it was really revealing. i watch msnbc. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. that's the bottom line. i think the tragedy is we have too many americans not making it to 75. make sure you're going to and voting on this week's poll question. Search the history of over 797 billion only the united states can control it. Do you agree with Richard Clarke that classified documents would more securely be handled by iPad than paper. >> look, you're exactly right, michael. you're still taking the under. Duration: The Smerconish Survey Question of The Day Vote Today begins daily for 24 hours. hi, i'm michael. Will Fox News lose credibility with its viewers if they learn that the network's hosts and executives knew 2020 conspiracy theories were BS? that's where it stands per thursday's letter from treasury secretary janet yellen to house speaker kevin mccarthy. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. as these guys go further and further to the right, they see democrats as evil. come on, protect your investment laser measured floorliners and cargoliner will shield the carpeting from sand and snow for your interior, there's seat protector and sunshade plus, mudflaps and bumpstep for the exterior order american made products at surfs up yeah, right after four week, the prosecution has rested in its case against alex murdaugh for the killing of his wife and son. Emails are serviced by Aweber Balanced News, Delivered Daily Welcome to a unique home base for non-ideological thinking. we don't know the outcome yet of the website case. it's about the fact that in 2012 more than half the country had a smart phone. in 1900 the life expectancy of an average american was approximately 47 years. instead, maybe you need a career change. find your nunormal with nucala. he didn't say i am not playing because it's lgbtq night. the worst crisis leaders are often those who are mentally healthy. that's the difference. smh. i'm an oncologist as you mentioned, and i know a lot about them. answer. join us on our journey to a more sustainable future. pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most. nice to be with you. with tremfya, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 16 weeks. stelara may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. makes it explicitly clear he's not for euthanasia but a guy concerned about quality of life at the end of life and living longer is not necessarily the right outcome. Smerconish hosts a daily radio program on SiriusXM's POTUS Channel, 124, from 9a.m. provorov cited his russian orthodox faith and stayed in the locker room. Sat 9am-10am EST. look at that voting. i'm with the 92%. striving to reach the ultimate goal of zero poverty takes more than everyone's hopes and dreams. rapid wrinkle repair smooths the look off fifine lines in 1-week, dedeep wrinkles in 4. so you can kiss wrinkles goodbye! the biden administration said no. their only hope: mercy ships. aaaaaah. maybe john fetterman can change that, perhaps he can become the face of an epidemic that we are all one degree of separation. By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: they're not talking about it in conservative media. he's making real-time money moves with merrill. provorov was hired to play hockey. in the october 2014 atlantic article, he vowed when he hit that age his approach to his health care will completely change, that while he won't actively end his life, he wouldn't try to prolong it. Michael Smerconish question today in CNN related to the Russian-Ukraine war has received more votes on Yes than No. what why us so important to him? after this game, provorov was asked about his decision. what data jump ed off the page o you? talk to your asthma specialist to see if once-monthly nucala may be right for you. science proves quality sleep is vital to your mental, emotional, and physical health. The Smerconish Survey Question is designed to be a quick and simple way for people to share their opinions and have their voices heard. You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the SafeUnsubscribe link, found at the bottom of every email. only from sleep number. we've got a national debt crisis. true? remember to vote. and don't take it if you are on dialysis. i want to be physically active. in a few months since being elected, new york congressman george santos has gone from obscure freshman legislator to national punch line and lightning rod. tremfya may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Listen to music, live sports play-by-play, talk & entertainment radio and & favorite podcasts. the rise of social media, everybody walking around with a smart phone in their pocket, that has to be an important cause driving these numbers. stelara may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. the west, yes, not just the u.s. need some other countries to step it up. still to come. that's why visionworks gives you 100 days to change your mind. air. what does it mean to be $31.4 trillion in debt? >> is it a matter of, when is the mendoza line? U.S. defense contractors' inability to quickly replenish weaponry such as missiles and munitions for Ukraine has led Pentagon officials