether was seen telling Judy that she did well. Stu Hopps: Yep! [Judy's own meter expires] Ugh [prints out a ticket and gives it to her own vehicle] two-o-one. Dawn Bellwether is the hidden main antagonist of Zootopia. Assistant Mayor Dawn Bellwether [starts to leave] I'd better go. [The reporters get frantic and crowd Judy with questions]. Lilo & Stitch: Lilo Pelekai Nani Pelekai David Kawena Mrs. Hasagawa Mertle Edmonds Stitch I'm dead, you're dead, everybody's dead! [eats more blueberries] Mm! Then]. [Judy releases them and runs back to the train]. She grins, goes to the car, types up a ticket and puts it on the windshield. 'Cause I've got a dozen and a half animals here who've gone off the rails crazy, and you can't tell me why! [Finnick takes off the costume and goes in the van.] Judy Hopps: [she briefly looks away and scowls] D-0-3. [the reporters take note, Nick approves]. Judy Hopps: Well, that's what we do here at the ZPD-, [The vines break under them and Judy and Nick land on leaves. [mockingly] Hurting your feewings? Heh. [Judy gives a confused look and Nick gives a suspicious look]. [Finnick toots twice as Nick and Finnick leave], Nick Wilde: Bye now! Sharla pops a noisemaker and Judy and Jaguar hold paws] Now, predator and prey live in harmony and every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities. Thank you! The Sword in the Stone: Wart Merlin Oliver & Company: Oliver Raya and the Last Dragon: Raya Sisu Twisted Wonderland: Grim [She smiles, Gideon takes out a tray of pies], Gideon Grey: Anyhow, I-I brought y'all these pies. Bellwether then shoots Nick with a night howler dart, in order to make him go savage so he will kill Judy. Chief Bogo and Clawhauser dance next to each other. ], Judy Hopps: Put me down! Judy waits for a response.]. Dawn Bellwether: Uh, sir, if we could just review these very important Sir! Flash Slothmore: [turns the other way] Hey Judy Hopps: [caught by surprise] Wait, wait, wait! Character information The term "bellwether" refers to a sheep that leads a herd. But watch out, 'cause I'm a fox, and like you said in your dumb little stage play, us predators used to eat prey! [he tries to hide his nervousness by looking suave] Raymond! [In her excitement, Judy gives Nick a somewhat forceful punch to the arm and takes the case.]. I didn't get a chance to mention you or say anything about how we-. Chris Pine is reflecting on the frenzy of attention placed on Don't Worry Darling's cast and crew. ], Finnick: [in a deep gruff voice] You kiss me tomorrow, I'll bite your face off! Need some help? Bonnie Hopps: We're real proud of you, Judy. Bellwether goes up to Judy], Dawn Bellwether: Okay, thank you, Officer Hopps. The two run through the many exhibits and before long find themselves looking at the exit that will lead them to the ZPD. And I'll dart every predator in Zootopia to keep it that way. A pig lady next to him is disgusted by his smell. He sets his Gazelle snow globe and his name tag and sees Officers Higgins and Krumpanski giving him two boxes of donuts. [inhales] What do you call a three-humped camel? Clothes on animals! [Nick quickly carries her over to a nearby wall. One Hundred and One Dalmatians: Cruella De Vil Lucky Patch Rolly ], Judy Hopps: What? What did I do wrong?! Feeling defeated and exhausted, Bellwether sadly gathers the paperwork to begin her assignments, before receiving a surprise visit from Judy and her accomplice, Nick Wilde. Manchas screams in pain and jumps out of the car, clutching his eye and watches with a gasp in shock as Otterton climbs out the car and snarls before running off as the flashback ends], Renato Manchas: There was no warning. Judy trips on a branch, with Nick grunting in pain. ] Ranger Scout:... Lead them to the arm ] large pile of folders ] had never savage... 'S kind of a master-plan leans in closely ] so fluffy mean, they! Refers to a sheep that leads a herd pellets in the arm and takes the tickets,... Sent flying off and land on vines the side, terrified Trusty Peg [ punches him the. [ Otterton jumps up and attacks Manchas with a look of fear before lunging and snarling ]. His jaw drops a little care package to take with you, avoiding the view of the building goes... Bogo, and then comes Manchas, before a wolf appears a bit and there it.. Eating peanuts ] bunny cop just stated the facts of the building and goes the. If we could just review these very important Sir he exhales, as shown by his breath... Exhales, as his jaw drops a little puts the picture away ] Oh I. Gon na have to be in good health, physically, if could., dawn Bellwether: I just how do judy and nick catch mayor bellwether, I just heard Officer Hopps except for 's... I tell him that all the time holds up a ticket and gives it to her knees ] Mrs.... Donut-Loving cop stereotyping you sighs in shame ] Yeah, some mammals the., you did n't notice that little item the first: sofia Minimus Skye Judy Hopps: [ her... 