It is best for them to enjoy their relationship as is without overthinking it or allowing gender expectations to get in the way. When these planets blend their forces, you can expect the sparks to fly. He told me, Shes like a man! which he didnt like at all. It's not really a great thing that I've been dating for 8 years but one thing is for sure, it has been a great lesson in synastry. Venus is the planet of love, affection, and romance, while Mars is the planet of raw sexual energy. Were gonna challenge the hell out of our partner, just because the aggressive approach of Mars is unbalanced. In your view, how important is it for a mans Mars and a womans Venus to be compatible in order to have a strong & healthy relationship? I need to be understood, felt, soothed. A man's Moon and Venus (feminine planets) indicate the qualities he looks for in a woman, so having either of these planets in his partner's first house is indicative . There are a few points to consider: Please be aware that the contacts of Venus and Mars should be considered in regard with other aspects in the chart as well. I also would have liked to see this question answered. Synastry:Venus-SaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Venus Trine Mars Your romantic relationship . If you do not, you can learn about reading your own birth chart. When this inter aspect shows up in synastry, true sexual compatibility is indicated. A dom friend has Venus conjunct his girlfriend's Mars which brought out an aggressiveness in her that was unusual. This aspect is the most positive when it occurs in romantic relationships. There will be a clear polarity between the masculine and the feminine with this aspect. Normally ourselves and someone we like/fancy. Venus square Mars is an incredibly passionate synastry aspect. He never brought me roses, never once told me he loved me. Cant say no to that one and never been wrong. With the Venus square Mars synastry aspect, the emotion and sexual pull isreally strong, but this couple will also experience a lot of miscommunications. Synastry:SunNeptuneAspects These soft aspects deepen the intimacy shared by the couple, but not in the powerful, obsessive or destructive way, like the conjunction. When you have a double-whammy, its even better. You may want to seek professional help to find ways both to reduce and diffuse areas of conflict. This is especially true for the conjunction, trine, and sextile. In this case, the friend whose Venus is involved will spend a lot of time giving advice to the other. It really takes a load off me trying to explain or legitimize what I like or to have the uncomfortable occurrence of the guy not liking it with me, I had an experience when that was most of what was good about it and I left when he said is sex a sin right after we were done. Keep in mind that things wont just resolve with this Venus square Mars synastry aspect. How does it play? When two people's Venus and Mars placements are in a trine aspect, it is a very good thing! Like Venus-Mars inter-aspects, mars moon inter-aspects represent the male/female or yin/yang energy between couples. Take this on a case by case basis. There are lots of other beautiful aspects, my Venus conjuncts his ascendant in Aquarius and his Venus conjunct my sagittarius sun as well as his sag moon 9 degrees from my sun. The square of Mars and Venus in the synastry is represented by strong sexual attraction among partners, the balance of yin and yang - remember what we have said in the start of this piece, how Mars and Venus make love, in its totality, since one depicts a man and another a woman. Your email address will not be published. When its the womans Mars thats aspecting the mans Venus (mars venus), the man may feel that the woman is a little too aggressive/assertive for his taste. He will find her attractive if she takes charge, but it will almost always lead to conflicts. Appreciation on both a romantic and sexual nature is a real part of your relationship, and there is . Unlike Venus's aspects with Mars, which can be about give and take and the game of seduction, Moon/Mars contacts require no effort to attract. The square and opposition aspects though can be tricky, as it indicates discordant sexual styles. The Mars person feels adored and loved by the Venus person, and finds them beautiful. Your relationship is definitely warm and romantic and very fulfilling for both of you. What Is Sexual Compatibility Between Star Signs, Moon Sign Compatibility: 3 Nice Things You Need To Know. See: Venus in Houses Synastry Meanings: 1st through 12th House; Mars in Houses Synastry Meanings: 1st through 12th House; Man's Venus Trine Woman's Mars Relationship. Venus conjunct Mars in synastry is an aspect that signifies powerful attraction and chemistry. Synastry:Venus-NeptuneAspects Im obsessed with a guy.My Mars is conjunct his Venus,in the same sign(aquarius). The energy of Venus luxuriates, adores and senses. Pluto finds Venus beautiful and intriguing. And he didnt cuddle me. Now, if we talk about a womans Marsand a mans Venus, things are clear. However, if there are supportive aspects, the square and opposition can still work. The energy flows so naturally that all you feel is ease and harmony. Venus-Mars synastry combinations raise the issues of gender roles (which don't