2.15 The standard unit of measure for static pressure for pilots and altimeter settings is: 2.17 At _____________ altitude the static pressure is about half that at sea level. I've been asked to find the maximum climb angle of a propeller driven aircraft from the graph of vertical velocity against airspeed: All you need to do is to plot vertical versus horizontal speed using the same scale on both axes. The relationship above, since it does not depend on the thrust, will plot on our constraint analysis chart as a vertical line in much the same way the stall case did, but it will be just to the left of the stall line. 10.4 What effect does a headwind have on takeoff performance? 7.17 Changing the weight of an aircraft changes the ______________ much more than the ___________. These two ratios are tied together in aircraft performance through the same power relationship that we looked at when we first examined climb and glide. Maximum rate of climb for a propeller airplane occurs: at (PA-PR)MAX The lowest point on the PR curve is (L/D)MAX False Propeller aircraft are more efficient than jet aircraft because they process more air and don't accelerate it as much Turboprop aircraft are classified as power producers because: Multi-engine propeller (engines on the wings). One way to approach this would be to go back to the equations in earlier chapters and iterate among them, trying to find wing areas, weights, and engine sizes that would accomplish our design objectives. 4.18 Using Fig. Just as an aside, the vertical speed can't be higher than the airspeed, so it's not even. 8.5 Propeller aircraft get the highest angle of climb at (L/D)max. If the coefficient of friction is 0.8, find the braking force Fb on the airplane. 9.10 As a power-producing aircraft burns off fuel, ROC will ___________ for a given velocity. In other words, if we wanted to design an aircraft that could takeoff and land in a very short distance we can look at the takeoff and landing distance equations and identify the factors that would minimize these distances. This isnt really much different from designing any other product that is capable of more than one task. 6.16 Which one of the following items does not occur at (L/D)max for a jet aircraft? 11.20 The power-off stalling speed in a specified configuration is called: 11.21 During a stabilized approach, if an aircraft maintains constant airspeed and constant power but adds flaps, the pilot can expect a _________. One way to resolve this issue is to write our equations in terms of ratios of thrust at altitude divided by thrust at sea level and weight at altitude divided by weight at takeoff. If there is an increase in air pressure, it will: Affect air density by increasing the density. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Ticket smash for [status-review] tag: Part Deux. 10.14 When taking off from a high-density altitude airport, the ________ will be higher than at sea level. <> Fw5| } You are correct that Vy will give you the max RoC. 13.24 If an aircraft maintaining a constant bank angle increases its airspeed while maintaining a level, coordinated turn, what will the effect be on the rate of turn (ROT)? Using the PA-PRcurves in 2-3 for a propeller airplane find: _______ a. 11.17 Headwinds and tailwinds affect the landing distance by the same amount as they affect the takeoff distance. 3.18 Critical angle of attack can be defined as: 3.19 Two things happen on an airfoil when you move the thickness back and reduce the leading-edge radius. If T/W = 1.0 or greater we need no wing. 1.15 An airplane is climbing at a constant airspeed in no-wind conditions. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? 8.8 Which horsepower is the usable horsepower for reciprocating engines? Variometer [ edit] 8.11 A propeller which has only one pitch setting is known as: 8.12 A propeller where the pilot can adjust the pitch setting in the air. 1.9 An aircraft is traveling west at an airspeed of 120 knots and is experiencing a crosswind of 20 knots from the north (90). For a turbojet aircraft with a drag equation described by: C D = C D 0 + K C L 2. with C D 0 = 0.012, and K = 0.035, a wing area of 70 m 2, a weight of 120.000 kN, and a maximum lift coefficient of 1.900, capable of producing a thrust of 120.000 kN at a given altitude, the climb rate and angles can be taken from the . How would a three-hour time exposure photograph of stars in the northern sky appear if Earth did not rotate? 13.13 (Reference Figure 14.10) What angle of bank must an airplane maintain at 380 knots to achieve an eight degrees per second rate of turn? What is the maximum take off climb angle of a Boeing 737 MAX? How is the "active partition" determined when using GPT? stream The method normally used is called constraint analysis. 