And 345 years later, in 1886, Lady Salisbury became exactly that. Margarets son Geoffrey was more fortunate, he was pardoned something he clearly could not live with as he attempted to take his life in the Tower for a second time since his arrest. Margaret and her little three-year-old brother, Marquis of Exeter; and the Countess. The daughter of George, the Duke of Clarence, and Isabel Neville, Margaret was a member of the House of York. and Montgomery Castles and was appointed Sheriff of the county of Merioneth. Humanism seems to claim that man is it, and that this life is it. I'll say this. A servant of her son Geoffrey called Hugh Holland was arrested. Other accounts say that Margaret went quietly when fetched from her cell Camm: Lives of the P.C., Fasc.228, No.62). She was cousin to Henry VIII's mother, and well trusted by the king for years. Observant Friars at Greenwich and baptized with the name of Mary. Answer (1 of 16): Henry's break with Reginald Pole was the reason the Countess of Salisbury was in a situation to be executed in the first place, but the botched nature of the deed itself had rather more pedestrian origins. Like so many other English families who wished to preserve their Catholic faith, the Mores tried to find ways to escape the notice of the authorities. with good cheer). After Cromwell read the Act of Attainder he displayed a tunic from Margarets coffer that displaced a coat of arms that appeared to be a combination of the Pole arms with that of the Lady Mary for it was suspected that the two would wed and return England to Catholicism. Marys jewellery but Margaret refused to hand them over. Discover Even More. Henry VII and Tudor Rule. Ayer told the spy that a servant of Geoffrey Pole called Holland was conveying letters to Reginald Pole and that all the secrets of the realm of England [were] known to the bishop of Rome as well as though he were here.. Margaret Plantagenet, Countess of Salisbury (14 August 1473 - 28 May 1541), also called Margaret Pole, as a result of her marriage to Sir Richard Pole, was the only surviving daughter of George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, a brother of Kings Edward IV and Richard III (all sons of Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York ), by his wife Isabel . Catholic humanism celebrates man as the wondrous creation of God. Under the reign of Henry VIII on May 27th 1541, at the age of 67, Margaret Pole Countess of Salisbury was executed for treason. Margaret Tudor. In short, the state of things in this kingdom is such that should Your Majesty send the smallest possible force, all the people would at once declare in your favour, especially if the said Seigneur Reynard (Reginald Pole) were in the country. Henry could get his And as one of six children, he had lots of nieces and nephews. She sent her blessing to her, and begged also for hers. A painting in the National Portrait Gallery offers a grey-white face, long, guarded, medieval, remote: 'unknown woman, formerly known as Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury'. idea" what her crime was. Higginbotham states in her book that the evidence against her appears to have been quite vague, which was undoubtedly why the government chose this means of proceeding. When Henry gave the nod for the execution to take place, no one was give. was small and frail, it took the young man (who must have been panicked - though Their plan was to get people to join an army against the Tudor king. Thomas Moore was closely attuned to the taste and artistic sensibility of his age, but he is remembered now primarily by the Irish, who still sing his songs and claim him as their own. . Your email address will not be published. Refusing to lay her head on the block, the young executioner was forced At the beginning of King Henry VIIIs reign, she was in favour. another cousin, Isabella of Portugal, who was more of an age to immediately Close friend of Catalina de brothers attainder was reversed and the Parliament of 1513-14, on the Also, it was hoped, that I am Sir Thomas More. She therefore became an British Library. Richard POLE (Sir Knight) 22 Sep 1494. The Humanist, Erasmus and Thomas More shared a midday meal with the royal children. Two of her uncles were kings, Edward IV and Richard III. But it appears the play was never produced. Henry made him a squire of his bodyguard and a Before we get into Margaret herself, we have to understand her family. brother, Edward IV. May God in His high grace pardon her soul, for certainly she was a most virtuous and honorable lady, and there was no need or haste to bring so ignominious a death upon her, considering that as she was then nearly ninety years old, she could not in the ordinary course of nature live long. Margaret Pole one of the most fascinating woman of the 16th century, whose influence had a great impact on the life of King Henry VIII's poor wife Katherine . King. stated was found in one of her coffers at her house. (for a fee of course). Roman Catholicism, for one thing, traditionally places God above man. It seems that the ambassadors couldnt get her age right. Benjamin, I'm no expert on this, but I think Renaissance humanism was largely compatible with Church doctrine, and many church figures--even Pope Pius II--could be considered humanists. Pole alliance, was thus seen as a threat to It was the more difficult to believe as she had been long prisoner, was of noble lineage, above 80 years old, and had been punished but the loss of one son and banishment of the other, and the total ruin of her house.. early November 1499. Southampton and Ely were surprised when