always correspond to the natural genders). With this Moon/Mars combination, the psychological aspect of sex . This is a relationship that is sparked by an irresistible sexual attraction and romantic desire. Synastry: Which Report Is Best? However, like any Venus-Mars aspects, the Mars person tends to have a slightly more masculine energy. The opposition can become too volatile and polarized, leading to both people feeling like absolute opposites sexuallyand romantically. I think it's a very "hot" aspect. Venus and Mars form a natural bond with each other when they are together. Does that mean you WILL have sex? IP: Logged. This aspect will make two people bicker. Together, they make fireworks! Venus shows what a man is romantically attracted in a partner and Mars shows what a woman wants in a man. Their energy can create a strong sexual attraction, with the woman being the more energetic partner. If youre going to fight, learn how to fight fair. My two ex-husbands have Mars that aspect my Venus. On the other hand, my guess is that a submissive man would more likely enjoy a woman's Mars on his Venus. There are many different ways that this aspect can manifest, but all of them point to a relationship that is easy, loving, and supportive. The Moon person gets turned on by the Mars persons advances. Synastry:Mercury-MercuryAspects If either of you is prone to possessiveness or jealousy, then you may find yourself feeling very uncomfortable by even subtle indications that you are competing with other suitors. You can get a more precise understanding of how this aspect will manifest by looking at the houses Venus and Mars fall in each person's chart. SKIN CRAWL LEVEL. Yet he says she tells him he wants too much sex. The sex just doesnt stop when we are together. This aspect is great for a romantic relationship, but has the potential to be awkward between friends. There is a natural symbiosis between Venus and Mars when they are conjunct in synastry. The Venus person finds the Mars person very attractive and pleasing, and the Mars person thoroughly enjoys the attention. Each person mirrors something on the other person because the way that they approach both sex and romance is opposite. But now a compatible Moon is no longer important? Venus is submissive; Mars is dominant. With this aspect, sex is intense and transformative, and the need to be physically close to each other is paramount. I was married for 23 yrs with a double whammy with both suns conjunct the others Saturn. Scorpio will express synastry connections differently than Cancer. In romantic relationships, Mars is the chaser, and Venus is the chasee. This is especially potent when the woman's Venus is being aspected by the man's Venus. In fact, you may find you become obsessed with one another! This is because, in a romantic relationship, the physical chemistry generated by this aspect can make up for the tension. The attraction is instinctive in nature. Its an aspect which denotes frequent ups and downs of the feelings of attraction, or of the relationship itself. Posts: 1080 From: U.S. It is unlikely that the feeling of being in love will ever fade completely, and it is likely that you will both see each other as someone very special and dear to you throughout your lives. However, on some level, both people feel a lot of passion with this Venus conjunct Mars synastry aspect. Topic: If a Woman's Mars conjunct a Man's Venus is attractive: ChildofVenus Knowflake . In this relationship, there is both a lot of passion and a sense of emotional tenderness. So, lets briefly look up some possible combinations of a Venus Mars synastry. The romantic attraction between you is very strong, but your feelings are often not in tune with each other. But there's still an underlying sense of the Mars person taking the dominant role in leading this relationship, even when they're the female in the pairing. If Venus is conviviality and good times, Mars is aggression and status quo challenge. Theres always likely to be a little sparring between you and some healthy debate, but perhaps thats something you enjoy. In synastry with my new boyfriend we have nessus conjunct the sun in cancer 19 in 6th house opposite venus in 12th capricorn, mercury 24 in cancer 6th and moon in cancer 7. The pluto mars connection indicates overwhelming passion and intensity, due to a raw, powerful, sexual energy which permeates between the couple. This is because Mars is in detriment in Venus signs, and Venus is in detriment in Mars signs. Venus square Mars in synastry binds two individuals in a volatile relationship. Posts: 5751 From: Customer Service Rep. . Venus is the ruler of our love nature, but also our finances, material possessions, grace, creativity to some . On the other hand, she will want to please him and will often go to great efforts to do so. In this case, she will be annoyed by him taking the initiative. Venus, on the other hand, is strongly sexually attracted to Pluto. The chemistry is there, but its more of an undertone. This is especially true of the conjunction, trine, and sextile. Others are charmed by the way you handle yourselves as a couple. This could give her the impression that he is chauvinistic or does not appreciate her competence and strength, whether this is the case or not. Oppositions are not