2.14 The energy of an airstream is in two forms: It has potential energy, which is what kind of pressure? Represent a random forest model as an equation in a paper. Find the range for the C-182 assuming the flight starts at 150 mph and an altitude of 7500 feet and stays at constant angle of attack. 3.13 thru 3.17 Reference Figure 2. The aircraft will experience structural damage or failure. 5.22 The value of (L/D)max and the angle of attack for which it occurs does not vary with altitude but does vary with weight. Did the residents of Aneyoshi survive the 2011 tsunami thanks to the warnings of a stone marker? 5.18 The best engine-out glide ratio occurs at. Normally we would look at turns at sea level conditions and at takeoff weight. 1.18 An aircraft's turbojet engine produces 10,000 lbs of thrust at 200 knots true airspeed. Calculate (or find in Table 2.1) the Temperature Ratio: 2.11 An airplane is operating from an airfield that has a barometric pressure of 28.86 in. 13.25 If an aircraft maintaining a constant bank angle increases its airspeed while maintaining a level, coordinated turn, what will the effect be on the radius of the turn? 12.7 An airplane is making a final approach for a landing and encounters a horizontal wind shear. 0.6 How will an uphill slope affect takeoff performance? 5.25 Parasite drag can be said to ____________. Raymer proposed the relationship below: Sa = 1000 for an airliner with a 3 degree glideslope, 600 for a general aviation type power off approach. The plane is directly over a point on the ground that is 3 nautical miles from the takeoff point and the altimeter reads 12,152 feet. A light wave has wavelength 500nm500 \mathrm{~nm}500nm in vacuum. Adapted from Raymer, Daniel P. (1992). 5.6 Which of the following is a type of parasite drag? 5.5 Laminar flow airfoils (NACA 66-XX series) are designed for the airflow to remain laminar much further back from the leading edge than on the conventional airfoils. Available from https://archive.org/details/hw-9_20210805. Figure 9.7: Kindred Grey (2021). To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. In other words this equation is really an energy balance. Car tires can be designed to have high traction in mud and snow or to give great mileage at highway speeds but any attempt to design an all weather touring tire will result in a compromise with less traction than a mud and snow tire and poorer performance at high speeds than the high speed highway tire design. The essence of all this is that if we even have only three primary design objectives; a cruise specification, a climb requirement, and a takeoff or landing constraint, we can end up with three different values for wing area and thrust required for a given aircraft weight. The goal of maximum wing loading may not be as obvious to the novice designer but this means the wing area is kept to a minimum which gives lower drag. This can then be used to find the associated speed of flight for maximum rate of climb. 6.17 Maximum endurance will permit your aircraft to obtain the best distance for the fuel consumed. When I started the engines this time I found for left and right: RPM 90% 52% ITT 735 735 N1 63 63 N2 90 52 FF 20 49 PSI 83 77 where A = g[(T0/W) ]. 6.21 The lowest values of ct occur between 95 and 100% rpm. 13.14 (Reference Figure 14.10) What airspeed must an aircraft maintain at 50 degrees of bank to achieve 10,000 feet radius of turn? If the engine is capable of producing more power than the power required, that excess power can be used to make the plane accelerate to a faster speed (increasing kinetic energy) or to climb to a higher altitude (increasing potential energy), or to give some combination of both. 13.7 (Reference Figure 5.4) What will happen to an aircraft that is flown to the right side of the straight vertical line on the right side of the flight envelope? It also gives a better ride to the airplane passengers. The Beechcraft G36 Bonanza was released in 2006 and costs between $950,000 and $1,300,000, new. Obviously altitude is a factor in plotting these curves. RWY 27L & 27R), and the winds are 360/5, which choice(s) is/are true? 1.22 Newton's Third Law of Motion states that: For every action force there is an equal and opposite reaction force. 9.7 For Jet and Propeller aircraft, the two things shared at L/Dmax are the Maximum Engine-out Glide speed and Maximum range. It can be noted that in the A and B terms respectively we have the thrust-to-weight ratio and the inverse of the wing loading (W/S); hence, for a given set of takeoff parameters and a desired ground run distance (STO) a plot can be made of T/W versus W/S. The question with the design of an airplane as with a car or a tire, is how do we arrive at the best compromise that will result in a good all around design while still being better than average in one or two desired areas? 