money market c. They have management fees higher than other mutual funds. Though such market timing is not technically illegal, FINRA has taken the view that this activity can hurt existing fund shareholders because it can dilute the value of the existing shares. C. an account of Ivan Ilyich's perception of his impending death. D She has a savings account with $160,000 and her home is fully paid. A. ETFs hold the underlying shares of companies included in a stock indexD. Hedge FundD. may correspond to ownership of a fraction of a foreign share I Comparison of funds over the same period of time is appropriate when the funds have different investment objectives If prices rise, smaller dollar purchases must be made; while if prices fall, larger dollar purchases must be madeD. 5% of the Public Offering PriceC. The manager of an unregistered hedge fund charges a fee of 2 and 20. This means that investors are charged a(n): A. annual management fee against net assets of 2% plus a performance fee based on exceeding a benchmark index by 20%B. Which statements are TRUE regarding hedge funds? For the most part, money markets provide those with fundsbanks, money managers, and retail investorsa means for safe, liquid, short-term investments, and they offer borrowersbanks, broker-dealers, hedge funds, and nonfinancial corporationsaccess to low-cost funds. Monday, June 19thD. The two types of ________ bonds are 1) foreign bonds which are issued in foreign countries but in the currency of the investor and 2) Eurobonds which are denominated in a currency other than that of the country in which it is issue. both futures contracts and call options The stock then trades like any other common stock, except the company is in the business of making investments; instead of say, making cars, beer, or computers. A. Which of the following is an Exchange Traded Fund? They usually offer check-writing privileged c. They are highly leveraged and risky d. They invest in commercial paper, CDs and repurchase agreements and they usually offer check-writing privileges e. D. II and IV. III Fund dividends are not taxable if reinvested in additional shares I Roth IRAs allow a greater contribution than Traditional IRAs II Roth IRA contributions are not tax deductible III Distributions from a Roth IRA are not taxable if the investment is held for at least 5 years B. **Market Timing: The practice of frequently buying and selling a funds shares to exploit inefficiencies in how the mutual fund company computes NAV per share. Every year that the fund distributes dividends and capital gains, both must be included on that years income tax return - whether or not the investor reinvests the monies in additional fund shares or whether the investor takes the monies as cash. Buying a security into inventory directly from a customer with a mark-down. When discussing mutual funds with a customer, all of the following statements are prohibited EXCEPT: A. 8 1/2% of Net Asset ValueD. MARR is 15 percent. $6,500 However, for a corporate bond fund, since the interest income from corporate bonds is taxable, distributions from the fund to shareholders are taxable; and any undistributed income retained by the fund will be taxed to the fund. II not registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 III Mortality risk Which are not? The Letter Of Intent (LOI) provision operates separately from Rights of Accumulation and takes precedence over Rights of Accumulation. Correct A. I and III Fixed periodC. Nonconforming; subprime III The number of annuity units is fixed; the annuity payment may vary It is a type of structured product offered by banks that gives a return tied to a benchmark index. Thus, they are only suitable for relatively risk tolerant, sophisticated investors. III and IV only The reason why these funds are called money funds is that the securities held in the portfolios have very short maturities (less than 30 days) and turn over into cash quickly. III and IV onlyC. At the end of that day, the S&P 500 Index increases by 10%. II and IV only, Which statements are TRUE regarding hedge funds? II and IVC. D. Securities that are redeemable with the sponsor. D A 300% leveraged ETF can be expected to move 3 times as fast as the reference index, either up or down. If market prices are fluctuating, the plan will produce a lower average per share costC. ____________ -weighted. Members of an investment clubC. Mutual FundC. I Investment in U.S. minted gold coins is permitted I public sector retirement plans It offers its shares continuously like an open-end fund. Of course, any person who elects to reinvest the distributions in more shares will have now hold more shares, each one worth less than before. premium futures contracts but not call options with a much smaller initial investment (minimum initial purchase amounts for interval funds range between $10,000 and $25,000). They can be bought on margin or sold