necessarily wrong or 'bad'; in fact, they can be a source of opportunity and growth. One receiving what the other is doing. Venus synastry causes strong romantic feelings and physical attraction, similar in characteristics to those in the "Venus - Mars" synastry. Synastry:SunSunAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:SunMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:SunMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:SunVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:SunSaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:SunUranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonNeptuneAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonPlutoAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonAscendantAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:Venus-VenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:VenusJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:Venus-SaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:Venus-UranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:Venus-PlutoAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:Venus-NorthSouthNodeAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:VenuswithAscendantAspectsBetweenTwoCharts. This generates a playful, flirty relationship, with gentle physical chemistry between them. If it occurs in friendships and other non-romantic relationships, it can produce tension and can blur the boundaries of the relationship. Your email address will not be published. Both moons trine each other's neptune (again my orbs are tighter) Tight north node opposition in cancer/cap. They need to remember that the dance is between them, and them alone. Aqua sun, venus, moon, mars etc is a hell to the naw-naw-naw for me! What seems like a power play between the couple is really a dance that both are enjoying. This is, of course, dampened if Mars is the woman and Venus the man. . There is a strong romantic attraction between you and you instinctively know how to please and make one another happy sexually. They have the sexual energy and physical body that the the Venus person admires, while the Venus individual may be more passive, with typical feminine energy. Venus trine Neptune synastry suggests that when you meet, you feel that you have met someone special. Can you feel his venus on your sun What does it feel like for you I have my venus conjucting someones sun and i think hes amazing but idno if he feels it the same cause hes shy ? Like Venus-Mars interaspects, Moon-Mars interaspects represent the yin/yang or male/female energies between couples. We dated for many months, no sex. When People With Depth Cross Paths With Veneer Types, 2023 Neurosis? Lilith Conjunct Venus Synastry. Appreciation on both a romantic and sexual nature is a real part of your relationship, and there is easygoing energy between the two of you that is both long-lasting and positive. Good Mercury aspects will go along away towards helping the couple communicate regarding these differences. Im sexually attracted to him in like a very obsessive way,but I think he does not feel the same for me. His Jupiter and Uranus are 10 degrees from my Mars in Cancer. This aspects adds a noticeable vibration of frustration to the relationship, especially from the Mars part (the woman). When these two planets make aspects in synastry, sexual compatibility is indicated. If for example Mars and Venus are conjunct in libra synastry would there still be an attraction, and if so would the Mars (being the male) would he still pursue the Venus person or would he feel held back? between 2 potential lovers, synastry between 2 peoples natal charts often uses key planets that make the feelings vary in intensity, depending on the planet. The Venus and Mars story has been throughout history. Often, as humans, we want to know the compatibility (including sexual compatibility) between two sun signs. Synastry:Mars-SaturnAspects Learn More. The Venus person is energized and sexually stimulated by the Mars person. However, the hard aspects can manifest outside the bedroom as emotional arguments and hurt feelings, while the softer aspects indicate supportive energies between the two. Man's Sun Trine Women's Venus Synastry. We also have my moon con his venus in pisces. When Venus meets Mars in synastry, yin meets yang. It is possible that Venus can be conjunct Mars from adjacent signs if they are within seven degrees of each other. If Venus is love, Mars is anger. Hi, really enjoy the website! One of you might be very physically demanding of the other, which could give rise to conflict and power struggles. This conjunction by itself tells only that your sexual energy may be aroused by the way he presents himself. He likes to hug and kiss in public. There couldn't be a more important planet to look for in the synastry . Here are some synastry aspects that jumped out with someone I met recently: Both our moons oppose each other's pluto (my pluto opp their moon is tighter), Aries-Libra. Often, body rhythms naturally match well and know how to please each other. Theyre charged, and may be hard, but remember that difficult aspects are better than no aspects because they create passionate, focused energy. It can be uncomfortable or difficult, but this aspect also creates an opportunity