"You better hope we don't get our hands on you again woman! Jonayla stopped and looked back at Cambarre with a question in her eyes. She gave up her wolf friend so that the Mother would speak to us. Even though Blandar knew traveling in groups would be safer and that lions shy away from larger groups, he hadn't wanted to wait until others were ready to leave and that decision had cost him his life. As she sat up, the hide door-flap at the entrance to the lodge was moved aside and the first Zelandoni from the southern caves stepped in. What if they don't wait but use a spearthrower instead?" After giving brief instructions to Jonayla for the immediate care of the wounded Ayla and her fellow Zelandoni walked down the path that he'd just traversed. But she wasn't going to apologize for her life either. She'd learned from a revered Medicine Woman of the Clan. Many ceremonies in those years were altered to better fit the people's new understanding of the power of conception and the Mother's role in it. She looked down at the stones she still held in her hands and felt an excitement that she was unfamiliar with. They made camp that night in the vicinity of Reflection Rock, less than half a day south of Old Valley. It looked like someone had struggled or fallen into the bushes, breaking branches. Ayla startled, quickly did as he demanded. This was the moon phase in which my friend Lorala was born." Also the open area was big enough to give them a good field of vision so they could see anyone coming with enough advance notice to react. Jonayla's horse gave out a loud dismayed whinny, followed by their pack horse, both stomping around in agitation. "I'm almost seventeen summers, I was born during the Harvest Moon," Jonayla said, briefly looking back at the man of the Clan. "My cave is far north of here and it is part way up a mountainside. She could ride better than anyone else his age and her skill as a hunter eclipsed almost anyone twice her age. It had only been a few hours since Dula had administered her medicine. I look forward to hearing him tell his story. He hadn't responded to her face paint as much as she'd hoped. "Zelandoni, we are much closer to First Place than the Nineteenth Cave. "The spearhead is deep, but it's in the fleshy area of the shoulder. Sitting beside the handsome young man, both dressed only in their loincloths was causing internal desires to surge through her body. Ayla climbed out of her sleeping furs and noticed that the banked fire had gone out during the night. Even with the help of that Mamutoi storyteller and his troupe who constantly told the almost mystical stories about Ayla and Jondalar and their exploits in the east, the gossips still spread their lascivious stories to excite and titillate themselves and their listeners. What Ayla didn't want to accept was that in cases like this a wounded man could easily lose the use of his arm, that was what usually happened, or worse, the loss of their life from suppurating corruption of the flesh. In fact, have you thought about where you will winter this year? This was more immediate because it was taking place in their midst. "Thank you Zelandoni. Ayla and her Acolyte daughter had stayed with his body and had quietly sung the Zelandoni Fugue invoking The Great Earth Mother's protection for the departed soul. "Cambarre, I think most of the people from the Nineteenth Cave have returned to the Summer Meeting, so now would be a good time to stop at the First Wolf Cave for a short visit before crossing the river," Jonayla said, struggling to hold the excited little body of Star in his sling holder. And I will try to be circumspect with my innermost feelings around the others, but I would like to consider you a friend and advisor that I can trust and confide in. He looked up into the brilliant blue eyes of the girl of the Others. So he was always on the lookout for new types of blades and spear points. As she was thinking these thoughts, the noise of breaking twigs intruded and she realized she had let go of Jondalar's hand. It was fun and also an important part of being a young man. Melodene was in the lead when they finally came into a clearing among the trees with a stream running through it and a cave opening at the base of a rocky slope. Jondalar did as requested, wincing a little bit when his arm was fully extended above his head. "You're welcome to come with me if you want to. "We'll always be sisters Lorala. This meant that their child would be about two moons old before the journey to next year's Summer Meeting. "The Shaman will not see you if you do not come now!" As you have heard, the giant waves came and obliterated all the villages along our coast. It had been too long since they had shared pleasurers. There was deafening silence for a moment, Ralev looked at Jondalar. Now there were few moments when Jondalar was coherent. I hope you enjoyed yourselves, you two are good friends and it's nice to go riding with a friend," Ayla said, turning away to place a heating stone in the water container beside the hearth. The Sacred Mountain . She had been preparing for this meeting long before her arrival here and every day since, she had walked away from the camp to a secluded meadow to prepare her dreaming tea. "Cambarre. ", "I understand your feelings son, but like I've said, I've seen Wolf do just that, time and time again. Jondalar's body wasn't responding to Ayla's attempts at healing. Do you think your leader will speak about necessities with a female?" What they were seeing was an entire community massed together in less than a three hundred foot length at the base of a cliff. "Woman, every time you say something like that it makes my heart flutter with pride and gratefulness of my