short. However, because the shares were reduced by the exchange for the dividend where they were traded on the ex date, the net effect of the dividend receipt to the fund is 0 (tricky, huh!). The best answer is C. Interest payments on loans, intangible drilling costs (the cost of drilling for oil and gas), and depletion allowances (the recovery of monies paid to buy the oil or gas reserve) are all tax deductible items under the Internal Revenue Code since they are "ordinary and necessary business expenses." The entire amount should be invested in one fund or one fund family to give the customer the lowest possible sales charge. I, II, III. Which of the following are true of short futures positions? Because of this, the customer must deposit new money in the dollar amount required by the LOI to get the lowered sales charge. Also known as over-night borrowing (called as money at call) and for a period up to 14 days (called short notice). $5,500 for the wife; $5,500 for the husband The Net Asset Value per share is constant at $10C. (One specific type of violation is "market timing" - the practice of frequently buying and selling a fund's shares to exploit inefficiencies in how the mutual fund company computes NAV per share. both have portfolios that are managed A(n) _______ option is a right to sell an asset at a stipulated exercise price on or before an expiration date. Open-end funds continuously issue and redeem shares. This type of ETF has shorted 20+ year Treasuries in the hopes that prices will drop and the positions can be covered (bought back) for a profit. However, when buying or selling an exchange traded fund, there is a commission cost; whereas when buying or redeeming a mutual fund there is no charge if the fund is no-load or there can be a sales charge. Which statements are TRUE regarding money market funds? fund dividends are not taxable if reinvested in additional shares D. I, II, III, Which statements are TRUE regarding variable annuities sold via a contractual plan during the accumulation phase? Under the provisions of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the customer must be paid the money no later than: A. Thursday, June 15B. III and IV onlyC. I and III I and III ), I-Shares allow investors to invest in stock indexes based on all of the following EXCEPT: I REITs allow for flow through of gainII RELPs allows for flow through of gainIII REITs allow for flow through of lossIV RELPs allow for flow through of loss, A. I and II onlyB. D A There is no sales charge, but they impose annual 12b-1 fees and service fees. II and IV, What is the main objective of investing in Equity REITs? A customer has $35,000 to invest in a mutual fund with a Net Asset Value per share of $9.42 and a Public Offering Price of $10.30. D The theory behind such plans is that the advertising will attract more assets to the fund (more shareholders), and as the funds size increases, the expense ratio (ratio of all fund expenses to total net assets) should decrease for all shareholders. D. II and IV, REITs are NOT permitted to distribute which of the following to their shareholders? A Borrowed shares are sold, and then must be bought back and replaced at a later date. Open end mutual funds are purchased at the offering price, which is inclusive of any sales charges. Multiple select question. III and IVC. with a much smaller initial investment (minimum initial purchase amounts for interval funds range between $10,000 and $25,000). For example, a 200% leveraged inverse ETF can be expected to move 2 times as fast as the reference index, but in the opposite direction. Guardian, Which statements are TRUE when comparing an index mutual fund to an index exchange traded fund? the life of the annuitant and then cease B Letter of IntentD. A customer asks the following; One of my neighbors was talking about his investment in an ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) and said that it is low cost. Is this true? The registered representative should respond that: A. the expense ratios of most ETFs are lower than those for comparable index mutual fundsB. Which statements are TRUE regarding mutual funds that have adopted 12b-1 plans? An ownership claim on a pool of mortgages or an obligation that is secured by such a pool is referred to as a mortgage- _______ security. A certificate -traded in US markets that represents ownership of shares of a(n) ____________ company is referred to by its initials as an ADR. B $50,001 - $100,000 4% A call with a 15 strike, when the market is $10.75, is 4 . >$10,000 - $20,000 7 % Which statement is TRUE regarding dollar cost averaging? It is based on the free float. An investor buys 100 shares of an open-end investment company with a 5% contingent deferred sales charge. a violation known as a breakpoint saleC. Repayment is based on the credit of the issuing bank, and if the banks credit rating is lowered, the price should drop. The Act does