The Air Ministry has initiated a crash program to acquire a modern fighter as soon as feasible. At a rally in Budapest last evening, the crowds reportedly shouted "Death to [From.From.GetNameDef]!" The Hungarian offer of a referendum has put us in a tight spot internationally. Both sides have approached us to decide who gets Transylvania. Archived post. In a personal letter, [From.GetLeader] has urged us to reconsider our stance on the Hungarian Rearmament Issue. R5: Romania, as my puppet, refused to give up Transylvania to Hungary. The Hungarian ambassador has approached our government with a request to exert diplomatic pressure on the other side.The Foreign Office cautions that siding with Hungary would no doubt negatively impact relations with her neighbours and shift the balance of power in the area. You can build like 4 transport planes and maybe fix the supply, or move them on the border just before the focus is finished to limit the attrition 2 NOOB1433223 9 mo. Our Plenipotentiary has taken residence in Bratislava, ensuring that the Slovakian government will closely align their policies with our own. Apparently, we have not quite understood the role of national territory in the revolutionary struggle yet, and have therefore come to the wrong conclusions about what our strategy should be. The below description is one of several available for this event.The Air Ministry is looking to procure a new light fighter for offensive fighter sweeps and point defense, but the Foreign Office has suggested that political and diplomatic concerns should also play a role in deciding which country to buy from. This page was last edited on 20 August 2022, at 22:30. [HUN.GetLeader] will be declared King of Bohemia and Moravia, but the [CZE.GetAdjective] constitution will limit his powers to only act with the advice and consent of parliament. The government of [From.GetNameDef] has refused to budge on the rearmament issue. After several days of heated negotiations, no progress has been made in Bled, and the delegations have returned to their respective home countries. When our ambassador arrived at the foreign office to discuss the official note he had delivered earlier, he was told that there was nothing to talk about, and quickly shown out the door. No shots have been fired yet, but it is only a question of time before this crisis explodes into war.Our ambassadors in Britain, France and Germany report feverish activity in their respective foreign offices, indicating that these nations might take an interest in the brewing crisis. With its old supporters gone, the Treaty of Trianon is no longer worth the paper it was printed on. According to our Air Attach, our newest model is poised to win. [CAN.GetNameDef] Joins [GER.GetAdjective]-led Alliance! Despite the written promise of [From.GetLeader], the German government has not honored their commitments to us. We cannot expect the Germans to intervene, as their pact with the Russians apparently contained a secret protocol that put us inside the Soviet sphere of interest. It is possible that [HUN.GetLeader] still has designs on our territories. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Negotiations between the Great Powers have broken down completely, as the two nations have been unable to find any common ground. I have reloaded dozens of times and I mostly got told to beat it (tried asking all 4) and the best result was a compromise. The [From.GetAdjective] delegation has stated their position as essentially being the status quo, with no major changes proposed. In a speech in Budapest, [HUN.GetLeader] has demanded that his Austrian subjects be permitted to return to his rule. Even the intervention of [From.From.GetLeader] achieved nothing.There is considerable frustration inside the diplomatic service. At the end of the Great War, Romania illegally seized a number of territories, including Bessarabia and Transylvania. Even private individuals who wish to travel to Hungary to fight are refused traveling visas, and the government has pushed through legislation making it illegal to sell guns to us. Still, there are opportunities to recover some of the lost land, with interest. on Paradox technology, Legal As far as the [YUG.GetAdjective] government is concerned, that is the end of the matter. We are now allowed to reinstate conscription and can openly earmark money for the construction of military factories in the budget. Each of the following countries in order has an opportunity to refuse: sets country flag: "HUN_rearmament_refused", The refusing country sets country flag: "HUN_refused", Does not have country flag "HUN_rearmament_refused", Every country with the country flag "HUN_refused" gets the country event, clears country flag: "HUN_rearmament_refused", Sets country flag: "HUN_rearmament_refused". By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. [From.From.GetNameDef] thinks otherwise. Naturally, we would be getting the western parts of Bohemia and Moravia, while they would get Slovakia. In light of this, the government has decided to meet and discuss what can be done to help Sweden. We can accept this offer, but it would no doubt upset our Romanian allies.We could also make a counter-offer. [From.GetName] Refuses to Join [Root.GetFactionName], [From.GetName] Is Influencing Our Politics, [From.GetName] seeks to join the [Root.GetFactionName], [alliance_inviter.GetName] welcomes us to the [alliance_inviter.GetFactionName], [alliance_inviter.GetName] denies request to join the [alliance_inviter.GetFactionName], [alliance_applicant.GetName] joins the [alliance_inviter.GetFactionName], [From.GetName] invites [Root.GetName] to the [From.GetFactionName], [alliance_applicant.GetName] accepts invitation to the [alliance_inviter.GetFactionName], [alliance_applicant.GetName] rejects offer to join the [alliance_inviter.GetFactionName], Friedrich Franz assumes the Hungarian Crown, [From.From.GetName] Rejects Hungarian Demands, Hungary Claims Overlordship over Slovakia. Our offer of a guarantee has not been met with much enthusiasm by the [CZE.GetAdjective]s. The political concessions we asked for have caused an uproar in [CZE.GetNameDef], with several prominent Generals and political figures threatening to resign if the government accepted.Citing grave concerns that support could reach them in time, the [CZE.GetAdjective] government has official declined our offer. It seems that they believe that they can reach a compromise solution, where they would give up one part of the contested areas to hold onto the other. The other side has approached us through back channels, suggesting that they would not necessarily be against a commission of uninvolved nations to decide the issue. The Romanian delegation has already agreed to it. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. While they are sympathetic to our cause, they are not willing to risk blood or treasure for its defense. A spy was captured (losing the opportunity to complete the collaboration mission). Our own intelligence service reports large troop movements towards the borders and air raid sirens howling in Budapest. The government of [From.GetNameDef] has made it clear that they won't move one bit from their position of maintaining the status quo.We can either accept this or try to gain support from a third party. Meanwhile, the [From.GetAdjective] ambassador has asked that we clarify our statements regarding the Treaty, suggesting that the military option is still on the table. The Hungarians are not pleased, but hopefully this will settle the matter once and for all. It is clear that they don't intend on letting us rearm, but they want us to be the ones who walk out of the talks. This might be a good way to grow our influence in the region, without having to risk a war. It seems that they are still afraid that we will use our weapons against them.With all diplomatic avenues blocked, we will have to wait and see if we will get another opportunity in the future to revisit the issue. Then the event somehow decided to give me north transylvania again, even though I already control it? The terms of the treaty negotiated in the recent conference have not been met with acceptance by the Romanian government. In a meeting with our ambassador, [GER.GetLeader] has made it very clear that his government considers [CZE.GetNameDef] to be fully in their sphere of interest, and that any interference with its borders would be considered a hostile act. Any attempt at a compromise solution has been derailed by mutually unacceptable demands. For more information, please see our @silent That's very interesting, I've never had that happen. With this you should be able to survive until at least 1942 and amass a formidable army. The Hungarian government has approach us with an offer to divide [CZE.GetNameDef]. This is set to 0 if each of the following is true: This is changed to 20 weight, corresponding to a ~18.2% chance, if: The AI has a default weight of 90 to select this option. The [CZE.GetAdjective] government has reportedly refused the offer of a guarantee, on account of the 'unbearable' concessions asked in return.However, our ambassador to [SOV.GetNameDef] reports that there is heavy activity in the [SOV.GetAdjective] foreign ministry. In the standard historical conditions with Austria not being within a faction, the AI has the following chances to select this option: The AI has a base weight of 30 for picking this option, multiplied by 2 if they are in a faction and 0 if Hungary is an AI. Our delegation, of course, restated that we consider Slovakia our territory, illegally seized at the end of the Great War.No progress has been made, and the increasing frustration on both sides of the table make it unlikely that any will be made. The Hungarian argument is that the world is becoming less safe with every passing day, and that they need a proper military to defend themselves. Who should we approach to argue our case? It is the sequel to 2009's Hearts of Iron III and the fourth main installment in the Hearts of Iron series. Should we permit the sale to go through? Instead of standing up to the bully in Budapest, they have rolled over and left us to face the Hungarians alone. Romania will always refuse your demands at first, but will contact you about mediation for control of Transylvania. A successful spy mission is great but it is high risk for little reward. Please see the. With negotiations in Bled in complete deadlock, we must regain the diplomatic initiative by introducing an outside actor. It appears that [From.GetLeader] never intended to keep his word. They have asked us to join them in bringing down Hungary before it can regain its strength. Should Transylvania fall to us, or if we should try and occupy Romania as a whole, the oil supply would be greatly endangered. The Hungarian Military has been placed at high alert and is expected to enter the war as soon as mobilization is complete. Hungary is now allowed to rearm freely and develop all manners of military equipment, including tanks and planes.While it has been an open secret that Hungary has been expanding its army, this new agreement will soon bring them to the point where they could be a military threat to us once again. It has been agreed that, as representatives of the Hungarian side, we are permitted to make the first offer. Information, Frequently Asked Interactive corporate website. They seem to only cave when I want them to say no, naturally. 