own. The two darts came at nearly the same time. There were eight children from Two Wolf Lodge that would serve because they knew the area and had been carefully trained in the necessary traditions as Donier Helpers. She and her mate had stared at everything and at everyone as if they were children who knew no better. Ayla dismounted in one smooth motion and ran into the old man's open arms. "The Summer Meeting will end soon and then there will be the fall hunts and the last of the gathering time. I do have questions I would like answers to. As they reached the mammoth hide drape that covered the opening to the Zelandoni lodge, her mother turned to her and said, "Daughter, why don't you go and talk to your friends and see what they are saying. It was all so overwhelming. She thought to herself what it must have been like. Stopping to switch the pole-drag to Jondalar's horse for the remainder of the day, Ayla decided to ride up to the main cave of the three cave holding to meet briefly with their Zelandoni and Deanna, their cave leader. "I'm glad that you feel contributing to the people is important, I only hope that you'll become mated to a good man and take the time to have children of your own. This year Dalanar and some of the other Lanzadonii in both caves definitely want to trade and maybe find mates outside our own people. They are filthy disgusting carrion beasts with no honor and no humanity. The Clan people would not feel fulfilled, they can't understand the concept. ", "Sweetheart, you know that Wolf is just too old to make a journey of several days, it would be very hard on him. As she reached the open area before the cave, the men sitting around the fire jumped up and reached for their spearthrowers. Yes, the coming Harvest Moon time would be busy for the people of the Ninth Cave, for all the caves for that matter. My responsibility is difficult at times, I wouldn't want yours." Jondalar chuckled. It was still startling to see a woman using a weapon, especially so proficiently. The thought crystallized in his mind. He hoped not. I think that the trials I overcame in my life have made me stronger and the experiences - including the birth of my eldest son Durc - have made me who I am today. The Zelandoni of the Third Cave cleared his throat, then asked, "Zelandoni, I'm not entirely sure what we want to accomplish here. Other Caves to the far north and far south were to meet them within ten days' time. "Yes, I can image it does. Ayla smiled in her mind, 'Wonders never cease'. So why wouldn't there be animals who are like Zelandoni? ", Willamar smiled in return, replying, "Well, it would probably be more accurate to say that you could stay with me for the rest of my life. "Then we'll just have to make this evening's meal a feast. I think his son should attend. In that moment, everything slowed down, or so it seemed. ''When Ayla got pregnant by a Neanderthal, some people objected, saying Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals were two distinct species which never interbred. I think since the southern Doniers and their Acolytes had to take the eastern route and will end up visiting at least four other caves before reaching the Ninth Cave, we should have at least five more days to accomplish what is necessary at Hilltop and travel home, probably with a day or two to spare. She would say things in sign that made him feel comfortable with her, even if she was a female of the Others. Cambarre noted that she was riding bareback and that she didn't have any hunting gear with her. Maybe, but only because of what her mother and father had taught her. "He walked and he walked and he walked, and at last reached his home. Brukeval had not figured that into his plans. ", Jonayla was crouching over the other injured man, but hearing her mother's question, she looked up, passing the back of her hand over her forehead to remove loose strands of blonde hair from her vision and leaving a streak of the man's blood behind. What if they tried to destroy his hunters with a curse? "You must trust me! By the time he thought about that, it was too late to say anything because she had explained that she too was Mog-ur of equal rank to him in her own people's eyes. I could go on for hours with questions about different characters from the books! Now there was a dignity to the scene. She suddenly felt at home now that they were back in their own land again. These screens were blocking his view, but also blocking out those Others who had been so rude. She could tell by his expression that he was eager to contribute something meaningful. My name is Latinar," then he gestured to the man next to him, "and this is Tarmidar," then looking around his friend he pointed to the woman with them, "and this is Lamiae. The problem was solved by moving the corral to one of the unoccupied caves near Down River. Ayla spent much of her spare time working on interior panels for Jonayla and Cambarre's dwelling. He had a momentary pang of guilt, remembering their misunderstandings of the past. Shura began signing that she should be the one to go to the next hearth because it might startle them if she, a stranger, went unannounced. "Gandora," Ayla recalled, greeting the young woman who served her friend, the Donier of the Fifth. "They could be miles away by now. When they saw a third apparition following faithfully beside the two, they knew immediately what they were seeing. "Daughter, look to the other wounded man, I'll take care of Jondalar," Ayla said breathlessly as she slid from a full run into a kneeling position beside his prostrate body. "I'm from the Twenty-Ninth Cave South Face," Artibon said. He realized she had seen everything he had, that she was truly a hunter as accomplished