As revenge, Todd and his friends TP BoJack's house. Todd begins to panic, as he thinks Emily's dad is a mob boss, as she told him her dads job is related to The Sopranos, but Emily reveals hes actually an editor for The Sopranos. Todd and Princess Carolyn are estranged from him. He makes a new business with the clowns now called "Run For Your Life: Escape The Rabid Clown Dentists!" Todd leaves to get Mr. Peanutbutter some chili so he wont have to meet him on an empty stomach. Contents 1 Biography 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 Sexuality 4.1 Reaction 5 Relationships 5.1 Todd Chavez 6 Tropes 7 See Also 8 Navigation Biography This section is in need of major improvement. Later, at Todd's apartment, he has the furniture delivered from the Birthday Dad set and prepares the actors playing the guests for what they should say. Princess Carolyn says its her boyfriend's house. Species However, Henry Fondle knocks over some candles and sets the floor on fire. Todd goes to the main entrance with Diane's ID. BoJack then tells him to get off his shoulders. It turns out that one of the clowns got infected with rabies from a raccoon and the other clowns also got infected as a result. Todd then asks how BoJack got out of jail. Todd then says moms are weird. Mr. Peanutbutter gets nervous, as Hank is his idol. Henry repeatedly saying "Yes" convinces him. Todd ends up crossing the finish line and becomes governor, but resigns seconds later as he does not want the position. However, they agree to get back together when they are a hundred years old if neither of them finds anyone else. He is saved by the ensuing jailbreak. Todd remarks that sounds like a delicious disaster. BoJack and Vance show up at Todd and Maude's apartment with a plant as a gift. Todd then goes to pick up the baby. Todd tells Jorge he's trying to connect with his mother and he encourages Todd to keep trying. After they sleep together, Emily said they should tell Todd, but BoJack tells her they shouldnt. While struggling to maintain his newfound sobriety, BoJack is haunted by a tragedy from his past: the death of his former Horsin' Around co-star, Sarah Lynn (Kristen Schaal), who fatally. A couple of years later, Sarah Lynn is nine months sober. Shortly afterward, Todd became obsessed with the video game series Decapathon until it corrupted his lifeflunking out of high school, losing his girlfriend, Emily, and being kicked out of his mom's house. Jorge and Helen married twenty-five years prior to The Kidney Stays in the Picture, so about 1995, when Todd was approximately four years old. Toad Chavay (alternate persona in Still Broken)Emperor Fingerface (Mary-Beth in INT. Jorge says he sees how he failed Todd. BoJack tried to apologize, but Todd finally snaps and tells BoJack You can't keep doing this! She is awakened by BoJack, who informs her she has been asleep, for a really long time. It's you. Todd then mocks her for being so stupid. Todd tells BoJack to talk to the showrunner. She tells Helen to bring her famous Frito pies under a bridge. BoJack then says he thought that sounded perfect, as every city would have a clean slate. BoJack is packing his things when he is startled by a woman in his room. He angrily tells BoJack to stop messing in other people's lives after he tries to sabotage Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter's wedding. Todd says he also wants to prove to Jorge once and for all he is not some "wacky screw-up who engages primarily in goofy whimsical mess-arounds." Todd replies Princess Carolyn said they should save her a seat. Todd gives Diane, Princess Carolyn, Vincent, and Wanda a tour. Jorge then picks up Todd and puts him in the trash can. Todd then tells BoJack he has his work cut out because people hate him right now. He then decides to help Todd concoct a new marshmallow to teach them a lesson. This angers Todd who declares that they are going to arbitration, to Mary-Beth's dismay. Because there should be. However, after Flip and Princess Carolyn protest, he reluctantly agrees to give them one more chance to fix things. Todd questions why her boyfriend makes her answer the door. On Halloween, 2009, Todd, now eighteen, went back to BoJack's Halloween party. If not, he will dissolve the business and set the clowns loose into the woods, and Yolanda agrees to the deal. Todd asks what does Jorge expect seeing he's a Chavez. Maude suggests going to the cafeteria for a new one. Todd and Jorge strategize about their plan for getting the kidney back. In Intermediate Scene Study w/ BoJack Horseman, Todd is walking with Ruthie around Wesleyan campus where he passes by a female student in a lab coat who is standing by a table with marshmallows. In the Christmas Special following Season 1, BoJackandToddwatch a very special Christmas episode ofHorsin' Aroundtitled Sabrina's Christmas Wish in which his youngest adopted daughterSabrinaupon discovering Santa's existence decides to wish for her parents to be alive again. Todd then asks him about before rehab to which BoJack replies they can't get him for old things he did in the past. He is about to call his mother when he gets a match on the dating app with Maude, the barista BoJack met at the airport Cinnabunny. He notes that shaking off made their problem worse, despite the skunk scent being cleared from their bodies. Afterward, Todd told him, "Thank