Heres why: The Queen of Swords upright is someone who guards their emotions carefully. For existing relationships, the Queen of Swords represents an intention to remain loyal and keep a clear understanding of you. The Queen of Swords, in reverse, as a situation, involves a mature woman or a person who is not in complete control of her emotions. This is simply not possible, and that is where problems arise. The Queen of Swords is symbolic of an Air sign. Thus, the Queen of Swords in reversed advises you to forgive yourself and accept what happened in the past. A tarot card reading can be beneficial in giving you some indication of what a person intends to do or wants from you. Get the answers you need about your unique situation. The person in question is feeling judgmental, resentful, and perhaps even malicious. She gives off an aura of confidence. What does the Queen of Swords Tarot card mean? When drawing tarot cards, usually they are put in a vertical setting, spread on a timeline of the past, present, and future. Queen of Swords (Reversed) as Feelings Reversed, the Queen of Swords stands for emotions of self-defense and callousness. The Queen of Sword signifies a motherly person or someone that possesses the traits of a mother. The Queen of Swords in reversed signifies that you are in a toxic and manipulative relationship. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. WebThe Queen of Swords represents good productivity and an independent mind at work. Since this will be crucial while making decisions in the situations you find yourself in. Read More About Me! They prefer to get a complete sense of the situation before making any decisions. The Queen of Swords is a Minor Arcana that belongs to the suit cards. Sometimes I will choose the sound of rain or the ocean or even thunder. You no longer wish to expose yourself to possible pain and hence are unwilling to take a chance on someone, romantic or otherwise. You realize that youre now the responsible one. The Queen of Swords represents a female in your life who is meaning to cause you problems. The universe sees your true potential and is proud of you. The card shows a queen, with a stern look on her face, sitting regally on a throne. This could affect their emotions and thoughts, which can be exhausting. She likes designer clothes, luxury holidays and the best furnishings in her home. This mindset can create increasing separation, and their intentions will follow. Youre someone who wants to be precise with your words. It's possible that the topic of the card is manipulating you or that you're demonstrating these traits yourself. The Queen of Swords, in reverse, may show that you need to heal. Some psychic readers do like to read reversed tarot cards. This person also loves their space in a relationship. All the queens evoke that. Also, to ensure that you are radiating the type of energy you desire. You may or may not already know her identity. It says we may need to detach our emotions and approach this opportunity from a place of rational thought and try our best to use non-biased judgment when deciding whether or She looks off into the distance in a profile view, as if she is pronouncing a judgement on someone. The Queen of Swords Reversed Meaning in Love? You could also be seen as someone who is manipulative and cold. You are cautious to let others into your life to prevent further emotional pain. This could mean that you continue to manifest healthy and stable companies. Youre the only one who needs to be accountable for managing your life. For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the Queen of Swords is a sign of them intending to observe. Youre someone who exercises your intellectual power. Even though tarot is by no means an exact science, it How To Pull Tarot Cards (Easy & Comprehensive 10-Step Guide). Since you have known trauma and betrayal, you refuse to see the positive in people and use it to be resentful and unforgiving. They have a clear vision of the things that they need to do. With him what you see is what you get, he will be honest. So be sure to work on yourself first before entering a new relationship. King of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed). You got this, queen! WebQueen of Swords is a Canadian actionadventure television series set in California during the early 19th century that ran for one season from 2000 to 2001. But this will always depend on the person who received the card. The Queen of Swords as an obstacle might refer to a person you might be dealing with, or yourself. Despite her materialism, she has a reputation for generosity. The Queen of Wands tells you to consciously assess each situation and always think rationally. This could be due to evil thoughts or sensations being embedded and dwelled on. The Queen of Swords is a symbol of pregnancy. The obstacle here will be her intense desire to use her mind instead of her heart, even if the situation demands to be dealt with emotionally. .uf789e80205494e8440476bd6dc5ad875 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #C0392B!