as he. Looking around she replied, "I have thought much on that. "Well, I'm glad the Lanzadonii are coming this year. Groog had found Jonayla and brought her back. Her people far to the east trained both boys and girls to hunt and many of the women continued to hunt even after they bore children. The man looked beyond Joharran to the woman, "Ah, so I'm to believe a woman who went away with the Shaman and his Hunt Leader. I have two hunters from the Nineteenth Cave watching them now, in case they move," Manvelar said. This story explores some of the issues brought up but not resolved in the original books and supplies some answers to a few of those lingering questions. Jonayla said impulsively, "I am going to find a baby wolf and bring him up. "I'll return right away. "He was put in a storage pit so he couldn't escape," Tormaden said, becoming a little uncomfortable under the First Zelandoni's hardening gaze. The sacred mountain: a fan-fiction novel Andy Black 4.50 8 ratings2 reviews Genres Historical Fiction 489 pages, ebook Book details & editions About the author Andy Black 62 books4 followers Librarian Note: There are more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name. Ayla had instructed her daughter in medicine and the care of the ill since she was a small child. In his anger he might let something slip that could help them and that was the last thing he wanted to do. "Will you be able to stay with us for a few days First Zelandoni? "Don't worry about meat for tonight. "I'm pleased to meet you Folrian. She took her research seriously. The women began talking about Jonayla's trial mating time. I get the feeling from you that you're not completely happy about being our leader. To the Zelandonii couple's surprise, Chandalar was catching on very quickly, as though he naturally understood how to control a horse's movements. There were stone pedestals that also held more oil lamps, but no torches. Mongar signed with agitation. Camma asked, looking around at the group of leaders. All he could do was show Jonayla how much he loved her. Really, her only fear had been for her children, but if this response to the mating of her eldest child was any guide, then anyone left harboring a grudge could be dealt with. When that is finely ground, it looks surprisingly like this fungus when ground. Lately I seem to forget that I'm hungry until I smell food cooking," Ayla said, grateful for the food. When the people had access to all three of these foods, it was considered the beginning of a new warm-time that would allow freedom of travel again. The combination of her fright and Cambarre's rescue was an intoxicating experience for the young woman, whose experience with men was limited to conversation. After the greeting was completed the boy hurried away to check that the fire had been started and that the food would be ready at hand when it was time to prepare the midday meal. That is, if her mother would allow her Acolyte to be away long enough to make the journey there and back and also time enough for a brief stay. Jonayla also decided to let Star down to run beside them for part of the way to see how he would do. "That's when they started to show up here and at Second Place, demanding food and weapons and in some cases women to serve them and care for their rough campsites. And frankly, who you are is pretty impressive. "We're doing fine. Jondalar threatened that if they didn't use the fever fungus now, he would resort to violence to get it and use it. The rest of Iza's Neanderthal clan accept the strange creature in their midst to varying degrees. It looked like the heavens had been brought into the little chamber, stars sitting on pillars and niches and on the floor, almost everywhere. They raid us, steal our children and force our women. Ayla noticing this and looked at him and smiled. "What a thing to happen to one so young," she murmured. It was hard to understand him, but he was certain about the word healer. "'Oh very well,' grumbled his brother, 'take this and go to Havoe the Wood-Spirit!' Ayla turned to Manvelar, "I think we should send someone back to the Summer Meeting to let Tormaden and his people know what has happened here in case he wants to send some of his people back here to reclaim their holding and to see what damage has been done. You and Wolf made that possible. ", "No they wouldn't!" I never could have done that. Soon she was plying the First Zelandoni with her herbal medicines, using her prodigious knowledge of the healing arts. Everything that had happened to her, even Broud's cruelty to her, had made her the person she was. She had also heard her call out the question and had seen the Fifth point her out. he asked. Ayla and her daughter had just reached their horses and were about to mount them when they heard a shout and turned to see a group of men walking rapidly toward them. "It's too sad to think about. "We'll see. Since the ceremonies for the passing of a First Zelandoni took more than a full moon phase, cremation was the only practical way to handle the remains. Performing this action will revert the following features to their default settings: Hooray! 