not set sales charges for mutual fund purchases - these are set by FINRA - which allows a maximum sales charge of 8 1/2%. traded over-the-counter. Hedge funds started in the 1990s and the managers produced superior returns and were able to charge high fees. I and II only When comparing an ETN to an ETF, which statement is FALSE? All of the following statements are true regarding the Federal Funds rate EXCEPT the rate is: A. charged from one Federal Reserve member bank to another member bank B. set by the Federal Reserve C. lower than the discount rate D. computed every business day Thus, these are illiquid securities because an investor cannot trade out the position, nor can the investor redeem the position at any time. Dividing customer purchase amounts will deny the customer the benefit of the breakpoint. 6 % Which of the following are the correct about inflation-indexed treasury bonds? The owners of the corporation manage the company themselves. C A bond ETF profits when prices rise. Which statement is TRUE regarding money market funds? Front end sales chargeB. Types of funds Growth, growth and income, income, balanced, index, specialized (sector fund), and special situations fund Both individuals are covered by qualified retirement plans. The formula for the expense ratio of a mutual fund is: The customer wants to start a college fund for her child. tax exempt fund. Which sources of REIT income are counted towards the 75% test required by Subchapter M? such an activity is illegal and any redemption requests placed at 4:00 PM must be processed based upon the next days NAV computationD. Hedge fund managers are not subject to the Investment Company Act of 1940 that limits managers compensation to a percentage of assets under management - no performance fees are allowed. II Salespeople must register with both FINRA and the State Insurance Commission For the rest of the year, the investor is locked into the investment. In past years, FINRA has taken enforcement action against sophisticated institutional hedge fund investors that have engaged in illegal mutual fund trading practices at the expense of the existing mutual fund shareholders. considered to be a fairly safe asset due to the ability to be monitored and predicted over a short term. C Interest is payable semiannually on June 30 and December 31. D A The sales charge is reduced by 1% for every full year that the fund is held. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC or Freddie Mac). $10 plus a commissionC. A customer who buys will pay the current market price plus a commission. These 3 funds all have different sponsors. Their interest income is exempt from federal income taxation. $10,500D. On January 1, 2019, Trueman Corp. issued $600,000 of 20-year, 11% bonds for$554,860, yielding a market (yield) rate of 12%. II, III, IV At an outpatient mental health clinic, appointment cancellations occur at a mean rate of 1.5 per day They are structured as private placement limited partnerships that are only available to wealthy accredited investors. C Bid is also the same thing as Redemption Price. He or she should elect which type of withdrawal plan? Correct Answer A. Active asset managementC. NAV per share of a mutual fund declines when asset values decline in the portfolio. Conforming; prime index, Which of the following are true statements regarding ADRs? A customer who places an order to buy 100 shares of Acme Fund will pay approximately: A. I The dividend is taxable if it is taken as a checkII The dividend is not taxable if it is taken as a checkIII The dividend is taxable if it is automatically reinvested in the fundIV The dividend is not taxable if it is automatically reinvested in the fund. The customer deposits $15,000 into the fund over the next 13 months. They trade on exchanges like individual stocks. III and IVD. A The other major exchange traded funds include - SPDRs (Standard and Poors 500 Index - symbol = SPY) - also traded on the AMEX (now renamed the NYSE American), and QUBES (NASDAQ 100 Index - symbol = QQQ) which are traded on the NASDAQ. B. is obligated to buy the stock at the limit price, if one is specified by the customer A) ETF indexes allow the investor to easily become fully diversified. A. The assessment . Mutual funds cannot be purchased on margin because they are a new issue prospectus offering - and new issues are not marginable until they have seasoned for 30 days. A 200% leveraged ETF can be expected to move 2 times as fast as the reference index, either up or down. $46.92 stability. REITs do not invest in limited partnerships, which are tax shelter vehicles. C In past years, FINRA has taken enforcement action against sophisticated institutional hedge fund investors that have engaged in illegal mutual fund trading practices at the expense of the existing mutual fund shareholders. sector fundC. How many shares of the fund can the customer purchase? D. II and IV, D. II and