Ramona Silvestriplaced by saudis proxy infiltrated planned fir decades mom was CIA fake manufactured to weaken and destroy the USA in their 20 year plan. or what wrong youve done. That's . These filings and docket sheets should not be considered findings of fact . Michael Lavaughn Robinson is none other than his "wife" Michelle Obama, now it is pretty clear that this is a gay couple, a Muslim gay couple, there two "daughters" are the children . + Michael LaVaughn Robinson (Michelle) = CIA ops How do you globalize the world . I read someplace that Barry is like 11th cousin to Bush Sr. Its all in the family. Obama was also the one who put the children in cages at the Mexican border and then gave Trump the blame. UPDATED: TRUMP/QANON AND THE PLAN to free us all!! Our article can be too short to even consider including all of his rundown of accomplishments and respects. The Phoenex, Obama . They are involved in a crime, too big to prosecute. born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. In 1971, 10-year-old Barry was sent back to Honolulu to live with his maternal grandparents; Barry's mom remained in Indonesia. All of the aforementioned mentors along with their corruption all occurred prior to Obama even reaching the Senate. Before she met Barack Obama, the future first lady had enjoyed a close family life and strong schooling, showing a competitive streak and a summer where she had a cursing problem. The intelligence agencies are up to their necks in covering it up and withholding the truth from We,The People. I hope that it is trueThis is one example of hundreds of communications which were ignored or responded to with a meaningless form letter. Founder of The Weather Channel goes live on air & tells Brian Stelter on CNN that climate change & global warming are just made up lies & a big hoax .. There would be records of his repatriation. Long pass time to put the fraud and usurper barry Soetoro aka barack hussein obama behind bars. He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Are these clues that the image may have been doctored? This extended from the White House to Capitol Hill. And on a side note, Obama represented them as lawyer. Democrats are hypocritical bigots. I firmly that 50% of US Citizens knew berry soetoro aka barack husein obama was and is a fraud and got tired of politicians doing nothing about it and vote a business-man Donald J. Trump into office . We are going to have to see them to the closest BORDER Michelle is NOT a woman, but born a MAN under the name Michael Lavaughn Robinson. This trip to Pakistan was never mentioned again. We have no more information about his spouse. Great article Sharon, . Your email address will not be published. Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. The birth certificate for one barack hussein obama April 27, 2011 on White House Gov. They could do so simply by applying the law as written. Obama will be able to do anything he wants for the rest of his term with no fear of being stoppedjust as he has up until now. His name was registered as Barry Soetoro and he was also registered as a Muslim, in Jakarta. It was found that they were investigated in over 14 different states for voter fraud. 18 Dec 2022 21:03:34 Michelle Lavaughn Robinson is a very famous activist and during her time as the First Lady she did a lot of work to make children fitter and to improve the conditions of women in the United States. This will end with the 2016 election debacle and its non- predicatory inception/and the events leading to impeachement of Trump. There IS NO DENYING the truth now. Now, Watch Big Mike Transgender Into Michelle in Seamless Transformation (Video) . Compare the 2 teeth in both photos beginning with the big incisor tooth on the right. Barry Soetoro the Indonesian national was so compromised, that he was guaranteed to do the bidding of the Deep State cabal. Leadership of Congress directed that Obamas ineligibility would not be looked into and neither would any other evidence, (identity fraud), that could jeopardize his official legitimacy as the putative president. See:Obama Is Gay, Michelle Is Transgender (Video). Its not much but I hope it helps out. Make no mistake about it when we take back AMERICA usurper berry soetoro aka barack hussein obama ! None of the claims were proven, but it made the rounds of many gossip mills and conspiracy-themed shows. You may opt out at anytime. And especially when you die after sharing information.Joan Rivers Michelle is transgender. The Dark Past of Barry Soetoro (AKA Barrack Obama). I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. Your email address will not be published. What did he have on them? Obama omitted his aliases of Barry Soetoro and Barry Obama. If you would like to be part of our project as a collaborator, we invite you to submit your application. This was the biggest Hoax played on the American people.until we get rid of George Soros and the NWO that want our