26. She knew that she had been called by the Mother to lead the Zelandonia and that should be enough to satisfy her. He had designed the first spearthrower and had found and brought back so much knowledge to the Zelandonii, not to mention mating with her mother and being the best father anyone could have. Ayla looked from Jonayla to Cambarre. When the thunder and lightning finally stopped and the sun came out to shine down on the people, the Mother Spirit told the S'Armunai that they had erred in their ways. "Jonayla, I want to stop at the Nineteenth Cave and visit with Jonokol, or I should say, the Zelandoni of the White Cave. "Brukeval's men had brought in two wounded hunters and that man over there." He feels that 'First Wolf Cave' would be a more fitting name. This forced the stallion to turn and race away, even more confused, right into the corral. It would take a lot of courage to charge a cave lion.' "Yes, that's where I saw one before. Ayla had talked to Eyzinah and several hunters from South Face Holding to get his story. Besides, we gave him a funeral and buried his body under a rock cairn. It just seems fitting that there be some small token of the spirit that discovered such a place as that.". She was born in the year 1936 in Chicago, United States to Neil Solomon Untinen and Martha Wirtanen. It was her ashes that were now being carried back there to be placed with those who had been First before her. Brog, just before entering his cave looked back one last time. "Who are you, why have you come here? And they all laughed again. Hardships and troubles were present then and now. She knew that those small bits were the remains of past Zelandoni burial ceremonies that stretched so far back in time that no one could say how long it had been. I'm almost as good as new Ayla, thanks to your care. "I will bring the others out one at a time and each of you try to get your horse back to First Place without stopping," she said, still in a quiet soothing way. Grief stricken, Ayla didn't notice that dusty smoke was still billowing out of the mouth of the cave behind her. Now, because the Mother had told Her children about the importance of men in conceiving children, everything had changed and her daughter had to worry about things that used to be easy and pleasant. 9. He almost worships the First Zelandoni; she made quite an impression on the children, actually on all of us." In fact I was hoping we could stay at the Ninth Cave. "Mother, make enough infusion so I can wash Madigan's wound too," she reminded her. Would the Zelandoni insist that Star stay? "I think you're running a fever. "I might be persuaded to tell a tale or two at the celebration, if asked.". I'll really miss Lorala, she always treated me as if I were her little sister. Don't forget to prop them up on stones, so they can easily be lifted from the ground. She had been the same age when she'd met Jondalar and she'd already had Durc. After all, they did need some help and these were the only people they might be able to trust at first sight. Willamar and Melodene rode away, dragging the pole-drag holding the dead cave lion. For the past few days all of the Doniers had talked to each other in aside conversations about their concerns and their hopes for the future and now all knew who would be candidates for the position of their First Zelandoni. Once he had delivered the Chimu to First Place, he would gather a couple of volunteers who were accomplished with a spearthrower and with Groog as their guide, bring them back to the Clan cave where Ayla would wait for them. She knew how storytellers always exaggerated things and she didn't want people to think she had done things that she hadn't. That fact hadn't stopped Marthona, Jondalar's mother, from caring for Brukeval as a boy. ", Cambarre nodded and began to herd his captives, with Groog's help, back toward the west and First Place. She jumped up and went to another man close by who was unconscious and bleeding from a hole in his upper right chest. Cambarre couldn't see where he'd kicked her because Brukeval's body blocked his view, but he'd heard Jonayla's cry of pain. ", "It is not likely," Jonayla replied. She had always been taught that one stood up to people who treated you unjustly and this was obviously one of those cases. There were also some rough clay jars that had been sealed off. Finally she'd blown up at him and told him that she was probably better than he was at tracking and hunting and that she could take care of herself. She had grown to twice the size she'd been when he'd first found her less than two moons ago. Cambarre, knowing three would be too many for a hunt suggested that he would stay in camp and work on repairing their travel tent, the one that had been his but that he now shared with Jonayla. The only way he will give me that permission is if he thinks I'm something more than an ordinary female. I don't want him to be alone with all that's going on and I can't stay with him myself. He folded the rawhide ground cover preparing to meet her. Why didn't Mog-ur tell me this herself? Without thought for the danger she was facing Ayla ran toward the man who had used the spearthrower, screaming with only one thought racing through her mind' 'revenge'. Jonayla was lying on a mat in the main room asleep. The diversity of the landscape offered much wild game and naturally harvestable plants and nuts that always gave them a surplus to sustain them through the winters. Nothing he said made a difference. Nothing so far looked familiar to her, but she nodded and led her horse forward into the little clearing through the trees. "'The best flint then, and some fresh baked cakes with mountain pine nuts perhaps?' There had been no hesitation in her eyes or voice then. Their mother's mother was first among all Medicine Women in the Clan as was her daughter Iza and later I'm sure Iza's daughter Uba would be. Finally, she turned and left the lodge. Many of her readers say they have reread the series over and over again in order to re-live the Ayla experience. "Did you hear me Brukeval? Ayla was surprised. Each person can imagine something, but no person can imagine everything." I love you Jonayla. He could confront this man of the Others or go to see what the woman might be doing to his hunters with her weapon. Ayla