83% with the German focus condition and world tension isn't over 20. Got it. If they cave anyways, well, cool I guess lol. Seeing how we, too, have contested territories with [YUG.GetNameDef], we could join forces and issue a strong ultimatum, but it might force us to go to war over it. Here I list out the first few techs that should be researched with each, because a strong end-game is built on a well-executed beginning. Several thousand Hungarian volunteers have also made their way to us. Rumor has it that the Swedish King himself has intervened on our behalf, threatening to abdicate and travel to Hungary in person to offer his service in the army unless the government offered something more than warm words of support. Valve Corporation. This is a partial list of Hungary's events (ids 1 - 100 from /Hearts of Iron IV/events/DOD_Hungary.txt). Until Carol abdicates, around every 120 days you will have a choice between losing 90 PP and having Consumer Goods being increased by 3%, or having your Consumer Goods factories being increased by 20%. They have approached us to request that we sit on the commission to decide the fate of Transylvania. Questions, Paradox A formal request from the [From.GetAdjective] government is expected shortly.Representatives of the manufacturer are strongly in favor of the sale, but there are national security concerns about selling our most modern equipment to a foreign country. Playing as Austria Hungary I demanded Transylvania. Hungary has demanded Romania turn over the contested territories of Transylvania to them. During the meeting, he was informed that [From.GetNameDef] considers the territorial integrity of Romania to be in her national interest. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. I've never been kicked out of a faction by the AI, and you shouldn't leave the Axis until like 1940. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. This section is just a list of government modifications that I choose in the AH games that I play: Hungary starts with 3 research slots and doesn't get extras until mid-game. The [CZE.GetAdjective] ambassador to our government has declared that, while his government wants a peaceful and friendly relationship between our nations, there is no possibility of incorporating [CZE.GetNameDef] into the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Negotiations about the transfer of Slovakia have stalled almost immediately. The Hungarian government has issued a statement proclaiming that any attack on Sweden is to be considered an attack on Hungary as well. The below description is one of several available for this event.Despite our best attempts, we have been unable to secure any backing for our claims. To kick off the war, the Romanians begin the revolt in Transylvania which . Conservative newspapers have clamored for action to help the Hungarians, claiming that the King can not reasonably be expected to sit idle while his own son, now the King of Hungary, is under attack. If not, your best choice is either Germany or Italy, and you should improve relations with the one you plan to choose when you begin the Demand Transylvania focus. Unfortunately, Hungary never got over the loss of their territory. Czechoslovakia also joined the war (supporting Romania). The Hungarian government is currently attempting to alter the Treaty of Trianon to allow Hungary to begin rebuilding her military. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. A formal request from the [From.GetAdjective] government is expected shortly.Representatives of the manufacturer are strongly in favor of the sale, but there are national security concerns about selling our most modern equipment to a foreign country. The people of the Vojvodina had their say in 1919, and they choose to stay with [YUG.GetNameDef]. [CZE.GetNameDef] has refused to entertain any kind of settlement or agreement concerning their future relationship with us. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Question in the title. Shortly after midnight, [AUS.GetLeader] announced that the Austrian people had voted for a union with Hungary. The below description is one of several available for this event.Following several weeks of feverish activity in the Hungarian military, [HUN.GetLeader] has issued a proclamation, declaring that the current situation in Slovakia is a grave concern for Hungary, and demanding certain guarantees from us.Amongst other things, we would have to consult them before we enter any alliances or sign any treaties and would need to accept a military mission to coordinate our military. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Romania's weakness comes from Consumer Goods debuffs related to King Carol II. The international arms inspectors have left the country, and the war ministry has drawn up initial plans for a modest expansion of our armed forces. The below description is one of several available for this event.After a meeting with our delegation, [SOV.GetLeader] has offered us a compromise of sorts. According to him, anything less than the full restoration of the old borders of Hungary would be considered an insult to every Hungarian alive or dead.He went even further, saying that the time for negotiations and diplomacy had passed, and that there was only one way that this issue could now be settled.The Romanian government has asked where we stand in this dispute, considering that we have agreed to support them previously. No one can now refuse our right to bear arms! Enter the full URL of your item or group's Facebook page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's Twitter page. But crazy Germany every time declare me war after few days after this . what did you do here to get this? Press J to jump to the feed. You must log in or register to reply here. Time and again, the Romanian government has publicly refused our claims, even ridiculing them. With their air force, I couldn't get the air superiority to launch my Para assault (but having them join was enough by itself). The concessions we have already been forced to make seem to have spurred this request. The entirety of Transylvania has been given over to our administration, and our forces have taken full control. With Bulgarian Hegemony no longer a threat to the Alliance, the Romanians begin to plot their invasion of Hungary to take back their rightful land. With Bulgarian Hegemony no longer a threat to the Alliance, the Romanians begin to plot their invasion of Hungary to take back their rightful land. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. [From.GetName] has refused to even discuss our demands, insisting that the territory has always been part of [From.GetName] and will be defended "To the last man, to the last bullet, to the last breath.". By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Like previous games in the series, Hearts of Iron IV is a grand strategy wargame that focuses on World War II. In return, we would have to guarantee the communists seats in government. I finally got this after about 7 hours worth of attempts. 6.2 Romania transfers Transylvania 6.3 Romania refuses to give up Transylvania 6.4 Hungary mobilizes 6.5 Romania mobilizes 6.6 Choose a Mediator 6.7 Choose a Mediator 6.8 Hungary backs down 6.9 Hungary seeks Mediation 6.10 Romania seeks Mediation 7 id 60 - 69 Demand for Transylvania (2) 7.1 The Balkan Crisis BTW I love your mod as it is, its great, but would like those addition if you can. Enter the full URL of your item or group's Polycount page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's reddit page, Enter the full URL to your item or group's Sketchfab page, This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Our forces have taken full control. In a secret telegram, the German government has assured us that our interests will be considered when the fate of [CZE.GetNameDef] is decided. In a recent speech, [GER.GetLeader] called Slovenia "one of the old, unredeemed provinces of the Reich" that should be reclaimed as soon as possible. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Our ambassador to [From.GetNameDef] has been called in for consultations. Either party of the proposed treaty would have full control over their part of the territory. Should we permit the sale to go through? Would any choice give me more territory? The Foreign Office warns that not accepting the proposal would isolate us diplomatically. The Soviets have accepted our offer to put the Communists in charge. The below description is one of several available for this event.The Romanian side seems to suffer from great anxiety to see the issue finished, as they have rejected our previous, concillatory offer and have instead offered to turn over all of Transylvania to Hungary. In response to our military preparations, [ROM.GetLeader] has signed General Order No. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. More than that, he declared it null and void, claiming that it was forced on Hungary at gun point and therefore never legally binding. A formal request from the [From.GetAdjective] government is expected shortly.Representatives of the manufacturer are strongly in favor of the sale, but there are national security concerns about selling our most modern equipment to a foreign country. Between conquering Yugoslavia and actually entering the war, this is the time to build and prep your armies to beat The Third Reich at their own game and blitz the Axis. In a surprising move, [ROM.GetLeader] has offered to share power with the Romanian Communist Party, if in return we guaranteed their borders. Do not know what's wrong . . It is perhaps most telling that the Romanian ambassador, in a meeting with [HUN.GetLeader] this morning, felt the need to add "as always" to his flat refusal to even discuss the possibility of transferring the contested territories. [YUG.GetNameDef] has agreed to cede the Vojvodina to us. All rights reserved. This