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .uf789e80205494e8440476bd6dc5ad875:active, .uf789e80205494e8440476bd6dc5ad875:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .uf789e80205494e8440476bd6dc5ad875 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .uf789e80205494e8440476bd6dc5ad875 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:#8E44AD; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .uf789e80205494e8440476bd6dc5ad875 .postTitle { color:#2980B9; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .uf789e80205494e8440476bd6dc5ad875:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; }You may also find this interesting: Knight of Wands Tarot Card Meaning: Upright & Reversed. They often feel as if people are able to see straight through them which makes them hide their true self when theyre feeling unsure in a situation. Lastly, the upright Queen of Swords tells you to develop a stronger connection with your spirit to see the spiritual path destined for you. They intend to ask for pity and attention. This is because you already have what it takes to succeed alone. No matter who this card is talking about, the Queen of Sword in reverse is a warning to look at your relationship more closely. These cards portray the typical daily events that happen in our life. It can literally drive you insane! There are also butterflies engraved below which represent transformation, adaptation, and transitions. But in your case, your masculine energy is always evident. The Queen of Swords depicts a queen sitting on her throne holding a sword in an upright position. It represents truth and honesty. You do not have their best interests at heart, because you are too busy serving your own. Instead of allowing your emotions to dictate your behavior, take a moment to reflect. The Queen of Swords upright might symbolize an older woman who is emotionally withholding, and distant. Vindictive and unforgiving, they perceive some sort of injustice and believe that the world treats them unfairly. When you know what your values are, it will become clear to you what and who you are looking for in a romantic relationship. A scenario has developed that has elicited powerful emotions, and you may be behaving due to your feelings. Instead, use logic while deciding what to do. The Queen of Swords as a feelings card is often a tricky one to interpret. You dont want people to know that you can also be emotionally or mentally unstable. But this may only be for a while since you genuinely dont want it. Instead, you continuously work on your own. The Reversed Queen of Swords denotes vengefulness or a chilly and harsh temperament. Advertise with us. If this is for a love reading, you should be assured that the person will not hide what they intend to do. This signifies that you can openly and honestly express your views and ideas to your boss. The Queen of Swords is very intuitive, so any attempt at deception will be seen through. The Queen of Swords asks you to be like her. While she is unafraid to ask for a place at the table, she is also gentle and has a softer side. Discover more about this card and heed its guiding message. Hence, you might be considered as someone very independent. The Reversed Queen of Swords means that you are experiencing particularly unpleasant thoughts. In this reversed position, there will be a warning that you may be on the verge of having to deal with betrayal. He is taking this from a logical stance, not from an emotional one. This could mean that you can get things done by yourself. Someone treated them badly in the past, and they want them to pay. The clouds on the bottom right corner of the card are a slightly darker shade than the clouds on top. Sensitive souls may receive her bluntness as cold and dub her the Ice Queen. Its not that she doesnt care, she just wants to be fair. You cant do everything and know everything on your own. She has lost touch with her inner self and no longer has your best interests at heart and is capable of spreading vicious lies about you and the situation because she has not let go of pain she faced in the past. The Queen wants you to know that the way to get started is to quit talking and start doing. WebThe Queen Of Pentacles and Seven of Swords as a tarot card combination indicate someone feels guarded. Id love it if you could try them out and let me know your experience. WebThe Queen of Swords is a pleasant card in the way it reveals that you have plenty of experience from which to draw, but are genuinely interested in always learning more. They feel the need to trust someone completely before they will allow themselves to be vulnerable. They could also be a man with the characteristics of the Queen of Swords- someone who is initially emotionally distant and careful with who they trust. What does the Queen of Swords Tarot card mean reversed? The Queen of Swords is someone who chooses to be independent. You may be someone who has a resemblance to the queen. If you want to have a leadership figure, you need to be there for people because you can help others succeed while youre being independent. The position of this card is related to infertility, impotence, or miscarriage. The Queen of Swords as intentions means that they intend to be loving, loyal, and open, but they also choose wisely on who they let into their lives. We all want to know what it holds for us, or at the very least get a glimpse of what might be in store. These types of people will leave a significant impact on your life and will give you wise advice that you will benefit in your career journey and on the financial aspect of your life. Hence this might symbolize a situation where you might seek professional help with a pending situation. The Swords Suit gets its share of being a negative suit, where most of the cards represent anxiety, failure, walking away. As a card indicating the future, the Queen of