even that did not work, noting: We have dealt with such a one, as men have not dealt withal before us; we may call her rather a strong and constant man, than a woman. given Carlos an heir (whereas Mary at the time was six years old, and had six At the age of 14, Margaret was married to Richard Pole, a loyal subject of the king and relative of Margaret Beaufort. The main character is Joanna Stafford, a Dominican novice. Royal would wish" for the eager-to-please little girl to comply instantly and Poor Mrs. It is entirely possible that He also spoke of clandestine Edward Stafford had more royalty in them than any Tudor King. I suppose it is largely a definition-based issue. Margaret was born into the House of York and was the daughter of George, Duke of Clarence, brother of Edward IV. Joan, wife of John Langton. Her death was, by all accounts, a horrific experience. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Margaret was one of just two women in 16th . At first, the people on the scaffold (there was a crowd of 150, to questions propounded to him in the king's behalf by Cromwell, Cardinal Pole in Europe, he said that he would "never neck, hacking her to pieces for some time before she died. In ||Wordpress installation and design by, FREE Anne Boleyn During the Tudor era it was a highly brutal place where executions we. In this week's series finale, the pair will meet once again. In that letter Geoffrey offered to join his brother he said, the world in England waxes all crooked, Gods law is turned upside down, abbey and churches overthrown and he [Reginald] is taken for a traiter, and he also claimed in the letter that assassins had been sent to dispatch Reginald. 1541, Tower of London, Tower Green, London, England, Buried: St. Peter ad Vincula, Tower of London. Credit: PjrWindows / Alamy Stock Photo. Great post and painting of Moore. not as panicked as Margaret must have been) flailed away at Margaret's head and Field of the Cloth of Gold and And where also Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury, and Hugh Vaughan, late of Beckener, in the County of Monmouth, yeoman, by instigation of the devil, putting apart the dread of Almighty God, their duty of allegiance, and the excellent benefit received of his Highness, have not only traitorously confederated themselves with the false and abominable traitors Henry Pole, Lord Montagu, and Reginald Pole, sons to the said countess, knowing them to be false traitors, but also have maliciously aided, abetted, maintianed, and comforted them in their said false and abominable treason, to the most fearful peril of hi Highness, the commonwealth of this realm, &c., the said marchioness and the said countess be declared attained, and shall suffer the pains and penalties of high treason.. Though Margaret Queen; A number of plot threads were introduced that seemed a bit weird given there'll be no subsequent season to develop them (particularly Margaret Pole and Thomas More falling out). He is recognized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church. these boys would never see their 17 birthdays). book was a denunciation of the Roper, the eldest daughter of Sir Thomas More, is considered to have been one of the most learned women in sixteenth-century England. When the new king, Edward IV chose to secretly wed the widowed Elizabeth Woodville, Warwick was not happy. Lady Jane Grey: Who Served the Nine Days Queen? Margaret traced her descent from Edward III through Lionel of Antwerp, his daughter Anne Mortimer, to Anne's son Richard Plantagent, father of Edward IV and Richard III. himself would produce three sons (Arthur, Henry VIII and and subdue the raving, running Margaret with the axe. died, the youthful Earl of Warwick became de jure heir to the Crown, and Did Margaret Beaufort love Jasper? new, Mary-less, line of descent. About 1491 Henry VII gave her in marriage to He named several people, including his own brother Lord Montagu. Margaret even offered to remain on as Marys governess after her household was dissolved in 1533. to prosper under the Tudors but what occurred in 1521 was to sow the seeds of Chapuys was more than happy to report this to his master: Respecting the disaffection (indisposition) of the Welsh country, to which allusion has been made in the said letters, my information is that the inhabitants are really very much concerned and afflicted at the bad treatment of the Queen and Princess, as well as at what is now being done against the Faith; for they (the Welsh) have always been and are still, to a man, good Christians. her brother were brought up at Sheen, with the children of the King. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Mary Tudor: The much maligned English monarch, Queen Mary I of England, was demonised by her enemies following her death as they sought to regain their power over England, particularly through religion. The Trial of SIR THOMAS MORE: An Account. Believer, Baltimore City IEP Chair, and 2:39 marathon runner. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy. In Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury, 1473-1541, Hazel Pierce was unable to corroborate Richard Morisyne's assertion that as a young widow Margaret . or not Margaret went calmly to the scaffold. The man was Gervase Tyndall and he was a school master. . George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence (he of the nosedive in the "butt of almsey"), and Isabel, elder daughter of the Earl of 1505 Margaret without adequate means to support herself and her children, Margaret entertained dreams of a marriage between Born: 14 Aug As such, Margaret Pole was the niece of the two kings immediately preceding the Tudor dynasty. Like Margaret, the Duke Sir and exact). When she was five years of age her father So began Knight of the Garter. To appease them, Maggie Pole's brother was executed. Margaret is thought to have remained loyal to her faith and to Catherine. From the #1 New York Times bestselling author behind the acclaimed Starz series The White Queen comes the story of lady-in-waiting Margaret Pole and her unique view of King Henry VIII's stratospheric rise to power in Tudor England. verge of fleeing the scene himself. she asks aggressively, as he approaches. Cardinal Pole (who was on the continent and avoiding Naturally St. Thomas couldn't sign the document, so was accused of treason and beheaded.Unfortunately many Catholics went with the times, and today they are Anglicans. The house is long gone, of course, but the Corporation of London has erected a memorial tablet that reads: Sir Thomas More was born in a house near this site, 7 February 1478. morning of 28 May (de Marillac; Gardner, following Chapuys, says 27) she was Here again, accounts differ: the first difference comes in as to whether She was a decade and a half younger than he was, and he never seems to have felt anything more than a brotherly affection . Duke freely voiced his Cardinal Wolsey, the Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Margaret Pole was born on August 14th, 1473, in Somerset, England. Margaret was buried in the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula within the Tower. Mary's (then Henry VII's firstborn son, During all of this Margaret was at Warblington. Margaret Beaufort, and Henry Then there was her proximity to, and participation in, the private life of Henry VIII, which made her "family" more than her bloodlines ever could. And who were his descendants? In 1495 Richard Pole raised troops against Chancellor, 1000 as first payment of a benevolence of five thousand marks for Cardinal Pole. Following the York defeat in the Wars of the Roses, the House of Tudor took control of the monarchy, and the new king, Henry VII married Margaret's cousin, Edward IV's daughter, Elizabeth of York, solidifying his children's claims to the throne. of Reginald Pole boldly We are raising $250,000 to safeguard the Herald as a world-leading voice in Catholic journalism and teaching. The clothing that Katheryn Howard is often given credit for. years to go before reaching the canonical minimum of twelve). Margaret Neville. I didn't realize Laura could be quite so intimidating as Maggie Pole.". returned to court after the fall of Anne, but in One was Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury, who had languished there for nearly two years with inadequate clothing and heating to protect her aged body from the bitter winter weather. (28 May 2015). As part of his 'Random Histo. STAFFORD, THOMAS (1531?-1557), rebel, born about 1531 (Addit. The King allowed her to become the 8th Countess of Salisbury and she was the Lady Marys godmother and governess, but things went rather pear-shaped when her son, Reginald Pole, spoke out against the Kings annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. And that's an interesting story because it's a meeting of minds and hearts in a very interesting way," he said. Wife of Thomas Ingoldisthorpe. Also, it was hoped, that king's divorce began to be talked Dydd Gyl Dewi Hapus! Here's what the woman was like in real life. She also did not know about Hugh Holland being sent to deliver letters to her son. Her jointure was not sufficient for the circumstances she inherited. n23), The latters younger brother (Geoffrey) is with me, and would visit me almost every day, had I not dissuaded him from doing so, on account of the danger he might run. He was granted various offices in Wales including the constableships of Harlech Thomas Goodrike, Bishop of Ely were sent to Warblington to examine the Tyndall, was called before The Kings brother George appeared to have been a jealous man, and maybe a paranoid man. (fn. Those around her worried that her loose-lipped son would take her down with him just like he did with his brother, Lord Montagu to that Margaret said, I trow he is not so unhappy that he will hurt his mother, and yet I care neither for him, nor for any other, for I am true to my Prince.. An unhinged scientist who once worked for the Federation and who has been experimenting heavily with time travel deliberately goes back in time to disrupt the timeline. "We kind of marvel at the Machiavellian infighting and this damage that everybody else does to each other. It is painted on a dateable oak panel . Margaret would stay in the Tower for as long as her son Reginald was still a threat. When she learned of this, the Queen saw her tailor on 1st March and ordered him to make up garments . A contemporary ballad was written of Margaret's journey to the Henry feared that (and probably still praying for them to see fruition) and, having the blood of One of her children was Reginald Pole who became a cardinal and then Archbishop of Canterbury during the reign of Mary I. the Kings army against the would surrender himself to save his mother, who, despite beiong past Higginbotham, Susan. The Fall of the Poles. On this day in history, the 27th May 1541, Margaret Pole, the 8th Countess of Salisbury was executed at the Tower of London. This he assures me he has done, having written to him many a time, and made his mother also write and warn him not to come here. Did n't realize Laura could be quite So intimidating as Maggie Pole ``... 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