mod works great at least for me but it would be great if one for Transylvania was also created because that one takes a lot longer to get, ay just letting you know that this mod removes all french military staff and theorists. and our Interactive corporate website. Hungary would further be permitted to spend a greater portion of its budget on expanding and modernizing its military industries.With a democratic government firmly in charge of the country, there is considerable support for the scheme in our diplomatic service. The [From.GetAdjective] Air Force is currently holding trials for a new light bomber. Many in the government favor a strong reply. Romania is currently at war against Italy with France and Britain, if that matters. I was inefficient and didn't take Romania until mid 1940 but no problems on historical mode. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. The government of [HUN.GetLeader] has scored a major political victory, as [From.GetNameDef] has just ratified the Revision to the Treaty of Trianon. It is only visible to you. Every time I make them my puppet, they're reluctant to give Hungary any land. If you have a related Youtube channel, enter the URL. How did you go about it if I may ask? Long range air strikes and close air support have both been identified as key areas in which we are critically deficient. A study by the Air Ministry has revealed that our air forces are ill-equipped to support the army. The northern part of Transylvania would go to them, while we keep the southern parts. on Paradox technology, Legal If we agree, which part should we demand? [From.GetName] Seeks Extensive Military Pact, [ITA.GetName] Seeks Reconciliation With [TUR.GetName], Balearic Islands ceded to [Italy.GetName], Italy Announces Claims On Yugoslavian Territory, The [From.GetName] Encourages Revolutionaries, [From.GetName] Gives in to [Soviet.GetAdjective] Ultimatum, [From.GetName] Resists [Soviet.GetAdjective] Ultimatum, [ROM.GetNameDef] Cedes Bessarabia to [From.GetNameDef], German Diplomatic Influence in [CZE.GetNameDef], [GER.GetNameDef] Forces [TUR.GetNameDef] to Submit, [GER.GetName] Formalises Anti-Soviet Pact. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. What are the chances for Romania just giving up entirely? The Hungarian government has not even bothered to formally inform us of their decision. Our Hungarian comrades suggest we put pressure on Romania to return those territories to their rightful owners. Bulgarian diplomats have come forward, with German backing, requesting the return of Southern Dobrudja - territory we annexed from them in 1913 after the Second Balkan War. Despite the harsh rhetoric still coming out of Budapest, Hungarian forces near the border have retreated. The [ROM.GetAdjective] government has refused to negotiate the contested territories. Sweden has become embroiled in a bloody conflict. If we can get a major nation to back us, [From.From.GetLeader] might still be convinced to yield. Hearts of Iron IV. Also you end up doing nearly nothing till 1940 as it takes forever to unite and everyone is guaranteed by France who will willingly ship half their army over to defend YUG/ROM/POL regardless of the German threat right at their Door. Would it just be better to accept the compromise for N. Transylvania and then take the rest when I attack Yugoslavia( Romania guarantees them)? This clearly shows what everyone already suspected: [From.GetNameDef] is nothing but a paper tiger. [HUN.GetLeader] has arrived in Moscow to discuss the issue of Romania. If they cave anyways, well, cool I guess lol. Valve Corporation. [TUR.GetName] Resists Ultimatum From [GER.GetName]. should I choose Germany, Britain or France to mediate if Romania refuse to give up Transylvania? Updated Wiki has an easy communist method. The government of [From.GetNameDef] has informed us that they consider the question of revising the Treaty of Trianon to be a purely internal matter of the countries concerned, and have refused to get involved in the matter. Hungary has placed its forces in a state of heightened readiness. It is not what we hoped for, but a realistic assessment of the situation points towards this being the best possible outcome. A conqueror is always a lover of peace, he would prefer to take over the country unopposed. (Weird), Basically non-historical, pray Poland doesn't form miedzymorze, You don't, you can't release Transylvania without doing the "Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania" focus, you need to go for the "Western Focus" branch to do that and use the PP you save to get a communist advisor to switch communist (or a fascist advisor if you'd rather go Fascist). The [From.GetAdjective] Air Force is currently holding trials for a new heavy fighter. The below description is one of several available for this event.Instead of defusing the situation, our strong response to the latest Hungarian demands concerning the Vojvodina have apparently led to a pact between Hungary and Germany. The AI has a base weight of 20 towards picking this option multiplied by the following factors: In the standard historical conditions with Austria not being within a faction, this results in the following chances for the AI to select this option: The AI has a base weight of 50 towards picking this option, multiplied by 0 if Hungary is an AI.