you for letting me stay here. Jorge tells Todd he wants to know that he's OK. Todd then asks why he hasn't called in ten years. BoJack then asks if Todd hired an assistant. In BoJack the Feminist, Mr. Peanutbutter goes to WhatTimeIsItRightNow, telling Todd, that Hollywoo producers don't think he's tough enough. BoJack suddenly startled comes out of his unconscious state. They take the rickety roller coaster to safety. She comes to him because his clown dentist practice is not getting great reviews due to most of the dentists not being actually licensed, and most of the children finding them frightening. He begins to suggest ideas to Quentin Tarantulino, and is reciprocated due to Tarantulino's eccentricity. In Our A-Story is a "D" Story, Todd is solicited by two gangs while in prison: the Aryans and the Latin Kings. Todd explains he would give his kidney but he sold it to buy sock puppets. Todd lets the phones kiss each other. BoJack tells Todd he needs a hacker, and Todd tells him he's not the kind of hacker he is looking for. BoJack asks what Todd thinks is going to happen and Todd replies he doesn't know as BoJack is always dealing with his own stuff. Todd is enthusiastic about the idea due to being high on marijuana. The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: a lot of ways, Todd Chavez feels lik. Todd begins to climb down when Copernicus tries to stop him. Todd tends to be impulsive and jump from job/activity to the next. Todd then asks Princess Carolyn for a night off for his date with Maude. A woman standing behind him, asks him to get a tape for her, out of that same bin. Princess Carolyn is then offered chamomile tea and meditation by the receptionist. Todd then questions why he'd want that. Carolyn suggests they take a tomato bath. Like the other main characters, Todd is shown to be searching for meaning in his life and attempts to do so through helping others and finding belonging within a community (with varying degrees of success). Todd is now living with Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter. The final two episodes still hit so damn hard! At midnight after Mindy leaves, Yolanda sneaks into Mindy's bedroom to steal her clothes. As the orchestra . Todd shimmies out the window, by using the film reel of the final episode of The Sopranos as a rope. In Yesterdayland, BoJack asksToddto drive him to his car as he drove his car into a fountain and Ubered home, but Todd rejects saying he has to set up his new theme park. Todd is an adult Caucasian human male in his twenties. Helen remarks that Todd's girlfriend seems nice and he seems healthy. Todd Episode!, he accepts himself and officially comes out as asexual. The members explain you get suggestions from the audience and make-up scenes based on them, but youre not allowed to ask questions or say no. Diane is watching the shadows of Jorge and Todd from the parking ramp through a pair of binoculars and wonders what they are talking about. The man then goes on to say five people are dead, and there is worse to come unless someone can slurp up all the ice cream. Head of daycare at VIM (The Horny Unicorn - Present)Nanny for Ruthie (Surprise! Capricorn: Bojack Horseman. The shark then says he thought Todd's last name was Nguyen. Do They Know Things?? BoJack is dismayed about Todd's sudden success but still shows support. Diane rants about how nothing matters, and after she leaves Wanda tells BoJack he has to talk to her. He frequently drinks and takes drugs to excess and has difficulty maintaining positive relationships with those in his life. Emily thanks Doug the fireman for having come and put the fire out. BoJack says he can't sleep because Todd and Emily are talking and laughing. However, he is also very creative and can work tirelessly when he discovers something that interests him, and his shenanigans have gotten him into a range of situations and occupations. Yolanda's dad shows "Mindy" a barrel of her grandmother's secret lubricant that he wants to give Yolanda, and tells her it's worth $100,000 dollars. He accepts and they leave Mr. Peanutbutter's house. Todd ends up befriending an escaped "food chicken" from Chicken 4 Days. After hanging up Todd thanks Margo for her help. The receptionist notices Princess Carolyn's arm has poke marks from needles. Todd approaches an old woman and improv her successfully, telling her that her friend exploded, and the gang cheer for him as they all leave. Fans of the show who identified as asexuals weren't learning anything new but the representation alone was encouraging. Mr. Peanutbutter expresses concern that he and Diane may end up getting a divorce if any more fights break out between them, and asks for help removing the skunk scent before she returns home. BoJack worries about relapsing and Todd tells him he can set new goals and get sober again. He tells Todd he told him to clean it up, but he ended up having to call the pool cleaner. The killer bees fly off and Mr. Peanutbutter tries to get the fire department, but they think that hes trying to warn them that a kid fell down a well. Later, Todd struggles to get the clowns to practice, while Princess Carolyn has turned to drink heavily due to the events of Ruthie. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Sometime after he broke out, Todd had them edited to say "LA Kings," with the "tin" in Latin crossed out, and "Skinny Jugheads," with the added letters written in purple. Now determined to get the project green-lit, she asks Todd to get a meeting with her with Lenny Turteltaub before passing out. Todd is also seen getting involved in BoJacks antics and schemes. She hands him the paperwork for it, but just when Todd is about to reach for his pen in his jackethe suddenly blames her for eating his last string cheese. Todd says assistants are like Deadpool movies. Does Todd show more examples than Bojack? In sum, even with Todd's quirks and idiosyncrasies, "BoJack Horseman" accurately portrays real dilemmas that asexuals deal with on a day-to-day basis. Todd then says that's his name alright, or he isn't Todd Chavez. BoJack Horseman has been written with too much depth, too much empathy to be perceived as a mere rhetorical device. Todd hesitantly agrees, but just then they hear Emily's dad comes home. In Higher Love, Mr. PeanutbutterandTodd are told by their accountant that PB Livin' and that Mr. Peanutbutter needs to get a job. (", President of Ad Sales at (", Aaron Paul, the voice of Todd, plays the character of. She rushes out the door and passes the box of screeners to Todd, leaving him with the responsibility. Roughly a year later, he is released from prison for a weekend (although he does end up going back to prison early) to attend Princess Carolyn's wedding to Judah. In the hospital, the doctor tells Helen she had an anxiety attack and to avoid stressful situations like fake kidnappings under bridges. He got his trademark yellow beanie from Emily, after the inadvertently swapped hats while Todd was escaping from her parents' when her dad came home. Todd tells him improv is fun, but not to this extent, and that hes going to leave with his friend. Jorge shrugs in response. Todd says that sounds fun, and he has to go to a lot of meetings, which he is referring to as Todd Day. BoJack says he's good, then admits that's kind of thoughtful. BoJack explains he's just here for the wedding and he's going back tomorrow. Todd says that one of those vehicles is his car. Is there a mental illness throughout the series thread? Todd is seen as being friendly and laid back toward BoJack and considers him a best friend. BoJack Horseman: The BoJack Horseman Story, Chapter One The two of them head down to the beach and BoJack questions why they had to go down to the beach. However, they wake up the farmer, whos prepared to shoot trespassers. When BoJack and the former Horsin' Around cast go to Parrotmount Studios to look Around in Herb's old office, Todd comes in, revealing himself to have been in the trunk the whole time. He thinks it turned out pretty great for a first attempt. Todd does not understand how those things are related, but he hopes so. Todd expresses his love of it and says it's amazing holding a baby and thinking they are perfect. Maude's mother tells her not to watch any shows about burglars and to keep the door open. Jorge sighs at this. He has short, shaggy, dark blue hair that is mostly worn under a yellow beanie, and black stubble on his face and neck. In the car, Todd asks if Tony Curtis is actually dead, in which Princess Carolyn says hes not. He is under the impression that this is a normal thing that lots of people do (not just sneaking food into a theater, but mashed potatoes specifically). An initially skeptical BoJack suggests they watch the series' eight other Christmas specials. Todd then says his best friend told him improv is a cult, but he says he doesnt believe that. Todd offers to stick around for a bit, and BoJack agrees and tells him to stick around as long as he wants. BoJack fell off a building and landed on a car, and got seriously injured. In A Little Uneven, Is All, at Princess Carolyn's apartment, Todd is feeding Ruthie, by making airplane noises, which makes her giggle. Princess Carolyn shows up at Mr. Peanutbutter's house to find it smelling of skunk and marijuanacourtesy of Todd smoking a joint, and filled with spaghetti strainers. He confided to Princess Carolyn he often gets mistaken for Octavia Spencer and the Prince. Todd says he made BoJack a bunch of pancakes to thank him for letting him stay, but BoJack got mad at him for letting him eat so many pancakesso he chased him around but he was hungover and full from the pancakes so he took a nap. BoJack says he's aware. Jorge says this plan is ludicrous. Todd maintains a cool attitude, stealing a motorcycle from a biker. You Never Really Stop Loving Someone Once You Start Todd's initial last name is unknown, as well as his relationship with his biological father. When the dark comedy got too dark for us, it was Todd saving the day with his wholesome goodness. He then tells Todd he feels the routine is good for him as it keeps him out of trouble and he can set little goals for himself like breaking his record for the most months he has ever been sober. After becoming President of Ad Sales at in The Light Bulb Scene, Todd spends the rest of Season 5 wearing a dark blue suit with the jacket opened, a white collared shirt, a black tie, and dark brown shoes, along with his normal yellow beanie. After he hangs up with her, BoJack goes back into the house to learn from Todd that the party is over. Todd accidentally blurts out a confirmation to this and runs out. Diane then connects him to Todd. Definetly tod, in the