IV that have outperformed the Dow Jones Industrial Average. I Money market funds are typically sold without a sales charge So, only the 1% of the income retained will be taxed. Dollar cost averaging does not work if the price of the stock remains fixed, nor does it protect against loss in a falling market. C Multiple select question. I and III Note that the maximum is a percentage of all dollars invested; it is not a percentage of Net Asset Value. Note that in the real world, competition among funds has forced sales charges well below this maximum permitted level. Incorrect Answer A. Bond. A ), A registered representative primarily services institutional hedge fund customers that direct a large volume of trades to that brokerage firm. Bid There are 2 specific types of violations: **Late Trading: The practice of placing orders to buy, redeem, or exchange mutual fund shares after the time as of which the fund calculates its daily NAV (typically at 4:00 PM ET). C If a single company held in the underlying stock portfolio has its credit rating lowered, this will have a minimal impact on the value of the overall portfolio. Which of the following statements about real estate investment trusts is true? Since this ETF is 2x, it is an ETF that moves in the same direction as the market, but it moves twice as fast The customer starts with 200 shares at $50, or a $10,000 position. whereas ______ mortgages are riskier loans made to financially weaker borrowers Which of the following investment purchase recommendations would help achieve this objective? Which statements are TRUE regarding mutual fund expense ratios? Was this answer helpful? Then sellers exceed buyers and the market price is pushed lower than Net Asset Value. If the price of the security is fluctuating, the average purchase cost per share will be lower for the investor than the simple mathematical average price of the shares over the same period. Under FINRA rules, the maximum sales charge that may be imposed on a mutual fund purchase is: A. 5- Risk, Return and the Historical Record, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Carl S Warren, James M Reeve, Jonathan E. Duchac, Trends Chpt 22 Quality Improvement and Patien. To prevent market timing, most mutual funds have placed restrictions on excessive trading in their prospectuses and monitor accounts for excessive short-term trading. The venture must have a legitimate business purpose other than tax avoidance The partnership must have at least 1 general partner and 1 limited partner Only general partners can assume a management role Any asset can be held in the partnership $12,000 x .90 = $10,800. C The US Department of Energy has assessed that the Covid-19 pandemic most likely came from a laboratory leak in China, according to a newly updated classified intelligence report. D $47.00, When recommending a contractual plan variable annuity, the registered representative should consider which of the following? A. II Quality of management can be compared by looking at performance over the same period of time coffee on it, making the first digit of the 2-digit IRR unreadable. II Dividends If a mutual fund invests solely in municipal securities, there is no Federal tax liability on the interest income received (remember, the interest income from municipal securities is exempt from Federal income tax). A. D Explain. managed or unmanagedC. IV Whether the customer can handle declining benefit payments in retirement An ETF based on the price movements of 20+ year Treasuries would have the largest profit when interest rates fall. Can you help him figure out the IRR? D. II and IV, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are: Which of the following investments is the most illiquid? ETFs have market risk. Some partnership agreements provide for interest on invested capital in distributing income to the individual partners. II The penalties imposed for early withdrawal from the plan A mutual funds expense ratio has been increasing over the last 4 years. Which statements about preferred stock are true? negotiated sales charge fund, The sales charge that is imposed when a customer initially purchases fund shares is known as a front-end load sales charge.. Speculation and aggressive gains, A client surrenders a variable annuity contract 5 years after purchase because of poor performance. A. All of the following statements are true about Health Savings Accounts EXCEPT: A. HSAs are only appropriate for those individuals covered by high-deductible health insurance plans, Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding mutual funds and variable annuities that are in the accumulation phase? To discontinue the plan requires majority vote of either the outstanding shares or the disinterested members of the Board of Directors. It is a price-weighted index. Mutual funds financial statements are sent to shareholders: A. monthlyB. Thus, these are illiquid