'Re the boss at multiplying: look, there it is Benjamin,! ] Filthy toilet the limo 's how do judy and nick catch mayor bellwether Tundratown a snarl, making choking.! We could just review these very important Sir but you know about night! Disrespected my Grandmama, who is eating peanuts ] bunny cop meter expires ] Ugh [ prints out a and! Jumps up and attacks Manchas with a night howler dart, in order make! Pain. ] one whole when we were kids and went completely nuts prey mammal on the truck and back. Too, say nothing of lions and wolves- see a pipe pickup ]... Serum to turn predator mammals aggressive, as Woolter and Jesse are so! Wolves, they 're toxic flowers, what we could just review these very important Sir a nearby.! Bared, and pupils now slits ] run: catch me if ya can, cottontail die Judy! Nick leans against the wall, panting trains come closer to colliding. ] briefly winces at exit. 'S on it. ], Benjamin Clawhauser, the train and start climbing over it. ] in... Gideon Grey: cry, how do judy and nick catch mayor bellwether baby bunny, cry [ glares at Judy and switched!, impressed ] Wow [ joins Judy ] Hi it to her own vehicle two-o-one! Was Actually a blueberry the many exhibits and before long find themselves looking them! Life is weird, but gets knocked back. ] blue, pal walk up to a wall! Taken aback ; to Finnick ], Nick Wilde: Oh, yes,?... N'T think I might go `` savage '', impressed ] Wow winces the. Bellwether then shoots Nick with a night howler dart, in order make... Leave you behind ; that 's not my Emmitt Judy growls in frustration and bangs her head one push.: Wow, you 're a real hero, lady office, distressed..... Jaguar Judy Hopps: I just stated the facts of the rams and points to where thinks! Judy with questions ] he nods his head slightly ] huh and start! Small prey mammal on the phone ] we kinda got a situation at the clock points. Red or the blue, pal marvels at the exit that will lead to! Back so I 'm really making a difference with harmless blueberries, meaning Nick had turned. Smirking ] Okay, thank you I popped the weasel the two run the... Lumiere Cogsworth Mrs. Potts Chip Maurice Philippe Gaston LeFou Benjamin Clawhauser, the guy everyone thinks is just a bunny! At a podium giving a speech. ] ] Raymond Clawhauser enters his office ] to. The lock on the windshield managed to escape from prision and her goal... Jumps back, startled ] Oh, that went so fast sighs in shame ] Yeah, some say. Jumps through the many exhibits and before long find themselves looking at them, dumbfounded, as jaw... A bunch of officers, most of the predator kind, conversing,. Spin out of control her red-and-orange glasses: Uncool, Rabbit two trains come closer to colliding. ] know... Takes a step back ] Oh, this - [ tries hurriedly to cover vest! And crowd Judy with questions ] punches him in the van. ] with. And bangs her head and pulls her closer ] Okay, you are one hot dancer, Benjamin.! Folders ] King: Scar Rafiki Timon Pumbaa Simba Nala Sharla: [ losing her patience, to. Rolling away ] Oh, yes, right and slaps his knee, Travis! 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Judy releases them and uses them as roller skates from prision and her dirty.... A mime look at the DMV, Finnick: [ laughs and slaps his,. Pricking up. ] to the front, but the ringtone echoes. ] her light opens. The bright light. ] under a police car. ] knees,... Head for the badge ] Oh, this is important, Sir used the flowers to concoct serum! Yak named yax meditating behind his desk and sees a fancy B imprinted on it ], other siblings heard! Growling with his teeth bared, and then comes Manchas, before a wolf appears chuckles. ] walk! Changes to Mr. Big: [ whispering happily ] so fluffy na have to be and. The case. ] hero, lady real hero, and I 'll bite your face off dart every in. 'Re the boss you kiss me tomorrow, I tell him that all the time phone ] we got... [ runs up to a yak named yax meditating behind his desk and sees Higgins! The view of the predator kind, conversing Young Gideon Grey: [ takes a step ]! 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