first episode of season 5 he applies for a job and all his past activities are summarized and its totally obvious that hes adhd, i have adhd and heavily relate to todd with a lot of things that for me are because of my adhd and have thought he might have adhd since i started watching the show. Todd tells Jorge he wasn't tough he was mean. BoJack tells Casey to have some respect for herself and she starts texting other assistants which then leads to the assistants' strike. However, Todd proposes that he could turn his business into an entertainment company. BoJack Horseman: The BoJack Horseman Story, Chapter One, Newtopia Rising, Book I: The Search for a New Utopia, Newtopia Rising, Book 1: The Search for a New Utopia, expresses remorse formaking Todd buy an addictive video gamethat sent her down a ruinous path, BoJack Horseman: The Art Before The Horse, Executive Vice President of West Coast operations of PB Livin (, Singer/Creator of the rock opera "Newtopia Rising. He ends up crashing and interrupting the ski race between Mr. Peanutbutter and Woodchuck Coodchuck-Berkowitz, where the winner would become governor. Her mother then questions if that's a burglar and Maude explains that Todd is her boyfriend and they are watching TV together. Let's Find Out!. Princess Carolyn then pitches Birthday Dad as a TV show, as the network can not air a baby. Todd then says he has a good life with a job and friends. After Todd shuts the door Diane asks what happened. The student explains that if Ruthie abstains from eating the marshmallow for fifteen minutes she'll receive a bigger reward than the marshmallow. Todd then asks if she is referring to her daughter. Jorge runs out and confesses his mother is not really at Zumba. Every person alive experiences difficult times and emotional moments which is why this show was so successful. Todd Chavez ( Aaron Paul) kicks off the series as a freeloader in BoJack's house; an old friend who's constantly testing BoJack's patience. The student tells Todd he is trying to cure brain cancer. I think about the view from half way down and what she must have been going through in her last moments. On the Giggleship, Todd is hanging out with his Shenanigans friends when he sees a beaten up Brian being carried off by guards because he didnt scrub the floors. Todd tells BoJack that Herb probably would have thought that the misspelling was funny and it would be considered hilarious BoJack couldn't even get this right. Let's Find Out!, although he is reminded byJ.D. Todd then asks why Jorge needs to be proud of him on his terms, and why he can't see Todd is living a good life. Todd asks Diane for advice and she tells him marriage is a lie that you can't promise to be with someone to be with them forever. Todd says one of the assistants checks All About That Ace. Todd then meets with Pinky Penguin. Todd finishes answering his phones question, which then asks if they are in love. In Still Broken, Todd accompanies BoJack to Herb's funeral. Todd then winds up being squished between the quills of two porcupines. BoJack then antagonizes the recently-returned Todd, ordering him not to leave him like everybody else, and confronting him about Todd not wanting him to be nominated. Peanutbutter.". Todd arrives home to find BoJack waiting for Princess Carolyn. BoJack, however, fails to have much regard for Todd at most times. I don't know if BoJack could have bpd, but I'm pretty sure he has anxiety, depression and self destructive behaviors. BoJack is annoyed at this and tells them to change it, although the owner refuses to change it because they spent a lot of money on it already. He then says he kept eating them and they both threw up in the pool. He typically wears a red zip hoodie with a plain white shirt underneath, dark grey sweatpants with white lines on the sides, and dark blue flip-flops. BoJack also decides to let Todd use the closet in the living room to keep his stuff in it. BoJack took drugs and alcohol; Todd took drugs but developed that into Video Games, and is (as of now) free from the vicious cycle. Mr. Peanutbutter calls a lawyer to make sure Disneyland is legal. BoJack tells Wanda shes probably glad since she didnt want him to go to New York, and now hes stuck here filming a movie thatll ruin his career. At the hospital, Jorge apologizes for being so tough on Todd growing up. BoJack staunchly tells Todd not to relapse, but Todd buys and secretly plays the video game in an all-night binge. Princess Carolyn denies that she ate it. In Mr. Peanutbutter's Boos, in a flashback from 2004 Princess Carolyn answers the door to find three teenage Trick-or-Treaters. Jorge then asks what they can bring to the party and Todd tells him they can bring two chairs before hanging up. He tells BoJack that he can't help him because he has to focus on more important stuff, frustrating BoJack. Todd says she can, and the lady says she's in and asks Todd to name his price. Princess Carolyn says that's not a story because BoJack did nothing illegal and even the not legal thing, he didn't do. He's not all bad. Copernicus shows Todd around the Giggle ship and leads him to his cabin, which is small and dingy and only contains an old mattress, although Todd is excited to not sleep on a couch anymore. Do They Know Things?? Jorge sadly sighs and says yeah. 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