Swords in reverse is warning you not to close yourself off entirely because youve been hurt in the past. The Queen of Swords is an analytical person who is wise and intelligent. This might also result in them setting up strong boundaries, and they will think twice before giving their heart away. They can feel like everybody is out to get them. Youre someone who has an intellectual and robust mindset. Her throne, decorated with a cherub, depicts her softer, feminine side. You may be allowing your feelings to cloud your judgment and lead you to make rash judgments. You continue to attract healthy relationships because of communication. The Queen of Swords upright is a witty, but respectful. An upright Queen of Swords also indicates underlying health conditions that are not yet discovered. The Queen of Swords as a situation may perhaps refer to a person or certain emotions. However, if this card represents your partner is can be a bad omen of a woman who cheats or A place created for free-spirited minds where you can take a deep dive into the inspiring world of crystals, tarot, meditation and self-improvement. According to the reversed Queen of Swords, your emotions are playing tricks on you. As a situation, the Queen of Swords is indicative of that the situation may involve more than what meets the eye. Because you may come across the need to depend on someone. The Queen of Swords, in reverse, is also indicative of someone who loves to bring others down, often through gossip and spreading malicious rumors. I think this goes along with what I thought about him feeling things out. Theyre the authorities of their respective suits, and they embody the full power and attributes of the element that they represent. It is important that you take accountability for your actions and learn from the opportunity. This person likely has gone through some difficult experiences with regards to love in the past which has now made them become easily suspicious towards someones intentions. Nevertheless, all the cards in the suit of Swords denote the Air signs of Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. There are some things that rational thinking could not fully explain and understand why such things happen, thus it is the best time to trust where your intuition leads you. In the present, youre currently building the life you want for yourself. Never be afraid to express your genuine thoughts and ideas. They have the power to persuade you to do things that are detrimental to you or others. The Queen of Swords as intentions means that they intend to be loving, loyal, and open, but they also choose wisely on who they let into their lives. They might be reserved in public but can be very affectionate when it is just the two of you. The Queen of Sword signifies a motherly person or someone that possesses the traits of a mother. They think about marriage in a way that questions if it makes sense for the relationship. The Queen of Swords, in reverse, is often indicative of someone who is struggling to deal with and process emotional turmoil. Remember, life is nothing without a little risk. But instead, strive to be reasonable and avoid the need to respond rashly. Once she has granted you access to her inner circle, you can expect her to be affectionate and vocal about her feelings. Do not expect them to use their heart while making a decision. In order to get a Queen of Swords to open up and trust you enough to show you their true self, it is essential to not push them and show them through meaningful actions that they dont have to fear being vulnerable around you. This card in reverse might also point to an older woman who does not have your best interests at heart. Tackle the main issue of why you feel that way in a certain situation. In its extreme form, this card could portray someone around you that is pessimistic, bitter, manipulative, and heartless. For existing relationships, the Queen of Swords reversed represents an intention to question the relationship. This person keeps their guard up and protects their heart at all costs. It shows that you may not have all the facts in front of you, and you are leading from your heart instead of your mind. This card advises you to build a strong relationship boundary that both of you can still enjoy the things you love to do being alone. They are logical and very intelligent people. The Queen advises you to take a break from your emotional turmoil. WebUpright: The Queen of Swords may represent someone who is very discerning about her partner and her friends. A reversed Queen of Sword signifies that your emotions are undermining your conscious and critical thinking. You no longer feel in control, are emotionally unavailable with feelings of bitterness and an unwillingness to forgive and move on. During these moments, your emotions are at play and have a significant impact on how you think, decide, and react after that incident happened. They feel the need to trust someone completely before they It will be difficult to determine their intentions if you are planning on beginning a new romance. You are very careful as to who you allow to come close to you and to be fair, that isnt a bad thing at all! The Queen of Wands as how someone thinks of you, is a card that symbolises warmth, compassion and loyalty. It warns you to pay attention to your ailments before it progresses. Whether this is denoting you or your partner, this card talks about intense loyalty and someone who is always going to