destruction the fraud will never end. Now we all know what really happened toBig Mike. Even knew this photo was from Pasadena 1980. This was all done with a little digging, it really didnt take much at all. Sinclair more than once counseled the Obama lobby in 2007 and requested that they just confess about their competitors 1999 medication use and deals. Also as of late, another video has been delivered concerning the activity of Mr. Barack Obama and Sinclair back in 1999. = Friends since childhood B.O. Ive been on this fraud and usurper berry soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama since 2008 and have stopped in my efforts to expose this fraud berry soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama . They have been thoroughly analyzed by competent photoshopping experts and determined to be authentic. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. First Lady Michelle Obama was named Michael Lavaughn Robinson after her birth. In this cold case investigation, a body was apparently switched, but with the same body. Michelle Obama A Man Originally born as . In the cases of Barry Soetoro (his LEGAL name), Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindall, Kamela Harris, Tulsi Gabbard& others.THE CONSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS were not meetBOTH PARENTS, U.S. CITIZENS. Yes, Sharon, it soon will be time (actually more than a decade overdue!) Now I also know why he totally dissed his WHITE side of his family, he couldnt afford for the spotlight to be put on them due to their communistic lifestyle and illegal activities. Lets not forget Lt. Col.Terry Lakin and the injustice visited upon him for asking a very valid,and pertinent question. Jessie Czebotar says that Obama took over after George Soros as the Phoenix who is in charge of the blue gates that is located over Sweden and Norway and are going to be opened to let Satan and his minions in. Just saying! First, look closely at this photo of Barack Obama with his arm aroundBig Mikeduring the Mikhail Gorbachev years (1985-1991). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSVxoqs2bVg. The talk is as yet surfing as gossip and has not impacted any piece of Mr. Barcak Obama. Barry Really had some zingers this year! A 1981 Columbia University student ID card identifies Barack Obama as a foreign student named Barry Soetoro. I would of course be delighted if Obama were exposed as the Obama the Fraudulent but hell be allowed to skate into the sunset with Michelle eligible to run in 2024 (IMO). For those who are unfamiliar with the musculoskeletal system, what follows is a diagram that highlights the exact location of the trapezius muscles that extend from the neck to the shoulders (shown inorange). Both the previous US president and the previous first woman of the US have their Wikipedia profile. Theres even a rather Boris Johnson-like puppet character as well as a [], Uncensored is a Trademarked Publication of Alternative Media, LLC Copyright 2005 - 2022 All Rights Reserved, FINALLY, CONCLUSIVE PROOF! THE 'BET' (BLACK ENTERTAINMENT) AWARDS ARE HELD AT THE HISTORIC 'APOLLO THEATER' IN HARLEM, NEW YORK CITY. @danielbuck_hbic what u think lmfao. Obama represented a Lebanese developer, Tony Rezko. Obama's actual use of the name is quite minor by comparison, except as it relates to this notable bunk. Notwithstanding, during Obamas administration, the United States standing abroad, just as the Nations economy, improved significantly. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window). Both Pfizer & Moderna admitted in their submitted papers seeking approval, that what they have isnt a VACCINE for COVID but infact they are GENE THERAPY. Its interesting that Barry Soetoro was how Barack Obama was known in high school and portrayed himself as a foreigner, according to a classmate. The question should be what does the fraud and usurper aka barack hussein obama have on Chief Justice John Roberts because he is the one who swore berry soetoro aka barack hussein obam into office TWICE ! The break up and realignment of nations is the entire history of the world. Dismantling the Deepstate Operatives and Doubles!! It expresses the hope and wishes of most if not all who read and comment on this site (including myself). These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I Was In N.Y. Barry's '08 Election Night. What kind of dirt does the fraud and usurper berry soetoro aka barack hussein obama have on the entire US Congress and US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts ? Besides, all one must do is take a long, close look . We have no tolerance for comments containing violence, racism, profanity, vulgarity, doxing, or discourteous behavior. interview with Judge Joe Brown, I now know, His stepfather LouLou Soutoro, who adopted Barry Soutoro, was in bed with George Bush Sr, who founded Halliburton. Nothing is ever done for the justice we need for the Socialist Democrats that want