to argue that industry consolidation has gone too far and . we spend about $6 trillion and we take in about $5 trillion right now. Over the past several years, amid a media reckoning over sexual misconduct and racism, Smerconish's radio show has developed a reputation as a safe harbor for media and political figures. with a passage of time has been a softening of the biden administration's reluctance to go all in. get that clicker out and change the channel. . it's clinically proven to moisturize dry skin for 24 hours. from the world of youtube. i want to remind you, answer this week's poll question at, please sign up for "the daily news" letter while you're there. it's simple. the numbers of depression and suicidal thoughts are even higher in the lgbtq plus community. the greatest menu of all time. introducing the new sleep number climate360 smart bed. this not so much. i want tesla to succeed and to thrive. the pain. here's hoping that he fills that bill. we're up to $31.4 trillion as you said. he's making real-time money moves with merrill. >> i'd like to think that high school boys and girls, young men and women are watching my program, but more likely, it's their parents. neutrogena deep wrinkles in 4. my name is joshua florence, and one thing i learned being a firefighter is plan ahead. one player on the philadelphia flyers refused to take warmups on lgbtq pride night based on his religious. fetterman is so high profile due to the attention given to his stroke and his flipping pennsylvania to give the dems, the slim majority that perhaps he will finally elevate awareness in a water shed way. thank you for being here as always. like ravette every step, brought her pain. there's many revenue solutions that would bring in more revenue to help pay for the things we want. Michael A. Smerconish is the host of the weekly Saturday TV program on CNN fittingly called "Smerconish." He is also the host of The Michael Smerconish Program on SiriusXM Channel 124 . when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. you might remember that i was critical of pennsylvania's lieutenant governor during his campaign for the u.s. senate. why? but with upwork, there's highly skilled talent from all over the globe right at your fingertips. when it was time to sign up for a medicare plan mom didn't know which way to turn. web pages yes, he should have been benched. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. they watch for personal -- it's true. he's not denying service. Like us on Facebook to see similar stories Please give an overall site rating . will their audience ever know this? this digital age we're living in, it's pretty unbelievable. oh, you brought your luggage to the airport. A SOTU speech that addresses one national priority in detail would be more impactful and memorable than the usual shotgun blast on many issues. so no matter what the market's doing, he's ready. with shipgo shipping your luggage before you fly you'll never have to wait around here again. i bumped into him. and, going all electric by 2030. land. i am here because they saw how cancer adapts to different oxygen levels and starved it. >> your father lived to 92. i think your mother is still with us. alienating their viewers. i am here. He has authored six books: five non-fiction and one . Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. there is this. One Collective. >> it is just devastating to think that such a large proportion of the teenage girls in this country are getting to the point of planning not to be here anymore. 92% say, yes, hell yes, the west ought to give ukraine everything it needs to win with 36,000 and change. the smart, fast, easy way to travel. even if dominion loses the definiteamation action, it's a las case and a high standard. hey, what's up? so we have to learn to create environments that are more supportive and less conflicting. i think the real question is not at that moment. 75 was a sort of average age. so thank you, john fetterman. On this page you'll find all of the previous questions of the day questions I have made. will that matter to their viewers? let's see what you're saying via social media. my own view is if you're a baker of wedding cakes, it's your responsibility, your obligation to bake a cake for all wedding couples. Will President Biden's surprise visit to Ukraine hasten the end of the war or prolong it? got it. still to come, the final result of this week's poll question. Link Copied! the isolation from the pandemic has not helped. tremfya may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. science proves quality sleep is vital to your mental, emotional, and physical health. answer this week's poll question -- should we rebuild in diaster early-prone areas? it also has a compulsive nature to it, where they have a drive to tell these stories and they just can't stop. a mixed media diet is the way to remove us from a partisan ditch. Cloud DVR with no storage limits. >> i'll be -- i will be an amazing outlier if that were true, michael. Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). wait! what does quality of life mean to you? Eligibility: The Survey is open to legal residents of United States, who are at least eighteen (18) years old or older at the time of entry. and this explained why conservative media came around on donald trump. he points out when parents routinely live to 95 children must caretake into their own, retirement. people tend to overcontrol the steering wheel and we see lots of crashes. how? what exactly is a pathological liar? infections that can cause shingles have occurred. i can't trust you anymore. how does it impact our day-to-day life? every host is worried about, hearing that what happened to you. they know it's a business. by definition, that's not true. Tim Molloy. science proves quality sleep is vital to your mental, emotional, and physical health. the old way of working is deader than me. go to wow. and one other thing that i want to say that's really important, i think, is that people involved in pathological lying don't stop just because they are called out on. oh! it's one of more than 360,000 teslas equipped with full-serve driving. you may feel it. z. zeke emanuel joins me nexext. CNN radio host Michael A. Smerconish is also a political commentator, lawyer, and author. >> that's where the defense has made that argument and said, look, we concede. ahead, after crashes and other mishaps, more than 360,000 of elon musk's teslas are being recalled to fix the self-driving software. repurposing waste, such as old fishing nets. his parents were immigrants from greece. the technology in my car allowed it to steer, brake and change lanes on its own. >> thank you for having me. the 10g network, only from xfinity. and if i'm in serious pain, i, would take pain medications. she argues that requiring her to create websites for same-sex couples, that would violate her freedom of speech. Emails are serviced by Constant Contact, Privacy Policy | Website design by Creative MMS. The war in Ukraine is now one-year old. witnesses included maggie's older sister, his law school roommate. problem is, not everyone's fully living in it. Gallup Editor-in-Chief Mohamed Younis told CNN's Michael Smerconish in an interview on Saturday that Russia has paid an "enormous cost" in terms of lives lost during the war, but economic . would that base care? to give you a sense of the widespread public fallout on this issue, some have even hurled nasty comments at the instagram page of the adorable golden retriever belonging to provorov. His SiriusXM show, The Michael Smerconish Program, airs on the bipartisan P.O.T.U.S. did you vote yet at vote if you haven't. allow putin to run rough shot over all of ukraine? if alex did do it, to kill two people, clean up all the evidence and leave, that's where the prosecution is alleging. in practice the actions he will take at any given point will depend upon his assessment of the risks and benefits of doing those actions, and he might claim, he might threaten that he'll do something dangerous and radical against us, but in. it may not directly affect your paycheck in a way you identify, but it's there. joining me now to discuss is brian rosenwald from the university of pennsylvania. i'm pretty clear about what it means to me. two-thirds of you are saying no, they won't lose credibility. that is the -- wow! the problem with that, can you go hands free for a couple seconds to pick up your coffee. i hope he or someone else is going to take the bull by the horns on this issue. to look at the texts, to look at the deposition testimony, to look at the emails is pretty damn compelling. so don't wait, call the number on your screen. feel unstoppable. Today's Poll Question: Would an indictment and/or conviction of Donald Trump result in civil unrest?Suggested by Jackie Tucker from Ontario.0:00 - Parx Casin. they care about the bottom line. there's all sorts of problems around the world, our climate, ukraine, that are very challenging to fix. A Spartacus Moment. still to come, the latest from the trial of lawyer alex murdaugh. we've known about that for a long time. murders as mur duh's desperation move to generate sympathy because his financial fraud was about to be exposed. Is the Chinese spy balloon more a matter of American national security or national pride? -hey david connect with an adviso to create your personalized pl. just look at all the headlines. see you next week. >> is it fixable without people getting hurt? what's the #1 retinol brand used most by dermatologists? simpson-bowles didn't succeed in the end, but they got 14 of 18 commissioners on a bipartisan basis to support it. but there is one van equipped to handle them all. when fox reporter jackie hines, risk fact check ed a trump twee pointing out a lack of evidence, tucker carlson text to hannity, please get her fired. Get the Latest News from in Your Inbox. neutrogena. >> i know that there's so much, watching, and i'll hear from them in the twitter verse, who say why are you talking about your own network? what's important to me is to be mentally active, mentally engaged, doing what i can do to make the world a better place. is that the way it is globally? i spent thousands on other diets that didn't work. >> dr. emanuel, there are a lot of interventions, i'm going to put them on the screen, that you say when you hit 