securities because an investor cannot trade out the position, nor can the investor redeem the position at any time. The reason why these funds are called "money" funds is that the securities held in the portfolios have very short maturities (less than 30 days) and turn over into cash quickly. B. I and IV So its either the hedge fund or the fund of hedge funds. Nothing, since the account value is over $50,000B. The representative has acted properly - no additional disclosures are required to be made to the customerB. I The REIT issues common shares representing a proportional interest in the investment company $1,918 plus a commission. If a fund distributes a dividend to shareholders, an ex date is set by the Board of Directors of the Fund. Multiple select question. Mortgage Bonds It is based on the free float. The ratio really represents that portion of the funds return on net assets that is eaten up by expenses. IV The representative must sign a statement that all required representations and determinations were completed D III The representative must believe that the variable product as a whole, the underlying separate accounts to which funds are allocated, and riders to the policy, are suitable Which of the following statements regarding Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) are not true? I and IVD. What will be the market value of the 200 share position? A mutual fund portfolio is managed by an investment adviser and the fund continuously issues and redeems its common shares - so it is an open end management company. $100,001 - $250,000 3% there is a commission cost when buying an exchange traded fund share whereas there is no commission cost when buying a mutual fund shareD. The _________ price is the price you would pay for a security from a dealer, and the ______ price is the slightly lower price you would receive if you wanted to sell to a dealer. I, II, III, IV. interval fundD. Under the Investment Company Act of 1940, customers who redeem must be paid within 7 calendar days (the same as 5 business days, or 1 week) of the redemption date. I The income yield of the fund consists of both the dividend distributions and the capital gains distributionsII If you buy the fund with a few friends, the purchase will be large enough for a breakpointIII Buy the fund shares now just before the dividend is paid so you can get immediate incomeIV Buy shares of different funds of the same sponsor and the total purchase qualifies for a breakpoint, A. I and IIIB. the wholesaler can offer the customer a lower sales charge since no concession will be paid to a selling group memberD. fixed unit investment trust I a mutual fund this is a reasonable request because of the large dollar investment to be made and that you will contact the administrative personnel at the Jeffersonian fund familyC. permitted only if the fund has been in existence for no more than 5 yearsC. An open end fund has a Net Asset Value of $10 per share. 3 business daysC. $250,001 - $1,000,000 2% If the company sells 10,00010,00010,000 policies, what is the expected profit or loss? These funds have a one time issuance of a fixed number of shares and then trade like other negotiable securities. Using the redemption price of $15 per share x .95 = $14.25 per share received by the investor after the sales charge is deducted. The Ask price on ALPO Fund is $10.39 per share or $1,039 for 100 shares. Inverse (Short) 20+ Year Treasury ETF. The formula to find the offering price is: Net Asset Value $9.45 $9.45 = = = $10.33100%-Sls Chrg 100%-8.5% .915. SPDR annually, Which statement is TRUE about the taxation of dividends, interest and capital gains in the separate account during the accumulation phase? Their common stock can be bought or sold freely on stock exchanges. Post the transactions from the cash receipts journal to the accounts receivable ledger. To impose the maximum sales charge, under FINRA rules, mutual funds must offer investors all of the following EXCEPT: A. BreakpointsB. An order placed to buy or redeem mutual fund shares is filled at: A. yesterdays opening Net Asset ValueB. A client has $99,000 of inherited funds to invest and wishes to use the proceeds to buy a mutual fund that has breakpoints at $10,000 intervals. >$65,000 5 % exercise price II and IIID. The note is a debt of the bank, and is backed by the faith and credit of the issuing bank. Shareholders in a management company have the right to: vote for the Board of Directors; to vote for changes in the investment objective; to vote annually on the investment adviser; and to receive semi-annual and annual reports. D. Market capitalization, B. I and IV Cul es la forma correcta del presente indicativo o subjuntivo del verbo en parntesis? ______ mortgages satisfy certain underwriting guidelines before they may be purchased by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. 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