the one World Government to take place, they still follow the Georgia Guide Stones and that is their goals. Halliburton founder = Lolo Soetoro Lolo = Barry Soetoro Father (Hussein) Lolo = best friends with Bush/Bin Laden Lolo + Dunham = CIA ops GWB + B.O. As a child in Indonesia, Obama was called Barry: sometimes Barry Soetoro, reflecting his stepfather's surname, and sometimes Barry Obama, using his father's surname. (LogOut/ Barack Obama is officially pegged at6 1 tall while Michelle measures5 11. However, recall that this usurper of the Peoples White House was caught on video not only claiming to be Barry Soetoro, but also claiming that he had never used any other aliases. Wiki, Biography, Age, Spouse, Net Worth, Fast Facts. The only reason why Joe Biden is US President now is because the US Congress and US Supreme Court IGNORED US Constitutional law in 2009 and 2013 and are still IGNORING Article ll Section 1 Clause 5 of the US Constitution with allowing ANCHOR BABY Kamala Harris to be Joe Bidens VP ! Years later, he met Barry Obama Jr(Barry Sotoero). Oh, And I've Been To Kiev, Seen The Corruption Up Close. Here is how to find the value of your birth certificateSS#.. Boycotting Cannibalism - Foods Containing Dead Fetal Cells. Michael LaVaughn Robinson added a new photo. U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn . Mr Obama filled in as the President of the US from 2009 to 2017. 4yr aus8279. There IS NO DENYING the truth now. Michelle Obama's Mother Dies, Leaves Inheritance to 'My Son Michael'. But we are trying hard to collect all the information about him and will update you soon. Really, how does a former attorney and hospital executive (both sedentary white collar jobs) turned First Lady ever develop the sheer size and strength thats clearly depicted in the photograph above?! It is my response to the many who ask, Why does Congress do nothing to stop Obama and why are they so opposed, even the GOP, to Donald Trump?. in 1960 and were married six months before they welcomed their son in 1961, who was named after his birth father and his birthplace was Hawaii. Think of it a fraud Berry soetoro aka barack hussein obama collecting retirement money ( US Taxpayer money ) for an office he NEVER legally held all because the US Congress ignored Article ll Section 1 Clause 5 of the US Constitution . She went peacefully in her sleep . Every resignation or election is staged and managed by WEF Mario Draghi will soon be replaced by another WEF puppet. It was alluded that he even had sexual relations with one of them and his 2008 election campaign made sure this was well hidden from the media, until Obama accidentally mentioned said trip whilst on his campaign tour, and this sent his handlers panicking, Obama was trying to insist he had more foreign policy credentials that Clinton or McCain, expressing on his resume about his extensive foreign travel. They will not even investigate the real DNC Russian Collusion. The bottom black and white photo of them leaning against the VW has been altered. Rules of the Board of Admissions and Committee on Character and Fitness Obama, Michael Robinson. And so it also is with this decisive dental confirmation of the true identity of Michelle Michael LaVaughn Robinson Obama, akaBig Mike. A strong bond was built between the two and Barry saw him as an important mentor whilst he was in twelfth grade, influencing him greatly. prancourt2@gmail.com send me more information. This is a fight for good and evil and we should pray that Good wins. Mike Lindells Absolute Proof ! A rare picture of Barry Sotero (left) and Michael LaVaughn Robinson (right), more commonly known as Barack and Michelle Obama (no idea who the white dude in the center is) Pasadena, 1980 . (born Jan 17, 1964) held the office of First Lady of the U.S. as the wife of Barack Obama. Journalism, according to some (myself included), is virtually dead! Numerous rumors have been circulated over the years claiming . The mothers name is Not Available. I've Seen Les Paul At The Iridium, Had A Chat. We are either get a new AWAKENING TO REALITY. This is one is from 5-16-2016 before Donald Trump was elected. OBUMAwas never constitutionally eligible because his father was never a U.S. citizen, WHETHER HE WAS BORN IN HAWAII OR NOTeven though we all know BOTH BIRTH CERTIFICATES WERE BAD FORGERIES. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. Perhaps due to the fact that the company he worked for ACORN- The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now have in fact embezzled around $5million from the community organization, completely abusing public trust. I've reposted his originMichelle was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson and was a football player in both high school (photo below) and won a scholarship as a linebacker for the Oregon State Beavers in his first year at . As First "Lady", she has repeatedly gone on extravagant vacations at enormous taxpayer expense, including a $100,000-per-day trip to Spain in the summer . . Trinity United Church of Christ, Chicago, IL by Rev. The photo ofBig Mikethat follows was a familiar picture over 8 long years of FirstLadyMan displaying her massively built trapezius muscles. Watch: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla refers to his jabs as Weapons. His parents (Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Hussein Obama, a Kenyan) married in February 1961 and he was born in August 1961. Required fields are marked *. We have no information about his girlfriend/boyfriend. Aleister Crowley was their biggest satanic leader, and here he is showing that off for everyone to see, Your email address will not be published. lest we forget, at least an over the shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical; from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is known where mythology leaves off and history begins, or which is which?) Is it not also treason when a cabal of political hacks, many of the same who insisted Trump colluded with the Russians, propelled a foreign-born, ineligible candidate into the White House with the intent to fundamentally transform the United States of America? Thank you. #BigMike #NoTeaNoShade #JustKeepItReal The 'daughters' Malia and Sasha, are children to Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt. And, that justice be served no matter who you are (or think you are!) by Miles Wilfred. ! Well, thanks to YouTube and Mucktales (?) Both the previous US president and the previous first woman of the US have their Wikipedia profile. Trump just did not have access to the DOJ. Evolve or die: Can we shed our moral primitivism before its too late? One can only hope.. Gene Decode also reported on this. This claim has been made before, but is there proof? The book, Barack Obama: The Story, will be on bookstores June 19, but leaked snippets reveal his sordid pot-smoking past, string of relationships with different women and his love of basketball. Concerning which the book has been composed by Larry Sinclair. citizen. Please look at the size of those trapsWOW ! In the header image, Big Mike is dressed fully male attire but with big hoop earrings. You also agree to this sites Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. If Americans vote accordingly in November, that process could be furthered and real transparency as to the origins of the computer-generated forgery still residing in the White House archives realized. Freedom Outpost was an independent journal published to cover vital public policy issues and offer a public service. No, Just Kidding. If someone asked me for a copy of my birth certificate I could get it to them within an hour most days or within a few days if I was away from home for some reason. Good work Richard. INVESTOR TIMES is always open to the incorporation of talent in its team of journalists and editors. During the Capitol Hill rescue operation another video was found of Hillary Clinton and her assistant Huma Abadeen said to be 100 times worse than frazzledrip, the infamous video the New York police found, ripping the face off, torturing and killing a preteen girl and then drinking her adrenochromed blood. As Ive already indicated, I call all of this STEALING THE PRESIDENCY AND TREASON. 27 likes. Learn how your comment data is processed. Obviously, the main suspect is Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama. Whether or not it is an unpopular topic of discussion, Obama is UNDOCUMENTED (forged IDs dont count as valid documents), FOREIGN-BORN (most likely Kenya as his own bio published in 1991 revealed and remained uncontested until 2007), an ARAB AMERICAN who ethnically is 44% Arab while only 6% Black , a radical MUSLIM, a sympathizer and/or actual member of domestic and foreign terrorist organizations (most notably The Muslim Brotherhood), CIA chosen, trained, funded, and planted as if a spy in our society and politics, a SERIAL CRIMINAL (forgery, identity theft, Social Security fraud, filing a false income tax return while president, altering and forging official government documents including a military draft card, perjury, criminally negligent manslaughter by a commander-in-chief in the Benghazi murders, etc, etc), CONSTITUTIONALLY INELIGIBLE (not a natural born American citizen per Article 2, Section 1, Paragraph 5), USURPER of the U. S. presidency. I have become very skeptical however, that this will ever be taken that far. Michelle Obama ADMITS in a speech to Democrats that Barack was born in Kenya (his \"home country\"). This is Michelle Obama speaking at the LGBT Conference. By his own statement on the morning of the long-forms release, Obama is implicated in the creation of a forgery with the intent to deceive. Had he been called to account then, the national nightmare the American people have witnessed over the past 3 years, at great cost and out of nothing more than Democrats inability to accept the will of the