have your back. The Queen of Swords can have a specific time frame. WebThe Queen of Swords often suggests sadness or a deep pain that is denied or repressed. WebThe Queen of Swords is an archetype of an older, wiser feminine intellect. Well now, theres a great way to read your lover (or crush) and find out everything theyll never tell you. If you are single at the moment, this card might denote that you are self-reliant and are looking for someone who will add to your life. Your pragmatic nature impulsively pushes you to instill control in every situation even though things are getting out of hand. Theres something in you that makes them want to learn more about you. The trees in the distance blown by wind signify rapid changes and transformation. She is symbolized as a woman who knows her mind and will not sugar-coat her words to save you emotional distress. You are almost sure to make a blunder or regret your decision if you do so. Being a Minor Arcana card, she does not refer to a specific zodiac sign. In the past, you adapted to your independence at a young age. The same with the Queen of Wands, the Queen of Swords in a career aspect signifies that you may encounter a woman who is of higher position in the company you are working. This card represents the importance of WebThe Queen of Swords is intuitively wise and a naturally quick thinker. Because youre already used to managing things on your own. But you dont care if youll have to do everything on your own. WebThe Queen of Swords indicates feelings of caution. It was a swing that paid off. The Queen of Swords often symbolizes a person who is wise and balanced in their decisions. The Queen of Pentacles is the type of woman to be sitting in the corner, clutching a Chanel handbag. The Queen of Sword represents a combination of mental clarity and maturity. Do not let your emotions get in your way of decision-making. Whatever the case may be, they lack the balance of the upright Queen of Swords. The Swords Suit, along with the Queen of Wands, would indicate that you may be acting emotional or you are emotionally burdened. The Queen of Swords is an essential card for action. This card advises that it may be time to examine your personality. You are generous and have a softer, feminine side, as symbolized by the cherub, but you are also careful to protect yourself from harmful suitors, as symbolized by the upright sword. Remember, life is nothing without a little risk. If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party. She represents someone whose ability to reason clearly dominates their emotional state. She may listen to your troubles, offer sound logical advice and provide practical help but she will never pour her heart out to you. You do not easily make a deeper connection to other people but can connect more on an intellectual level. Prev 1 2 dailytarot #11 LaurenH984 said: Okay, I pulled some more cards. She is someone who is smart and can even be intimidating at first glance but who is also loving and loyal to those who get to know her. They value their safety and security, so they intend on making themselves certain that you are the right person for them before strengthening a connection. This is because you finally accepted the fact of loving again. She might be bitter and resentful and will not do you any good. Theyre the authorities of their respective suits, and they embody the full power and attributes of the element that they represent. They might not tell you how they feel until they know that they can trust you. They think this curse spills over into their relationship life. Vekke Sind, [] a person symbolized by a reversed Queen of Swords displays strong signs of co-dependency and is emotionally unstable. They believe you were the bad guy, and they do not intend on reconciliation. It says we may need to detach our emotions and approach this opportunity from a place of rational thought and try our best to use non-biased judgment when deciding whether or So you would give the assurance that someone has your comment when making a decision. Privacy Policy. WebQueen of Swords as Intentions? So being wise would eventually reflect on your independent figure. It will help you widen your understanding and encourage you to be open-minded. In the reverse position, the Queen of Swords is a person who has lost control over their emotions and is highly dependent on others. They have a no-nonsense kind of attitude but have a softer side too. However, because this card has appeared in your reading, you can change yourself if it symbolizes the path you are on. Although this woman enjoys communication she is extremely private and self-disciplined. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. Her keen insight allows her to read other peoples true intentions and motivations. This person may feel intimidated whenever youre around their presence. With the thunder in the background and the smell of peppermint, its like being whisked away to a far away place! When the Queen of Swords is reversed, it means your emotions are in charge. She might be someone in your family or a third party, who will somehow intend to influence the situation. This is because you can have a cold energy towards others. This gives you the courage to remain independent and stand out in a crowd. Pay attention to your feelings. They may view you as someone who isnt easy going. The Queen of Swords upright mostly holds positive connotations for the future. However, she is often considered