7.11 (Reference Figure 7.2) Using Figure 7.2, find the velocity for best range for the airplane at 12,000 lbs. 9.82 1.10 An aircraft is in a steady climb, at an airspeed of 100 knots, and the flight path makes a 10 angle with the horizontal. Design goals might include a maximum speed in cruise of 400 mph and a maximum range goal of 800 miles, however these do not occur at the same flight conditions. What is the typical climb angle (versus the ground) of a single engine piston plane? How does wind affect the airspeed that I should fly for maximum range in an airplane? 10.25 A common source for runway surface and slope information for a particular airport runway is the ______________. Has the term "coup" been used for changes in the legal system made by the parliament? 11.13 Jet aircraft do not suffer from a thrust deficiency at low airspeeds. 6.22 Vx is also known as _____________________. 13.6 (Reference Figure 5.4) What will happen to an aircraft that is flown to the left of the curved lines on the left side of the flight envelope? 10.20 One of the dangers of overrotation is ________________. But even in high-performance aircraft capable of steep climb angles where this is no longer the case, it can be geometrically shown that the steepest climb angle also occurs when the ratio of vertical speed to airspeed is maximized. the point of minimum pressure is moved backward. (meters/second), Conversion of airspeed to horizontal velocity: Is email scraping still a thing for spammers. Design is a process of compromise and no one design is ever best at everything. CC BY 4.0. that can be used in the constraint analysis equations above. 12.15 Which wing planform is considered to be the most aerodynamically efficient? Or, if you've re-plotted your graph with the same scale on each axis, and you aren't worried about the difference between airspeed and horizontal speed, you can forgo the trig calculation and just use a protractor to measure the angle between the tangent line and the x axis of your graph of vertical speed versus airspeed. What other design objectives can be added to the constraint analysis plot to further define our design space? The vehicle can get into the air with no lift at all. See Page 1. A head wind is encountered. This is not a condition which we have studied earlier but we can get some idea of where this occurs by looking at the plot of drag versus velocity for an aircraft. Figure 9.4: Kindred Grey (2021). 7.18 Increasing the weight of a thrust-producing aircraft moves all points on the thrust-required curve ____________. 9.12 Which altitude is most efficient for a turboprop aircraft? 10.7 "The speed to which the airplane can be accelerated, lose an engine, and then either continue the takeoff with the remaining engine or stop, in the same total runway distance" is the definition for, 10.8 "The total length of runway required to accelerate on all engines to critical engine failure speed, experience an engine failure, and then continue to takeoff or stop" is the definition for, 10.9 "The maximum speed that the aircraft can obtain under normal acceleration and then stop in the available runway" is the definition for, 10.10 "The minimum indicated airspeed at which an engine failure can be experienced and the takeoff safely continued. 17-57). 10.12 The following items all affect takeoff performance except __________. In other words, only when velocity (V) is constant is this relationship strictly equal to the rate of climb. 13.9 (Reference Figure 5.4) What is likely to happen to my aircraft if while flying at 300 knots and I place -4.6 G's on the aircraft? These two ratios are both very reflective of the design philosophy and objectives of any particular airplane. This is a nice concise answer with a nice graphic. Maximum attainable rate of climb is equal to excess power divided by weight. Find the acceleration of the airplane. It should be recalled that CLg is the value of lift coefficient during the ground roll, not at takeoff, and its value is /2k for the theoretically minimum ground run. We could put these limits on the same plot if we wish. The limit is a sailplane with T/W = 0 and at the other extreme we have fighter aircraft where T/W approaches unity. Maximum rate of climb for a propeller airplane occurs: a. at L/D max b. at CLmax c. at PRmin d. at (PA-PR) max. Another factor to consider would be the desired maximum speed at the cruise altitude. What we want, however, is the best combination of these parameters for our design goals. % 6.15 Which one of the following items does not occur at (L/D)max for a jet aircraft? Would the reflected sun's radiation melt ice in LEO? The type of aircraft, airspeed, or other factors have no influence on the load factor. 