voters, would never have taken place. Listen to this government committee hearing testimony. Its well known by forensic criminal investigators that the teeth frequently provide the conclusive proof for identifying a murder victim. Who are Barry Soetoro and Michael Lavaughn Robinson, and why is it pertinent to know who they are? "@DimensioT @Chichigozaimas Michael LaVaughn Robinson aka Michelle Obama and Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama" Together if we unit & get organized, we can take down this whole corrupt criminal organization, but if we continue complying eating bugs will be the least of our problems..our future! I couldn't find any baby pics of Malia or Sasha; The youngest-looking pic of the girls I found (see below) was in . When he was only a few weeks old he and his mother moved to Seattle so that she could attend colle. Your email address will not be published. Just one question for anybody out there Barry went on to meet Frank Marshall Davis, a very close friend of his Grandparents. It is the big reason why the 2020 election was stolen from We The People with the help of the CCP in China ! Anchor Baby Kamala Harris is now Joe Bidens VP = another TREASONOUS act by the US Congress all to protect the fraud and. How Bushs Grandfather Helped Hitlers Rise to Power. He has composed three smash hit books: Dreams from My Father (1995), The Audacity of Hope (2006), and A Promised Land (2020) till now. They subsequently married and adopted two children., 2023 by Name of Site. His administration has been broadly respected well, with antiquarians, political examiners, and people in general in everyday often positioning him among the top level of American presidents. Reply. Big Mikestraps are much more developed than the muscular male model above! He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the HIV virus in 1998. Barack Obama has been alluded to as Barry Soetoro at this point since his understudy ID card from his time at Columbia University was delivered via online media. Barry Soetoro & Michael Lavaughn Robinson . Your email address will not be published. A pholder about Barry Soetoro . To the publics knowledge, no one has ever been questioned about how, why or by whom the birth-certificate forgery was created and the information it was intended to obscure. Disclaimer: Justia Dockets & Filings provides public litigation records from the federal appellate and district courts. So I did a Google Image search for Obama's daughters. Or you will have left Sep 17, 2022 - 4: A google search revealed that Michelle was first outed (as a man) in a story posted on June 30, 2011 by Matthew Glosser at a web site called Christwire.org. That as well as impacted by a transsexual caretaker while living as a kid in Indonesia. They are obviously VERY good, longtime friends. US Breaking News Headlines Online Feed Today, Now Current. There will be no mistakes HILLARY is dead.. if a segment is aired IE US Supreme Court Justice Clearance Thomas We are ignoring the issue of NBC Natural Born Citizen as it pertains to qualifications for US President and giving you another option at a meeting on Capital Hill 2011 to a representative from Puerto Rico ! Does the American body politic need any other evidence that proves it was profoundly deceived by Democrat Party standard bearers Barack Hussein Obama and Michael LaVaughn Robinson? We have no more Information about his Father; we will try to collect information and update soon. LThe book Cocaine, Sex, Lies, and Murder incorporates every one of the anecdotes about Barack Obama meeting Larry Sinclair and the phony personality hypothesis. Michael LaVaughn Robinson aka Michelle Obama is the First drag Queen to be First Lady Why do you think these two Gay men pushed Transgender rest room in US Public Schools wile Berry and Michael sat ILLEGALLY IN THE WHITE HOUSE for eight long years ? The Halliburton founder = Lolo Soetoro; Lolo = Barry Soetoro Father (Hussein); Lolo = best friends with Bush/Bin Laden; Lolo + Dunham = CIA ops; GWB + B.O. SOIL. He then moved to Chicago where he made it as an Attorney and as a Community Organizer, During this time Obama swore under oath that he had never been legally known by any other name. Theyve tried to tell us that Barack Obama had a fake birth certificate when he was running for office and people chose to not belive that.Well: THAT WAS JUST A TINY TOP OF THE ICE BERG! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with WordPress.com. So his career as an honest attorney was off to a flying start. Wiki, Biography, Age, Spouse, Net Worth, Fast Facts, Who is Ame Bibabi? Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. There has forever been gossip surfing on the web about Mr. Barack Obama being Barry Soetoro even later the total forswearing by Mr. Barack Obama. Deron Brunson was the legal mind behind the Raland Brunson vs. Alma J. Adams et al case #22-380 before the Supreme Court. However, in Washington DC, it apparently is being treated as an open secret. Nobody dares talk about it in Congress. Unlike the MSM who try to tell you what to think and what to believe! The moment Obama was sworn in back in 2009 it became Congress job number one to insure he remained officially a legitimate president. May God Bless America and help us save our Republic if it isnt already too late. 0. However, at the moment, a redirect to Barack Obama is an inexplicable result: nothing in the article mentions the name ("Soetoro", yes. The main suspect is well known. The revelation or discovery of any of the following should be treated as cause for further detailed inquiry before the Committee decides whether the law student registrant or applicant possesses the requisite character and fitness to practice law: (a) unlawful conduct; (b) academic misconduct; (c) making false statements, including omissions; (d) misconduct in employment; (e) acts involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation; (f) abuse of legal process; (g) neglect of financial responsibilities; (h) neglect of professional obligations; (i) violation of an order of a court; (j) evidence of conduct indicating instability or impaired judgment; (k) denial of admission to the bar in another jurisdiction on character and fitness grounds; (l) disciplinary action by a lawyer disciplinary agency or other professional disciplinary agency of any jurisdiction; (m) acts constituting the unauthorized practice of law; (n) failure to comply with the continuing duty of full disclosure to the Board and the Committee subsequent to the date of registration or application.. The Russia Collusion, the Impeachments, further investigations, have had the effect of creating a chasm between President Trump and the DOJ. 16 Feb. In time Barrack obama will be assassinated, HIS NAME IS BARRY SOETORO.. STUPID There is an odd tuft of hair just above his right ear. I've reposted his originMichelle was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson and was a football player in both high school (photo below) and won a scholarship as a linebacker for the Oregon State Beavers in his . The then-Michelle Robinson also faced brushes with tight budgets and racial discrimination, according to her biographer, Peter Slevin. Learn More{{/message}}, {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}It appears your submission was successful. Michael LaVaughn Robinson: Deep State Satanic NWO Tranny, Also Known As Michelle Obama. But through his campaign and time as President it was requested that he cut all ties and publically separate himself from anything to do with him due to the Reverend delivering sermons on terrorist attacks on US soil. May 18, 2020 No Comments on A Torrent of Information About Obama's Past as Barry Soetoro is now Flooding the Net! Obama's Selective Service registration form, http://www.scribd.com/user/52640192/protectourliberty/lists. Dont forget to Like Freedom Outpost on Facebook and Twitter, and follow our friends at RepublicanLegion.com. Just because these people are totally sick. A few of his friends at Occidental College had already begun to call him Barack (his formal . Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. (LogOut/ IE the Stolen election from We The People of November 3, 2020 . You sounded like you had a handle on it for a second there We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. From the 5+-year investigation into the issue by former detective Mike Zullo working under the authority of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office (MCSO), Americans who are awake and aware know that the image was proven an abject forgery, an assessment with which two highly-credentialed document analysts concurred in separate analyses and reports. They forgot to mention the summer of 71 which then ten-year-old Barrak spent on a small island in Hawaii carousing naked with other naked boys and politicians and his god parents. Now,Watch Big Mike Transgender Into Michelle in Seamless Transformation (Video). David Zublick from March 29:In the early morning hours of Sunday the 24th of January, 2021, special force units where taped coming out of an empty White House with tortured children that they had rescued out of underground tunnels buried 2 miles beneath Capitol Hill. One of these friends was his room mate, radical muslim Mohammad Hassan Chandoo who he took a trip to Pakistan with. Events leading to impeachement of Trump omitted his aliases of Barry Soetoro aka Barack hussein!. Real DNC Russian Collusion thoroughly analyzed by competent photoshopping experts and determined to be authentic follow our at. His room mate, radical Muslim Mohammad Hassan Chandoo who he took a trip to Pakistan with her,! Another WEF puppet dressed fully male attire but with big hoop earrings the incorporation of talent its! Rivers Michelle is Transgender ( Video ) the 2020 election was stolen from,... 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