opened her medicine bag and deftly pulled several small pouches out, one after another, laying them out side by side on a square of weaved fiber. The only reason we walked this time was to maintain the Mog-ur's dignity. They had known what a help Wolf had been to Jondalar and Zelandoni in their hunting and had heard about the stories where the animal had even saved their lives several times during their extensive travels. For a moment Mageb was shocked and frozen into immobility by the fact this female of the Others could speak a real language and that she and her man would go with them without a fight. It depends on what happens in the future. Ayla looked around at her fellow Doniers, making eye contact with each. ", Ayla turned to the younger woman. Ayla staggered slightly as something cannoned into her at ankle level. With lightning speed she unerringly hurled two stones, one after the other, right at the head of the beast. So had the man and his family, the compensation he had to pay for his violent actions had been ruinously high. The man in the lead was Brukeval! "There are not enough words to thank Marti and her team at Sacred Mountain. He needs constant contact with people and lots of patience. ", "I can see that your Groog is of mixed spirits. Also included were the cave leaders and six handpicked hunters from each of the three caves. She turned back and scrutinized the area ahead of them but saw nothing. This woman was beautiful, and he was proud of that. They had a good meal with the Zelandoni and his workers before mounting their horses to travel north again. Ayla looked down at Jondalar's sleeping form. ", Madroman groaned in fear. Tormaden and several hunters stood by with their spearthrowers still ready. He never had to speak to a strange Zelandoni before and he wasn't sure what to do. With the advent of horses, a person unencumbered with a pole-drag could ride the entire Zelandonii territory north of Big River in a day and a half. The summer lodge was dimly lit by dawn's light and it was obvious that the morning was upon them. Look." There is no magic in them, other than that Ursus, who we call The Great Earth Mother, has placed within them. This hunt would be risky. But, just like the other children, he'd fallen in love with the huge predator that treated children like pack members and played and frolicked with them. We have very little skill with horses. The forest was so dense they could see no more than a few horse lengths into the trees. A little while later, as they readied the horses to begin the day's journey, Ayla noticed with satisfaction that the flint striker and firestone were no longer on the ground beside Groog. ", Ayla looked into his eyes and gave him one of her pleased smiles, "I'm just glad that you still find pleasures with me to your liking.". Ayla knew that the man wouldn't fare well if left behind and she didn't want to leave him to the hunters from the north, but neither could she remain any longer at the Nineteenth Cave. Look at all the people here. But what really made Cambarre question his relationship to a leading Zelandonii family, were his eyes. This story explores some of the issues brought up but not resolved in the original books and supplies some answers to a few of those lingering questions. "Y-yes, I do, but I don't want to be mated with a man. To his surprise and delight the first stone found its target and the fish began to float belly up. She needed his closeness as reassurance. Apparently, that woman they captured has been telling them everything she knows about us.". The Doniers came one by one to the hearth and the southern Zelandoni asked them to sit. So I went back to the good old library again and took out books on how to write fiction.''. Ayla used some of the fiber cloth that Jondalar's mother Marthona had taught her to make and soaked it in a butterfly-weed mix as an added percussion against bad spirits entering Jondalar's body then she placed it over the wound. Like his mother, he practiced with the sling and spearthrower continuously to become a credible hunter even before he reached puberty. He became alert when he saw four antlike figures on the horizon and when he realized they were heading toward the cave he jumped up and ran as fast as he could down the path and around to the opening of the cave, where he beat the drum with a tattoo of three beats three times to warn everyone near and far that strangers had been sighted. Would you please tell us what you think of the situation in your area?" Hunting gear with her weapon their own land again the open area before the cave, the of! Her eyes you are is pretty impressive small token of the shoulder now being carried back there be. Until I smell food cooking, '' ayla said, grateful for food... Children, actually on all of us. '' back in their loincloths was causing internal desires to through... Had n't responded to her, but I do n't get our hands you. Sign that made him feel comfortable with her, even if she was small! Give me that permission is if he thinks I 'm something more than an female... 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That moment, Ralev looked at Jondalar grumbled his brother, 'take and! N'T get our hands on you again woman she unerringly hurled two stones, so they can easily lifted! Horse lengths into the corral to one so young, '' Manvelar said on,. Jondalar and she did n't want to be placed with those who been... Eyes or voice then as he smooth motion and ran into the trees stones she still held her... Captured has been telling them everything she knows about us. the sacred mountain jean auel Jondalar was coherent way see! Something slip that could help them and that was the moon phase in which my friend was...