12.20 When taking off in a microburst, a pilot should be aware of what change in performance when going from a tailwind to a headwind? Again it is common for aircraft design texts to propose approximate or semi-empirical relationships to describe this and those relationships show landing distance to depend only on the wing loading. Two things should be noted at this point. This is because, The increase is mostly due to parasite Pr, 9.3 As a propeller airplane burns up fuel, to fly for maximum range, the airspeed must. 7.5 If it is impossible to raise the landing gear of a jet airplane, to obtain best range, the airspeed must be _______ from that for the clean configuration. The maximum angle of climb would occur where there exists the greatest difference between thrust available and thrust required; i.e., for the propeller-powered airplane, the maximum excess thrust and angle of climb will occur at some speed just above the stall speed. It would not, however tell us if this would result in a good ability to climb or the ability to takeoff and land in a reasonable distance. The maximum rate of climb at a given speed will then depend on the difference between the power available from the engine at that speed and the power required for straight and level flight. *de`b h74W.|RZOeIH/Zp %''S^zk4SZ"@uY]2s?Dd8o"gVh|_Lbz!]HR [f&:nIG}#Zg#x>IjL:]PR`cQ%$(|V17?/M/r!1& z7wM#-Lw]Ita8U J%5manh&+=RRi1%'Z$w _Lt)m#3g -yT9yzK%hmsPdX]VWx}azb#a4syc-#gQo xY!rK$5x ;W!II-nsZ5! 121.65 knots 1.9 An aircraft is traveling west at an airspeed of 120 knots and is experiencing a crosswind of 20 knots from the north (90). These relationships also involve thrust, weight, and wing area. How to properly visualize the change of variance of a bivariate Gaussian distribution cut sliced along a fixed variable? 6.11 The equation T= Q(V2- V1) expresses Newton's ______ law. We need to keep in mind that there are limits to that cruise speed. It is, for example, a common mistake for students to look at the performance goals for an aircraft design and just plug in the numbers given without thinking about them. Figure 6.1: Finding Velocity for Maximum Range The last parameter in the B equation above is a, a term that appears in the thrust equation: a relationship that comes from the momentum equation where T0 is the static thrust or the thrust when the airplane is standing still. If, for example, we went all out to create a plane that could takeoff in a very short distance and then look at its performance in straight and level cruise we would probably find that it isnt very good. Substituting this for drag in the equation and dividing the entire equation by V we can get: (T/W) = [(CD0 + kCL2) V2S) /W] + (1/V)dh/dt + (1/g)(dV/dt). Calculate (or find in Table 2.1) the approximate Density Altitude. Effect of Desired Takeoff Characteristics on Aircraft Design Space. CC BY 4.0. 10.15 Takeoff into a headwind allows an aircraft to reach takeoff velocity at a lower __________. 5.4 When an aircraft enters ground effect, what effect does it have on induced drag? endobj 2.2 For temperatures to be used in calculating the effects on performance, the appropriate absolute scale must be used. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. 6.12 The equation T= Q(V2- V1) indicates the thrust output of an engine can be increased by either increasing the mass airflow or ________________? To obtain best range the pilot now must, 8.2 Maximum rate of climb for a propeller airplane occurs at, 8.3 The turboprop aircraft has its lowest specific fuel consumption at about 25,000 feet altitude because, This is a compromise between (a) and (b) above, 8.4 The lowest point on the Pr curve is (L/D)max. Figure 9.2: James F. Marchman (2004). Find the Groundspeed. 7.7 (Reference Figure 7.5) Figure 7.5 shows an increase in specific range with altitude because, Fuel flow remains about the same while airspeed increases, 7.8 A jet airplane is flying to obtain maximum specific range. Hg and a runway temperature of 20C. Raymer also suggests multiplying the first term on the right in the distance equation above by 0.66 if thrust reversers are to be used and by 1.67 when accounting for the safety margin required for commercial aircraft operating under FAR part 25. 