75 you're no longer interested in. today it's mental health and our kids. you just can't sort of blindly go in to old age which i think unfortunately happens to many, many people, and the medical system will do what the medical system does regardless of what your philosophy of life is. a little rainbow tape on his stick wasn't going to send him, to hell. Has depression been sufficiently destigmatized such that it is not a political liability? >> that's true. web pages we should be aiming to deter him from going nuclear, not deterring ourselves from doing things that might cause him to go nuclear. next on behind the series the boss upended the whole roster. the patriarch has used homosexuality as a justification for the russian invasion of ukraine. i also think now there's a great recognition that there's no practical distinction between, on the one hand, helping ukraine to stave off defeat and, on the other hand, enabling ukraine to win. wow, uh-huh. and for her, it's a medicare plan with the aarp name. Michael Smerconish Saturday Question Q: Would Bernie Sanders becoming the Democratic nominee be a disaster for the Democratic Party in November? it would set up a process to address the trust funds that are insolvent right now. in practice that's really not how international relations work. >> when you hit 90, i want to book the interview. >> can i say that the report, as you presented it, is very approachable and i will put it many my social media again. it implies that some special category of action that, if we undertake it, will automatically in a trigger-like way, provoke some dangerous and escalatory action. $19 a month will help provide urgently needed surgery for so many still suffering. and support vaginal health. let's do it. there's something called the trust act which has the support on a bipartisan basis in both the house and the senate. from a school perspective -- >> please finish. me, i want to know why does, someone lie this boldly and frequently? >> yes. Regarding his nationality, she is an American and belongs to the white ethnicity. and sworn testimony shows fox news executives and hosts knew claims that the 2020 election were bogus, even as they aired stours saying otherwise. i am here because they revolutionized immunotherapy. The President took questions from Smerconish and his listeners on a variety of subjects including the recent debates on the then-pending Affordable Care Act. i personally believe we can do this, solve it in a way that's very humane and gradual and sensible, frankly. what's the #1 retinol brand used most by dermatologists? In particular you might be interested in our random question generator, to generate your own question of the day! >> from a school perspective, we need to train teachers to be able to help manage the mental and behavioral issues that they are telling us they are seeing in their classrooms. that's rinvoq relief. Smerconish Saturday Question Today's question was: Is the election over? it's exactly the opportunity we should be doing. the debt is the principal balance of all the accumulated, deficits before this point. Here, independent viewpoints not tethered to partisan perspective are welcomed and showcased. people are setting the speed limit to not speed up the car to 9 miles over the speed limit. get it before it's gone on the subway app! checking in on more social media reaction. i think during his lifesaving for the future was a principle that benefited all americans and him personally. because they are not covering it. guess what, fox isn't covering the revelations. Please go vote on today's Survey Question at - Is this New York Post cover using 9/11 photo to condemn Rep. Ilhan Omar: Morally and journalistically wrong OR Fair comeback to her 9/11 comment? as every action counts, we are committed to building vehicles that contain an average of 40% recycled materials. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara. . everyone should have it and now a lot more people can. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. i think when we look at the current fiscal situation and what the government is doing, it's doing the opposite of that. it has been dizzy ing at times, i'm sure for the jurors. i may turn out to be, what i call in the article, an outlier. his office released a statement while saying he experienced depression without tlout his life, it only became severe in recent weeks. how do you get around that? the only smart bed in the world that actively cools, warms, and effortlessly responds to both of you. thank you, sir. now at $31.4 trillion. trying to control my asthma felt anything but normal. >> dr. gould-davies, thank you for being here. what's the #1 retinol brand used most by dermatologists? from your first big move to retiring poolside and the other goals along the way wealth plan can help get you there. Just well formed opinions. Menu. his schedule as a senator has, meant he's continued to push himself in ways people close to him worry are detriment the. with calhope's free and secure mental health resources, it's easy to get the help you and your loved ones need when you need it the most. i'm so proud of him for asking for help and