for both people to grow. Venus shows what a man is attracted to in a woman. Generally, the Venus sextile Mars synastry aspect wont make or break a relationship, but it is an easier aspect to have in the synastry chart. If Venus is connection, Mars is disruption. With astrological sexual synastry between natal charts, what personal planets fuel our desires? *The above interpretations are from our Romantic Compatibility Report. On a basic level, if one persons Venus is in the same sign as anothers Mars, then the influence of this aspect will be present. He will find her attractive if she takes charge, but it will almost always lead to conflicts. In these cases, the sexual energies and attraction are indicated with both parties. Man's Mars Trine Woman's Mars Relationship. Synastry:MoonMarsAspects It brings out the instinctive and progressive sides of both individuals. Venus is, in anyones chart, the way they experience love and, to a deeper level, connection. They create a charged energy because of the polarity, but they also indicate that theres an opportunity to change and learn. . Still will be my life long friend Im sure. A while ago I wrote about Venus and Pluto in synastry. Their sex life may never be quite what theyre looking for. They want space more than anything else! The energies of the two planets are completely balancing each other and the sexual chemistry is working even when the people involved are not even in the same room. That obviously wasnt enough to keep us together. The best dates will be those that involve activities. This is likely to be a stormy and fiery relationship. This aspect is about romance and fantasy, not practicalities. The friend whose Mars is involved will often try to take charge, but this will lead to frustration and resentment. I find that Venus-Mars aspects are often present in the charts of people who stay together. Venus is the planet of love, attraction, sensuality, sexuality, hedonism, art, beauty and material luxury. A: A synastry chart, by definition, would be either an averaging "midpoint" map, or a Davison time-and-space midpoint chart, that would not include natal planets, thu. Venus is, in anyone's chart, the way they experience love and, to a deeper level, connection. Mars can feel both the connection and the annoyance. Synastry:SaturnNorthNodeAspects Synastry:Mercury-VenusAspects The attraction is somewhat instinctive in its nature. This aspect especially potent when the womans Venus is being aspected by the mans Mars. Sagittarius Love and Compatibility Horoscope, Capricorn Love and Compatibility Horoscope, Aquarius Love and Compatibility Horoscope, Saturn and Uranus The Teacher and The Rebel, Personal Astrology Readings: How they Can Help You with Your Relationship Goals. In fact, the physical aspect of this Venus trine Mars synastry relationship is just as fulfilling as the romantic part. With the Venus trine Mars synastry aspect, the romantic feelings are strong and natural in the relationship. Sparks usually fly when they meet, and they might experience a shared animalistic urge to tear each other's clothes off. Thanks appreciate any feedback! This relationship works best if the man takes the lead. A lot will depend on the relationship of her Mars to his Venus. Equally, the Mars person read the Venus person too stuffy or flowery. If Venus is connection, Mars is disruption. Its not really a great thing that Ive been dating for 8 years but one thing is for sure, it has been a great lesson in synastry. In this case, if they got what they think that they wanted, they would both be unhappy. There is an orb of 7 degrees in aspects between Venus and Mars, so if these planets are within 7 degrees of each other in the same sign, the conjunction is at full strength. Saturn Trine Neptune Synastry. If this isnt solved, it will eventually reach a breaking point. The square and opposition can also mean sexual and financial exploitation, as well as abuse. Like Venus-Mars inter-aspects, mars moon inter-aspects represent the male/female or yin/yang energy between couples. Issues of jealousy and possessiveness are likely with this aspect. I still think its an important aspect, one I hope to find in my ideal man. Mar 26, 2017. These two planets are the most important in romantic compatibility, so . In synastry, Venus in the man's chart represents a type of woman that he is attracted to and Mars in the woman's chart represents a type of man that she is attra. Mars is attracted to Venus beauty and charm, while Venus finds Mars irresistibly sexy. Regardless of their gender or sexual orientation, at times, one or both of them may think that they have a crush on the other. Potent when the womans Venus is the planet of love, affection, and there a! The yin/yang or male/female energies between couples loved by the Venus person finds the Mars person tends have... To have a slightly more masculine energy strong romantic attraction between you and you instinctively know how to each. Of time giving advice to the relationship itself, sensuality, sexuality,,... Cases, the physical chemistry generated by this aspect is great for a romantic relationship two have. Venus in pisces but your feelings are often present in the synastry romantic desire to be a little between. 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