2.18 Density altitude is found by correcting _______________ for _______________. Both approaches are minimizing the same angle on the right triangle comprised of the vertical speed, horizontal speed, and airspeed vectors. If our desire is to look at an optimum range we might want to find the ratio of lift to drag that will maximize range (for example, for a propeller driven plane Rmax occurs with flight at [L/D]max or at minimum drag conditions). Power required to overcome induce drag varies: a. inversely with V b. inversely with V2 c. inversely with V3 d. directly with V. 14. It tells us that to make the airplane do what we want it to do we are restricted to certain combinations of T/W and W/S. On the other hand, the climb curve should be plotted for optimum conditions; i.e., maximum rate of climb (minimum power required conditions for a prop aircraft) since that is the design target in climb. This addition to the plot tells us the obvious in a way. >ZWCWkW To truly be expert, one must confirm the units of climb and airspeed. Each plot of the specific power equation that we add to this gives us a better definition of our design space. 12.6 The best way to control airspeed is with the ___________, while the best way to control altitude/descent rate is with the ____________. 5.8 Drag caused by the viscous friction within the boundary layer is called __________ and skin smoothness greatly affects this type of drag. For a jet aircraft, this speed is very close to the speed at which the total minimum drag occurs. Rate of climb 7.23 Increased weight has what effect on angle of climb? Or in some cases the power-to-weight ratio (P/W) is used instead of T/W. Copyright 2023 CFI Notebook, All rights reserved. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739. 8.23 For a power producer, unaccelerated maximum velocity will occur at the intersection of the full power-available curve and the ________________. Any combination of W/S and T/W within that space will meet our design goals. To escape wake turbulence a pilot should avoid, 12.9 Wake turbulence is typically characterized by. 11.23 If an aircraft traveling down a runway has a tire pressure of 200 psi and no other information is available, the approximate speed to which total dynamic hydroplaning may occur is __________. Figure 9.5: James F. Marchman (2004). Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The maximum angle of climb occurs where there is the greatest difference between the thrust available and the thrust required. Figure 9.6: James F. Marchman (2004). These included takeoff and landing, turns, straight and level flight in cruise, and climb. We might start with cruise since a certain minimum range is often a design objective. 12.23 An aircraft in which of the following situations is most likely to create the most intense wake turbulence? 12.17 Angle of attack is the primary control of airspeed in steady flight, 12.18 When Trexceeds Ta, the only way to go is __________. 8.19 Propeller aircraft perform worse than turbojets in the low-speed region. a. 12.5 What statement(s) is/are true regarding the region of reverse command? 1.17 An airplane weighs 8,000 lbs and is flying at 6,000 ft altitude and an airspeed of 200 fps. 10.1 Regarding takeoff performance, an increase in the aircraft weight will result in, 10.2 Takeoff thrust is primarily influenced by what factor(s), 10.3 An increase in density altitude has what effect on takeoff performance. Calculate (or find in Table 2.1) the approximate Pressure Altitude: 2.10 An airplane is operating from an airfield that has a barometric pressure of 28.86 in. . 12.25 In the absence of a published procedure, what is the typical first-step recommendation in order to initiate recovery from an incipient spin in a straight-wing, general aviation aircraft? It usually is restricted to either the takeoff setting or the cruise setting. We can use the above relationship to make plots of the thrust-to-weight ratio versus the wing loading for various types of flight. Find the potential energy. 9 0 obj 4.10 in your textbook, what is your AOA if the CL is .6 for a symmetrical airfoil? Power required is the power needed to maintain straight and level flight, i.e., to overcome drag and to go fast enough to give enough lift to equal the weight. Some references give these ratios, which have been italicized above, symbols such as and to make the equation look simpler. 11.4 How does an increase in altitude affect landing performance? Lets look at how the equation can be rearranged to help us examine the performance needs in various types of flight. Either can be used depending on the performance parameter which is most important to meeting the design specifications. 50 degrees of bank to achieve 10,000 feet radius of turn be used depending on the thrust-required curve.. Aircraft enters ground effect, what is the maximum take off climb angle ( versus ground... The residents of Aneyoshi survive the 2011 tsunami thanks to the airplane and wing..: for every action force there is an equal and opposite reaction.. Headwind have on takeoff performance normally we would look at turns at sea conditions! 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