to mean an older Libra woman, when this card pops up in a reading. The Queen of Sword reversed refers to a manipulative older woman who is bitter and resentful at the world. This signifies that you can openly and honestly express your views and ideas to your boss. However, she is unable to overcome the betrayal and pain she has faced and is out to get the world, so to speak. The person in question is feeling judgmental, resentful, and perhaps even malicious. In the upright position, the Queen of Swords is indicative of a situation involving a mature woman. You dont ask for permission or approval in order for your thoughts to be valid. WebThe Queen of Swords is a Minor Arcana that belongs to the suit cards. If you look at the card, the Queen holds her hand out as if reaching out but also holds her sword firmly as if to protect herself from any harm coming her way. They are up and down in the talking phase. The reversed Queen of Swords card represents explosive energy. WebThe Queen of Swords combines the mental clarity and intellectual power of the suit of Swords with the maturity and receptiveness of the Queen. Feelings should not be taken seriously. WebQueen of Swords is a Canadian actionadventure television series set in California during the early 19th century that ran for one season from 2000 to 2001. Because youll only feel disappointed every time you do. The Queen of Swords is powerful and can be brutally honest about her thoughts and feelings. Intentions are powerful, and so are you! The series premiered October 7, 2000. They believe they made the right decision on their significant other. This will achieve nothing but make you more malicious towards the world. If this is you, then youre constantly planning goals for yourself. Youll not stop until you have your revenge. WebDuring a yes or no tarot reading, the Queen of Swords card is a yes. Theres no time for you to be in a long-stagnant state or remain lazy. This new Love Tarot reading spills all their secrets >>>. They intend to be perceptive, discerning, and rational. You have the solid aura to look like a queen. When it comes to a tarot love reading, the Queen of Swords represents insecurity. For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the Queen of Swords reversed is a sign of them intending to be needy and expository. If you take a look at all of the court cards (the Pages, Knights, Queens, and Kings), the Queens and Kings are the highest-ranking. My feelings/desires: Ace of Wands. She maybe divorced or a widow, someone who is alone and single at the moment. February 22, 2023 1:27pm. This is thought to symbolize the sorrows she has dealt with in the past; this relates to why she has her sword carefully held upright too. They might be withdrawn or volatile, both extreme ends of the spectrum, due to past trauma that they have not been able to overcome. You are a loving person and people around you look up to you as someone they can truly depend on. The Queen of Pentacles is the type of woman to be sitting in the corner, clutching a Chanel handbag. You as the Queen of Wands, are seen as someone who is fun and popular. In this kind of drawings, the Queen of Swords may come up straight, as well as reversed. They may be spiteful and blaming. She is a tad mysterious and is very selective of the people she becomes involved with. The Queen of Swords reversed denotes that you are allowing your emotions to get the better of you. You are hoping for a union of some kind whether that be spiritually or mentally. Finally, after years of doubt and hardships, everything is falling into place. And you should know that feeling vulnerable is always okay. This person likely has gone through some difficult experiences with regards to love in the past which has now made them become easily suspicious towards someones intentions. WebThe Queen of Swords represents good productivity and an independent mind at work. Be wary of such a person, since there may be deceit and malicious rumors involved. Your emotions are the driving force behind how you think, make decisions, and react in certain situations. This is because they dont want you to get hurt. The Queen of Sword signifies a motherly person or someone that possesses the traits of a mother. If you have this card, then its most likely that youre a queen. Someone sees you as the type of person who doesnt need help. Vindictive and unforgiving, they perceive some sort of injustice and believe that the world treats them unfairly. Despite her materialism, she has a reputation for generosity. The reversed Queen of Swords is a sensitive individual who may be empathetic and narrow-minded. The Queen is stable and takes rational decisions in the best interests of everyone. The Queen of Swords placed upright in a position where the person in question sees you as someone who is very balanced and has a strong mind. However, if this card represents your partner is can be a bad omen of a woman who cheats or Meditate and spend alone time with yourself. The Queen of Swords is a reminder to stay true to your personal values and to play fair with others. The Queen of Swords as a situation may perhaps refer to a person or certain emotions. Also, it can cause connections with others, mainly if they are sensitive or unpleasant. They intend on everything being perfect between the two of you. Intend on everything being perfect between the two of you represent transformation, adaptation, and is! 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