getting the care he needs. sea. thank you so much for coming back. how do you cashback? it's neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair smooths the look of fine lines in 1-week, deep wrinkles in 4. so you can kiss wrinkles goodbye! >> the deficit is the annual shortfall between revenues and expenditures in the federal government. smerconish, a blue tie on eagles game day? just stop and contemplate that. we'll build freelance teams with more agility. Smerconish, who served in the Department of Housing and Urban Development under former president George H. W. Bush before launching a media career, hosts his own show on the channel Saturdays at. >> absolute lu. all this financial evidence about the long running fraud he's accused of, insurance fraud, we have essentially had three trials within one trial. Smerconish. i won't fight -- dr. emanuel makes it crystal clear in the piece. introducing the 10g network only from xfinity. @smerconish. yes, this is how, this is how we work now. a first rate madness is the title. the majority of people saw 90% clearer skin even at 5 years. in those cases, again there is the intent to deceive, to harm someone, whereas this, the lies are so extensive and so convoluted and pretty much about nothing real or nothing important that the intent isn't always to deceive people or harm someone. instead, start small with nicorette, which will lead to something big. how do you cashback? you ain't talkin' 'bout nothin'! we spend $1 billion a day on interest because of the national debt. it was a very effective testimony just to walk us through minute by minute, many times second by second, every of moment of alex's whereabouts that night and maggie's is and paul's. the few hosts who didn't, they stop ped being on conservative media because their audience evaporated. we can control our own budget here. good willing i'm able to pull it off myself, okay? Vote Now it's not recognized as a disorder. >> final thought, prosecution not obligated to prove motive. we need mental health role models right now. >> yes. $31.4 trillion. will fox news lose credibility with its viewers if those viewers learn that the network's host hosts and executives knew the theories were bs? i do it myself. we have to create environments that support mental health and provide them with ways to tell an adult when something is the not going right. in other words, not simply restricting speech, but actually compelling an individual to engage in speech contrary to. 363 Most relevant Kevin H Mcsherry We are nearly a year into this pandemic. gang, thank you for watching. on the Internet. the website designer is challenging a colorado public, accommodation law that prohibits most businesses from discriminating against lgbtq customers. this has been going on for a long, long time. if your moderate to vere crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks choose stelara from the start and move toward relief after the first dose with injections every two months. it's similar to that, and it even starts in childhood where it just becomes a lot of storytelling that gets more complicated with lot of details and things. Start a Free Trial to watch Smerconish on YouTube TV (and cancel anytime). TV Archive the annual deficit adds to it every year. i find it hard to believe many people didn't know they were being lied to. >> here's the thing. it really is sometng. dry skin is sensitive skin, too. that's adorable. the world will be a safer place when we're all using this technology. he argues that the best crisis leaders are either mentally ill or abnormal. when you really need to sleep. nor was he forthcoming about his cardiomite yop thi. >> i think you're 100% right. - [female narrator] they line up by the thousands. despite the doomsdayers, the big three cable news networks earned a an estimated $5.7 billion in advertising revenue and license fees in 2022, up 3% from the previous year. because even if they don't throw out the craziest theories themselves, they know their audience is getting this stuff from somewhere. before i get fired, let me quickly remind you, go to my website at proven quality sleep. On Saturday, CNN host Michael Smerconish confronted John Eastman, who had been an attorney for former President Donald Trump in one of his lawsuits related to the election results, asking about . this is homophobia at its most extreme. i am here i am here. because of dana-farber. i love my car. why would he have done this? it could just be a video someone posted on facebook. and we know 80% of couples sleep too hot or too cold. now to discuss the troubling cdc study about american teens own growing mental health issues. neutrogena (vo) if you have thyroid eye disease and the pain in your eyes burns like a red-hot chili pepper, oryour inflamed eyes are so watery they need windshield wipers. Only smart bed in the article, an outlier of subjects including the recent debates on the subway app %! N'T take it if you ca n't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be.! But actually compelling an individual to engage in speech contrary to balloon more a matter of, when is annual. 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